It's not 13 daedric princes vs Valton, it's more like X daedric princes VS Y daedric princes and Valton.

Ahh that's much more interesting

The whole daedric subplot is a little more fleshed out than that, there are quite a few surprises down the road, I promise, and a total coherent plan somewhere. For matters Daedric I'm still your man, as I'm the GM most attuned to the echoes from across the Waters of Oblivion

(I'm the dude writing this stuff).
Anyway, yeah. If you have an idea regarding a specific prince get in touch with me via PM and we can work something out.
Are you going to be on Steam anytime soon? I find it easier to talk on there than through PM.
The only explanation we've gotten about what the Princes are up to, other than something Fiona Barrow-Heart learnt from her raven (that she is keeping a secret) has been from a slightly drunk scamp, who mysteriously appeared yesterday in Helas' Folly, then disappeared again. Here is the post: A fair warning, he only talks in gambling metaphors

This gives me an idea. Rithe could show up in search of the scamp and interrogate it for various personal reasons dealing with Mephala. I'll flesh out my idea tonight if you get on Steam.
Just read the scamp post lemme guess Wild guy=Sheogorath, the Genius is probably jyggalag and the one who started it all is clavicus vile? probably wrong on one of them.
The Genius would be Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Fate. Jyggalag is the Daedric prince of Order.
Ah damn it, completely forgot about the timeline mismatch. Too used to RPing in non-Skyrim times
The Synod it is then.Sure, change the age to 26 by all means, I was considering that, just went younger for more weird points. And regarding the Dwemer arm, it's less 'Dwemer cybernetics' more 'Dwemer thing found in a ruin that no one knows how it works that she just sorta slapped on 'cuz she's stupid like that'. It almost tore her arm off the first time and she still has no idea whatsoever what it runs on or what makes it tick, so don't worry, no mass produced augmentations are incomming. She's a rather unusual character though, completely understand any concerns.I'll edit the sheet asap. Wooooo! PFA is in da house!

The whole dwemer arm thing reminds me of Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist.
Hahaha, fair enough. One point I would add though, is that this is essentially a pastoral, very domestic-minded RP - the elements of daedric danger are meant to be comically out of Valton's hopes of stopping, at least at the face of it. Generally we are playing the characters who normally would be hapless NPCs, needing saving. That said, at some point we will need someone to save us, so i guess that is where your Full Metal Daedra Hunter could come in. Or not.
I can't wait til she meets Fiona...
Or Rithe...

And ninja'd with the FMA reference