Now we're getting to the core of the problem. If your character could actually do something else than raise zombies, he could live with someone else of that profession.
For example, Gorbad would surely let an Orc sleep in his house, assuming he could get some help around the forge. Alguidar by the farm lets Jack stay there, since she's helping around the farm. Same would be true for your character, if there would be a necromancer in Valton...
The crinimal khajiit brothers might offer lodging as well, if they were active.
Overall, it's a very tricky situation you've put your character into, and he doesn't have any kind of skills to get him through it. Modifying the character to fit the situation better would solve the problems better than trying to find a solution, because the one thing that can easily change is the char-sheet.
If the stables open, you could sleep there, assuming Fisheye's character doesn't mind, and possibly gets some use out of your character around the stable.
Edit: Many good solutions already posted when I was done with this post. 
Although, casting spells would be absolutely no-no, and I definitely recommend shaving the beard and changing cloth's as soon as possible, no matter what your character ends up doing.