Valton: The New Hold, Sign-Up & OOC Thread VI

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:03 pm

My concern for the two sheets is that, when it comes down to it, Your character can do everything mine can aswell as fight better. Which will likely take away half of the RP-oppertunies available to me. Not to come across as a moody sod, but that basically makes my character pointless being here and i've spent the last, month?, being involved with this.
That's my concern as well. That's why I want asap to represent the stormcloaks in Valton, instead of ex-legion. (the difference may be small in certain ways, but I think we need some stormcloakers in Valton). And you do raise a valid point of his character being superior, so perhaps we can make your character the tracker, not combat guy and make asap's character the combat hunter, who is not as good with tracking and surviving etc.

The last thing I'd want in Valton is another blacksmith.. So I completely understand how you feel Mhund. We just need to make your character interestingly different, so that you complete each-others skills. Is this ok for you asap? (that Mhunds hunter is more of a survivalist and tracker, while your is better at combat).
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Ria dell
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:50 pm

Love being referred to as "The other person" :smile:

As for the two characters, The backgrounds are very similar to my thinking. Major differences are your character seems to be more of a fighting type than mine. Whereas mine is a Forester-turned Huntsman, yours seems to be a Forester-turned Aragorn. Oh and your part Nord and own a horse. :wink:

As for the rest it's basically the same,
Scouting, PTSD, Gruff, Loner, not great in social situations from long times spent in the woods, etc.

My concern for the two sheets is that, when it comes down to it, Your character can do everything mine can aswell as fight better. Which will likely take away half of the RP-oppertunies available to me. Not to come across as a moody sod, but that basically makes my character pointless being here and i've spent the last, month?, being involved with this.

Sorry haha I was in a hurry when I posted and didn't have a chance to check back to see your name :P

I had no intention of taking anything away from any other characters in the RP. Roland will spend a rather long time recovering from his recent injuries while he does odd jobs to help pay for the services the town gave to him (he has little to no money at the moment.)
That's my concern as well. That's why I want asap to represent the stormcloaks in Valton, instead of ex-legion. (the difference may be small in certain ways, but I think we need some stormcloakers in Valton). And you do raise a valid point of his character being superior, so perhaps we can make your character the tracker, not combat guy and make asap's character the combat hunter, who is not as good with tracking and surviving etc.

The last thing I'd want in Valton is another blacksmith.. So I completely understand how you feel Mhund. We just need to make your character interestingly different, so that you complete each-others skills. Is this ok for you asap? (that Mhunds hunter is more of a survivalist and tracker, while your is better at combat).

I don't really like the idea of diluting Roland's skill set. However, like I said, I have no intentions of "stealing" anyone's job. I'm not to keen on having Roland's skill set dulled down, however I will have him perform entirely different tasks compared to Mhund's character if that appeases both of you.

Roland wont be able to do much ranging while he's recovering, so that wont encroach on Mhund's character at all, and even when he does recover he'll probably stick to helping out Mhund's character (if that's alright with him), or doing the more dangerous tasks associated with ranging and scouting and the like.

I'll revise his character sheet real quick and see what I can do.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:20 am

I don't really like the idea of diluting Roland's skill set. However, like I said, I have no intentions of "stealing" anyone's job. I'm not to keen on having Roland's skill set dulled down, however I will have him perform entirely different tasks compared to Mhund's character if that appeases both of you.

Roland wont be able to do much ranging while he's recovering, so that wont encroach on Mhund's character at all, and even when he does recover he'll probably stick to helping out Mhund's character (if that's alright with him), or doing the more dangerous tasks associated with ranging and scouting and the like.

I'll revise his character sheet real quick and see what I can do.
That sounds good, I'll put the edited char-sheet in the original post once you're done. Just post it here again so i get a heads-up of when it's ready.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:53 pm

Here we go.

He's now older, his mother's family is allied with the Stormcloaks, and he's now more of an outrider/ranger than an hunter/forester. However he's still ex-legion, but aligned more neutral/stormcloak in the rebellion. He chooses not to be directly involved at the moment, but he absolutely will not fight for the Empire. Not to mention he's on the run for being accused of deserting, treason, and murder. :tongue:


Age: 32
Birthsign: The Lord

Appearance: is a gruff man. His body is lean and in good physical condition. His scruffy dark brown hair falls down almost to his shoulders. His eyes are a deep hazel green and look as though they belong to a man much older than he. His face is rough and unshaven leaving dark brown stubble across his strong jaw and thin cheeks. His face is slender but not gaunt.

