How about A dog breeder? Like the one in markarth.
That is actually a good idea.
Maybe a retired adventurer looking to settle down, a politician from the Elder COuncil looking to establish a council of his own to lead Valton politically. I am brainsrtorming sorry.
I think Valton should focus on the stormcloak and imperial legion relationship, without involving the elder council to it.
An inspector calls? Inspector morse? Sherlock holmes? Poirot? Mrs marple? plus a few more:
Dirk gentley?
Adrian Monk?
Thomas "Tom" Barnaby?
Jim taggart?
Christopher Foyle?
Can I Have a Inspector character Gorbad or Vincent?
Who exactly would this inspector work for? The Jarl isn't a person who would hire someone like that.
Wait, what's happened to the horse????? I will take care of it, if needed. (shocking, right?) Is it Frost (the horse from the bandit attack a while ago) or somepony else?
Whatever happened to Frost? Is Annika still taking care of him?
Frost is OK, he's on the back side of the shop. It's another horse. The horse on the ground in front of Hela's Folly was wounded, but needs some rest now. Not to worry

It was more of a joke. A little humor to break up my brainstorming session
Preferably you shouldn't post humor posts unless they contain something serious as well. The ideal situation is to edit your post instead of posting a new one for every sentence you make.
Thank you for the good idea appraisal.
I can set the scene A man is at riften hall of the dead before him is a young girl burnt inside out after drinking some strong Nightshade brandy the girl has kept a diary and the clues point that this wasnt suicide the murderer has fled to VALTON.
...This idea I really, really don't like. That's like introducing an investigator just for the sake of investigating, instead of solving actual problems. Besides, any character can do investigations, like Leandra is doing right now.