Edit: If you'd make your group of smugglers smaller, say only your main character in addition to two others, then perhaps you could co-operate with the other smuggler who's in Valton. Or, you could be rivals. However, I don't like the idea of such a large group of smuggler being present, in addition to another group of smugglers. Two small groups is OK, but not more than that.
Maybe I should have put "Trader", along side Smuggler to clear things up better, but I felt it would be a little redundant? To clarify, Ulfgar for the most part is a legitimate river trader, going up and down the river ways, trading goods with people and places. The point in the bio where it talks about the deceit, backstabbing, etc. is to show that the business of a trader isn't necessarily upfront and honest all the time, and that because it's such a competitive/demanding market, people will sometimes try to get their ways by other roads. The smuggling Ulfgar does, is more of a back room/ every now and again deal, but Ulfgar doesn't go looking for the jobs, the smuggling world and the things that entails, comes to him. Rarely is it the other way around, unless there's need of serious money.
I wasn't actually planning on playing out the smuggling side of things to such an effect as those who focus solely on it, but I don't see why having a bit of competition in the RP would be a bad thing? It would add to the market side of the world, that most RP's don't have at all. The point of the smuggling though, was meant to be something I could fall back on, to make things a little more interesting for Ulfgar every now and again if I needed to (like I couldn't think of something to write, so I start by saying someone comes to give him a seedy job or whatever?) What I was actually planning on focusing on, was the legitimate side of his business, among other things like possibly having Ulfgar and crew act as another means for people to get to and from Valton, if they don't want to go the typical land route. Which is why I have the five others mentioned, and not just Ulfgar or a couple others. They're there to act more as the crew of the boat Ulfgar and them work and live on. I figured five was a good number, and would do a good job to rounding out a small boat crew, giving them all independent jobs on the boat to keep things running.