jup, I'll probably make my post tomorrow or friday as well. It's getting pretty big.

Ayumifan or Mhund or however had planned stuff about the wolves, if you need replacement for Roland (ASAP's character) you can always pm me the details although Nuramon has to come back from Riften (if he ever gets there) first. This will be by the last week of july or something. In a month time there will probably have passed maybe another day? maybe two?

To be honest, It was stretching it alittle for two characters to be doing the work but i didnt mind as our characters were quite similiar (I saw him as a rougher Roymund, Man hunter instead of animal hunter sort of thing) and i dont see how a Hunter and a warewolf would work too well together against wolves

We'll see how it plays out, and then when you return from your travels, see how far we've gotten into the plotline and try find a suitable part for you to jump in.
@Thieving scu--.. folk; Feel free to steel Roymunds belongings, The only things he leaves behind are a half-whittled piece of wood, a spare bowstring and a bedroll. Besides, in order to get through them you'd have to pass Alguidar and his army of apples.