Class: Ranger

Skills and known spells:
Archery- Roland is extremely talented in archery and more than at home with a bow and arrow in his hands.
Blade- Roland is also extremely proficient in the arts of the sword. He prefers a hand-and-half sword.
Alchemy- Roland has a strong grasp of alchemy. Not in the same way a mage would. Roland instead focuses on creating poultices and herbal remedies from things found in the outdoors.
Riding- Roland is a good rider and knows how to sit a horse well.
Tracking- Roland is a master tracker, of both game and other quarry.
Survival- From many years of training and being in the wilderness Roland has figured out how to survive on even the most minimal of resources.
Ranging- Roland possesses all skills that most associate with rangers, from climbing to cooking to basic first aid, if it is required for ranging he knows how to do it.

Clothing / armor: Roland wears a beige linen shirt under a worn leather jerkin. Over the Jerkin he wears wool tabard trimmed in leather, and on top of that he wears a worn leather vest and mantle for extra protection. He also wears light wool trousers and high leather boots. Around his shoulders he wears a travel-worn brown cloak clasped together by a bronze brooch. (

Weapons:Roland carries a steel as well as a composed of hickory and lemonwood. To accompany his bow Roland carries at least 20-25 steel tipped arrows with him at all times. Roland also carries a steel hunting knife on the back of his belt. It is more of a tool than a weapon, but can be used to as one if need be.

Miscellaneous items: Roland carries a thin bedroll, a small hatchet, a few small wooden alchemical tools such as a mortar and pestle, a few first aid ointments and bandages, flint and tinder, and various other small items used for ranging or camping.

Personality: Roland is a kind person at heart, but he has seen much in his life and it has made him a different man. He's a friendly man most of the time, if not a bit rough. He tends to keep to himself, but once he's acquainted with someone and gets to know them he tends to be a bit more extrovertive.

Major flaw: Roland has seen some pretty gruesome things in the past few years, and it has left a large imprint on his mind. He sometimes relapses into periods of extreme abrasiveness and becomes extremely touchy when matters of his past are brought up.

Background:(Not going to give too much away here, most of his character development will be through revealing his past) Roland was born to an Imperial father and a Nordic mother in the town of Bruma. He joined the Bruma guard like his father at the age of 16 and from there went on to join the Imperial Legion’s 6th Forester Division. The 6th division was transferred from Cyrodiil to Skyrim soon after his enlistment. Roland spent close to 13 years in the 6th division. During the Civil war of 4E204 his Uncles and the rest of his mother's family declared allegiance to Ulfric Stormcloak. Much to Roland's dismay the 6th Forester division, acting as outriders and scouts for the 4th Legion, was dispatched on campaign against the Stormcloak rebellion. During their campaign the 6th Forester Division engaged in a large skirmish with Stormcloak forces around a village on the White River. The village was home to his mother's family. The 6th Division won the skirmish with aid from a 4th Legion regiment. However Roland deserted shortly afterward and has been running from the legion ever since. Some claim he runs on chargers of treason, deserting, and murder.

EDIT: Oh and Magus, Roland is arriving in the morning, not the evening. Just noticed that your post was set in the evening.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:35 pm

Magus, he's not going to wake up. :P

How about you guys take him to the inn or something? Probably finding whoever is the resident medical professional would be a good idea as well. I intend to have him take a while to recover from his wounds and in turn promise to pay for his care through doing odd jobs around the town while he tries to remain under the legion's radar.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:13 am

Magus, he's not going to wake up. :tongue:

How about you guys take him to the inn or something? Probably finding whoever is the resident medical professional would be a good idea as well. I intend to have him take a while to recover from his wounds and in turn promise to pay for his care through doing odd jobs around the town while he tries to remain under the legion's radar.
Never I will use a defibrillator Skyrim style! :devil:
seriously though I will drag him to the inn.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:57 pm

Magus, he's not going to wake up. :tongue:

How about you guys take him to the inn or something? Probably finding whoever is the resident medical professional would be a good idea as well. I intend to have him take a while to recover from his wounds and in turn promise to pay for his care through doing odd jobs around the town while he tries to remain under the legion's radar.
interesting. I find it funny that Danus got involved yet dosen't know he is a deserter. You damn traitor..
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John Moore
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:58 pm

interesting. I find it funny that Danus got involved yet dosen't know he is a deserter. You damn traitor..

