Ok, thanks!
Name: Annika
Age: 25
Race: Nord
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Birthsign: The Steed (of course ;D)
Appearence: Her hair is very long, but looks full and not strangly at the ends. It is a dark brown and slightly wavy. She has a paler complexion from the Skyrim cold, but no blemishs on her skin or face. Her eyes are large and a lighter shade of blue. She is thin, but not weak looking. She is pretty.
Class: Shopkeeper
Skills: Other than like speechcraft she is good with one handed skills, and archery. She moves well in light-armor.
Clothing: During the shop hours she usually just wears a nice long blue dress.
Weapons: She carries on her a dagger, but in a chest in her room she has a steel sword and a bow and arrows.
Miscellaneous: She has gold. (can't really think of anything else right now)
Personality: Friendly, kind, and usually gentle. She usually does not get angry very fast.
Major Flaw: She cannot swing a long sword for the life of her, and she has a fear of Frostbite Spiders. A paralizing fear of them.
Background: She was origionally from Windhelm, and after many attempts to join the Stormcloaks and everytime beinging turned down, she gave up and moved out of Windhelm. She discovered Valton as she traveled down with the ententions of finding Riften. But she decided to stay, settle down by herself, and when the shopkeeper went missing, she filled in for him.
(I svck at backgrounds and stuff. I'm sure I'll come up with something better.)
Hmmm....reminds me of a young nord assassin who tried to kill this Sherogorath worshipper eh?