I think you should read the "current events" thing, and the latest RP thread's all posts. Preferably a few pages of the #5 RP-thread too. It's only best if you know as much as possible
The smith has the armor and weapons covered. Feel free to join with another type of character though, as long as it isn't already taken.
If this becomes a teacher (of the more common spells?), it would offer something unique to Valton that the other mages don't. (the others simply like lighting things on fire).
However, I have no idea what you mean with the major flaw part. Do you mean he's terrible at sneaking and picking pockets...? Or that he does that because he likes the feeling of danger, even though he knows it's wrong? As for the gold sword, the actual practicality of one is questionable.. Since gold is soft
Is it enchanted, or is there another reason why it has to be gold?
Also, about the age: We've got 250 year old dunmers running around Valton, plus a 1000+ years old dunmer, and your character is only 34 and counts as wise?
I think at least 60 would fit better. Note: The age doesn't affect how your character looks, since he's a dunmer.
Also, about the spell-list: Could you be a bit more specific? Meaning, does he use lighting, fire or frost of destruction? Or does he know the basic of all of them? What kind of things can he summon with conjuration? Can he banish lesser deadra perhaps? The healing part doesn't need more specific detail though; only if you'd have written restoration there instead of healing. And the staff? Is it just a walking stick, or is it enchanted? With what?
Other than those few questions, char-sheet looks good. If you're to be a trainer, we might as well add that to the class as well? "Trainer in Magic". Note: If you sell magical items, don't sell potions. We've got that part covered already
Looks like this is the character to buy soul-gems from, and scrolls from, and learn basic magic from. Sounds good.
I might as well make the Writer an actual character with a sheet!
Name: Alfhed "Milk-Drinker" Meadow
Age: 18
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Height: 5"11'
Birthsign: The Lady
Appearance: A typical young nordic youngling, but with much less muscle than most. He's slightly shorter than most nords. He has bright blond, short hair. He has a rather small nose, unlike other nords.
Class: The Jarl's writer and errand-boy.
Skills: Has a particulary good memory and is an able writer. He's a natural talent in math and problem solving. Would make for an excellent mage, but has never been interested in it. He was trained in the use of swords, but quickly got the nick-name "Milk Drinker", due to his lack of skill and strength.
Clothing: He wears a fine tunic of the same color the Jarl has, with the Valton symbol on the back. (two yellow axes that cross eachother, and a yellow sailors knot above them). Black boots and brown pants complete his outfit.
Weapons: Carries an iron dagger that has never seen action. Mostly used for opening letters.
Miscellaneous items: Pens and papers.
Personality: Tries to avoid conflict whenever possible, always eager to please and help.
Major flaw: He's weak and isn't fast either, making him terrible in a combat situation.
Background: His family knew the Jarl's family from a long time back during the Sparvhauke sailor years. It was almost a natural choice for young Alfhed to take up a job by Radwulf's side in the new hold.
What do you say mateys?