Name: Ulfgar
Age: 32
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1”
Birthsign: The Ritual
Appearance: Tall, like most Nords. Brown hair, blue eyes, muscular build.
Class: Monk
Skills and known spells (if any): A formidable fighter in unarmed combat. Also has some training in the way of the bow and sword. Prefers the fists over other weaponry. Also he shows a basic understanding of alchemy. Knows a basic healing spell, and also knows the spells from his birthsign. Blessed Word, Lesser Power, Turn Undead, as many times as you can afford to cast it. Mara’s Gift, Greater Power, Extreme Healing, Once per day.
In-Game Description: Those born under the Ritual use the
Mara's Gift power once a day as a powerful Restore Health spell. The
Blessed Word can turn the undead.
Clothing / Armor: Simple brown monk robes, something like this: (though he doesn’t have his hood on as often as off)
He also has this:
Weapons: Iron bow, a quiver of Iron Arrows, Iron Dagger, his fists (

Miscellaneous Items: A few healing potions, some alchemic ingredients, a few septims
Personality: Humble, kind, and a strong pacifist, like the Greybeards. Prefers not to resort to violence, though if it is absolutely necessary, he can. A believer in fair and equal justice.
Major Flaw: Utterly jinxed. One minute he’s graceful, the next he’s slipper than butter. One day he could do something flawlessly, and the next he could totally mess it up.
Background: He grew up in Ivarstead. When he was 15, he found a young Alfiq-Khajiit (more information on them can be found here: abandoned and alone. He took him in, took care of him, and became friends with him. His real name is Baa’Dumiqa, though Ulfgar has taken to calling him Spot, and Baa’Dumiqa accepts that name. Since then, they’ve always been a pair. In Ivarstead, he worked as a woodcutter and a barkeep. He studied Nord culture, the Greybeards, and The Way Of The Voice, and became more and more interested. At 22, he gathered most of his belongings and left with Spot to go on the pilgrimage to the Throat of the World. He then studied with the Greybeards for the next 10 years of his life. He is learning about and showing understanding of The Dragon Language and The Way Of The Voice. He just recently left, not forever though; just as sort of a ‘vacation’ or a hiatus. Maybe he’ll return after a week, maybe after a few years. He will return when he feels it’s time, and then he’ll go back and study it more. He is looking for a place to live and work, and with the few Septims he has he plans to settle in Valton. The New Hold.
(This is a character sheet for Baa’Dumiqa aka Spot)
Name: Baa’Dumiqa (Ulfgar and everyone else calls him Spot; he accepts that.)
Age: Equivalent of 22
Race: Khajiit, Alfiq sub-species (
Gender: Male
Height: However tall a housecat would be
Birthsign: The Shadow
Appearance: He looks like an orange and white tabby cat
Skills and known spells: Intelligent and agile like all Khajiit, a little bit more agile than normal though. Knows no spells except for his Shadow birthsign invisibility.
Clothing/Armor: His fur
Weapons: Really his only form of weapons would be his claws and his bite, though those aren’t really proper “weapons.”
Personality: An intelligent, playful and sometimes mischievous Khajiit.
Major Flaw: He can’t talk. Though he can understand what you say.
Background: The earliest memories he has is being alone and scared, and then being found by a stranger. He came to be close friends with that stranger after he looked after him and took him in. He somehow remembers his name as being Baa’Dumiqa, but he can’t really tell Ulfgar, can he? He is fine with being called Spot; it’s easier to say. He is also content with his life, even if some might see it as ‘domesticated.’ He goes wherever Ulfgar does, and is happy to do so. He is often playing or messing around.