That'll be pretty fun to play out when he finally finds out. :P
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Laura Richards
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:05 pm

That'll be pretty fun to play out when he finally finds out. :tongue:
I agree. I wonder what would he do..
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:31 pm

I agree. I wonder what would he do..

Roland would probably try and fight his way out. He wont go down without a fight.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:47 pm

Roland would probably try and fight his way out. He wont go down without a fight.
It should be easy for Danus, He has 3 big strong goons with him...
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:45 am

Just btw, your character is a nord if he had a nordic mother.. If we follow lore, but I'll put you up as imperial/nord anyways. Unless you want him to be a lore-friendly, imperial looking nord?
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:09 am

Just btw, your character is a nord if he had a nordic mother.. If we follow lore, but I'll put you up as imperial/nord anyways. Unless you want him to be a lore-friendly, imperial looking nord?

Well if he had to fill out a legal document then he would put down Nord since his mother was a Nord. However for sake of detailing his ethnicity he's part Nord, part Imperial. Not a huge difference, but one worth noting.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:41 am

Roland wont be able to do much ranging while he's recovering, so that wont encroach on Mhund's character at all, and even when he does recover he'll probably stick to helping out Mhund's character (if that's alright with him), or doing the more dangerous tasks associated with ranging and scouting and the like.

Sounds fair enough to me. I'm playing Roymund more of a huntsman than a ranger so-to-speak. So i'm unlikely to go out of my way to kill stuff that i'd deem dangerous. Deers = yes, Bears/wolves = Possibly, Minotaurs = Not a chance. So if something was to come up where the Jarl needed a quelling of dangerous animals around the hold, It'd be a job more suitable to yourself, though i may join you if our characters get on and vice versa with jobs more suitable to myself. Best 'o luck matey ;)
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:25 pm

Sounds fair enough to me. I'm playing Roymund more of a huntsman than a ranger so-to-speak. So i'm unlikely to go out of my way to kill stuff that i'd deem dangerous. Deers = yes, Bears/wolves = Possibly, Minotaurs = Not a chance. So if something was to come up where the Jarl needed a quelling of dangerous animals around the hold, It'd be a job more suitable to yourself, though i may join you if our characters get on and vice versa with jobs more suitable to myself. Best 'o luck matey :wink:

Sounds good! Glad we could come to an agreement. :biggrin:
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Kevin S
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:24 pm

Hmm.. I wonder who'd be a healer in this scenario.. :confused:
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:02 pm

I can have nuramon come to the inn to pay Jal a visite :) he's an alchemist and might be able to help him. or you can always drag him to crazy Fiona :P
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:42 pm

My character is a bit paranoid and could hire you as a bodyguard... though that may not fit your character very well...
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:47 pm

Ahhhhhh I'm not used to these really quick short posts.

Every time I turn around there's a new one. I'm used to everyone writing half a novel every two days when they post. :P
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:49 am

Ahhhhhh I'm not used to these really quick short posts.

Every time I turn around there's a new one. I'm used to everyone writing half a novel every two days when they post. :tongue:
Well that's the result of having real time conversations. :)
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Mel E
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:05 am

Well that's the result of having real time conversations. :smile:

Well we have those in the IBT and OPaP as well. We just sit there and describe every last little detail like the direction the wood grain is going on the window sill across the room or what the hobo at the bar is wearing and how he keeps picking his teeth with a knife. :P
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kristy dunn
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:22 pm

Well we have those in the IBT and OPaP as well. We just sit there and describe every last little detail like the direction the wood grain is going on the window sill across the room or what the hobo at the bar is wearing and how he keeps picking his teeth with a knife. :tongue:
Oh I see...
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:39 pm

Oh I see...

Well the wood grain thing was a bit of an exaggeration, but we do tend to carry on a lot about all the random stuff around. I'm used to slower paced RP's where each post is 500-1000 words. I think I had like 15,000 words in an RP that only lasted two threads a while back. Pretty sure I've broken 30,000 in KSS. So this is quite a change of pace for me.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:55 pm

I'd also prefer if conversations were a bit more fleshed out, and instead of just posting one line with your character saying. "What's up?" you could write a lot, lot more and even say a lot more as well. ;)
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:29 pm

I'd also prefer if conversations were a bit more fleshed out, and instead of just posting one line with your character saying. "What's up?" you could write a lot, lot more and even say a lot more as well. :wink:
I would make a post that has a fleshed out conversation but I don't have the time. However I may try to do that in the future.
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