We have a priest as well, but he's kind of not active as well. A mix of both alchemist and priest could work, even if the other RPers come back to fullfil their roles.
in that case...
Character Sheet
primary job: priest secondary job: alchemist
Birthsign: The Serpent
Appearance: Dark blue scales, with Light Blue spots and stripes. He Has Acid Green eyes, and a row of short spikes in a mohawk pattern on top of his head.
He is very thin, and though he has some muscle, is by no definition very strong.
Class : Magic User
Skills and known spells:
Alteration (Novice Level: Oakflesh, Candlelight, Magelight)
Destruction (Journeyman Level: Fireball, Fire Rune, flames)
Restoration (Apprentice: Healing Hands, Lesser Ward, Turn Undead, Healing)
Conjuration (Novice Level: Summon Familiar)
Alchemy (Expert Level) only knows potions, not poisons
Clothing / armor: Wears a simple blue robe (without a hood)most of the time, with plain pants and shirt underneath.
Weapons: Carries a small Steel Dagger, though he mostly uses it for gathering samples instead of fighting
Miscellaneous items: carries several basic potions with him, as well as a mortar and pestle and a small puch of gold. often carries sweet foods for snacks, as they are his favorite
Personality: Itan-Ru is a somewhat nervous individual, though he is very friendly. He is rarely purposefully rude or impolite. He is easily frazzled or distracted, due to his nervous nature, and this isnt helped by his affinity for sugar-rich foods
Though his high levels of energy let him accomplish tasks rather quickly. He is a bit uncomfortable around new people, but will warm to them eventually. The only time when he seems calm is when casting Magic or mixing potions
Major flaw: His nervous, twitchy energy, while allowing him to quickly power through most tasks, also has its drawbacks.
He's found that he can only achieve regular sleep with the aid of a potion his former caretakers created out of local flowers an roots.
Without this potion, within a week his temper goes foul, and he cannot focus enough to reliably cast even simple spells.
Background: Born in Riften, Itan-Ru spent his ealry years on the streets, trying to scraqe by.
He lacked the talent to steal or pickpocket, but was always fascinated by flowers and their properties.
The local priesthood noticed him one day attempting to make a potion out of some flowers and river water,
and out of amusemant and pity decided to take him under their wing.
over the next few years, he learned much about alchemy and surprisingly a good deal about magic from his teachers, Which, considering the argonian's unusal energy, was quite the chore. When the chance to have his own start in a new hold came up, his teachers forced him accept, insisting that the argonian had learned all that he could teach, and that the rest he would have to learn on his own. And so he moved to Valton to join the priesthood there so he could help a new town.
so is that any better?