@ASAP: How large is the magical tree-house at the moment?
@ASAP: How large is the magical tree-house at the moment?
Question. In my mind, the scene taking place in the RP right now is still the conclusion to chapter 1. Only after that, one month passes and everyone can post. Is this your expectations as well or should time have already passed?
I was thinking it took Leandra a month to rescue Fiona. Uhh, she got there eventually at least.
Woah..board is [censored] up a little. Hold on tight boys its gonna be a bumpy ride.
What kind of temple is in town (ie, to which god)? If I make a priest, would it be okay to come in and set up my own temple to whichever deity I choose (assuming it's one of the eight, of course)?
Well, there was the chapel that Glass Argonian was the head of. Mara, I believe. But, a priest could easily change the place to whichever deity he/she chooses.
@Smig and Vincent: Leandra searched for clues and stuff a month, and is only now actually rescuing Fiona, right? Or am I just cornfused.
Valton seems more blessed by the Madgod than anyone else to be honest...
Mara works perfectly for me, actually CS'll be up today.
A priest who pretends to have a chapel devoted to one of the eight, but has a daedric shrine in the basemant? :dundundunn!:
Edit: The RP lacks a character-list. We need to add one to both the OOC and the RP thread.
There's cheese-cake in it for the one who updates their particular thread first.
Edit2: Also, Ayumi: Could you add the "Valton" tag to this OOC-thread? This thread currently doesn't seem to have one, making it hard to find if it goes away in page history.
Edit3: Cake for Smig.
Edit4: Could I post or couldn't I post? Oh well, I posted annyhoo. Hrmm...
I copy/pasted the character list from the wiki, with their links. http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1457173-valton-the-new-hold-rp-thread-chapter-ii-1/#entry22578709 and tell me what you think.
Obviously, the biggest advantage is less work, since there's only one character sheet to keep, and a (arguably) better presentation. On the other hand, it may be more convenient to have them on the spoiler tags?
I'd prefer it this way but I'm curious about your reactions. I'm streamlining here!
Well, it is easier to browse through them in spoiler-tags, but it does save up some room to have them through the wikia, plus we might as well put the wikia to 100% usefulness, now that we have someone updating it frequently. I like the idea.
Edit: The wikia hates me... Tried to update Gorbad Yak-Bogadbu's char-sheet, but it got all messed up. I had to rollback my edit to make it readable again, but it still shows the old char-sheet. If a kind soul could change it, I'd be happy.
Here's the char-sheet:
Yeah, let's link the character sheets to the wiki! Then we can gradually add new bits of information as the story progresses. And I can add lots of drawings
Yeah, it misbehaves like that. I'll fix that for you.
In the future, if anyone's having trouble with it, you can just send it to me.
Edit: There. It's all pretty now
For reference, what I do is I paste the formatted text, I get rid of the line breaks and then remake them. I also set the headings to paragraph style "Heading 2" which automatically makes that little index menu on top of the headers. I think I remake bold formatting as well sometimes.
Ya 'aven't got a clue 'bout how darn tricky it is ta get Jackie's weird dialect back in ma system. Ain't gonna say I dun enjoy it, though
I edited the time of Gorbad's morning smithing accident to be 23rd of Heartfire, as that is the current date.
We should by all means RP the current Valton as Autumn, which keeps things interesting in a different way that the first Valton chapter. Thoughts?
Yeah, I imagine mid to late Hearthfire would be the ideal time to harvest crops and Hearthfire mornings would be pretty cold, but not as bad as the winter.
Sorry for the late reply. I was at the state finals track meet all day.
After a month? I'd say it's become noticeable, but not terribly large yet. It's probably large enough to house Varyn and his belongings (albeit very tightly.) So until he makes his reappearance, we'll assume that's where he's been.
EDIT: And here's Varyn's sheet for safe keeping.
Name: Titus Velarius
Race: Cyrodiil
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Birthsign: Unknown (For he was an orphan and never knew his parents.)
Appearance: slightly tall for an Imperial, Titus is slighlty build but still generally thin. He has a typical Nibenease appearence with slight Pale skin. His hair is black as night and his eyes are green
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Scout.
Skills and known spells (if any): Despite his size, Titus is an expert at stealth. And so he prefers to use one handed weapons. While he does use a crossbow, he only has a basic knowledge of Marksmanship. Though Titus does not know of any spells, save for a very basic knowledge of Restoration.
Clothing / armor: Titus will first be seen with Standard Issue Imperial light armor. However, he'll wear anything he feel confortable in and what is appropriet for a certain situation.
Weapons: He is equiped with an Imperial short-sword and a crossbow.
Miscellaneous items: a military canteen, a pocket knife used for environmental reasons than for combat reasons. And a basic supply of food.
Personality: Bassically, Titus is unsocial. He does not like to talk unless it's important, he has few friends, if at all, and does not keep them for long. Though despite his lack of social skills, he can still communicate well when he has to.
Major flaw: His lack of sociability could prevent him from gaining important "allies". His height may give him away when he's sneaking around. His thin body and lack of combat skills will also not help him when he's in a bad situation.
Background: He was born a bastard and raised in an orphanage in the Imperial City. All Titus knows about his parents is that one of them left him at the doorsteps of the orphanage. As he grew up, he never gotten well with the other orphans and had virtually no friends, causing him to be the unsocial type.
When he turned 18 years of age, he joined the Imperial Legion hoping to live a better life than he had. He spent a few months in training to be a soldier. Every day, he would wake up before the sun rised with the other recruits. He would do military drills every morning. Than they begin the actual training. It was eventually decided by the recruiters that Titus would make a better scout than a legionaire, so when basic training was completed, he spent another few months training to be a scout. During then, he learned the important skills he needed to serve in the Imperial Legion.
When his training was done, he spent much of the year in Cyrodiil, near the border to the Aldmeri Dominion. However, for whatever reason, he was transfered to Skyrim. It was not since a few weeks since arriving in Skyrim that he was already given a mission to scout for Stormcloak encampments in the Falkreath Hold. However, during his assignment, Titus was nervous about the possibility of getting killed by Stormcloaks. And fearing the possibility of dying in Skyrim, he left his mission and deserted the Legion. Titus had heard of a hold between Falkreath and the Rift that's a neutral zone between both sides. He then went on to that hold, quickly moving to prevent getting caught by Legionaires.
Would make sense. Riften has a well established chapel and an excellent alchemist. Compared to the services currently available in Valton I think most people would want to go to Riften if they had the choice.
Hmmm.....does Valton have a Hall of the Dead set up?
Hey! I may have characters that are Necromancers, but you'd have to be real stupid to use a Priest of Arkay as your cover!*
So what do you people think of the character I had in mind?