Love being referred to as "The other person"

As for the two characters, The backgrounds are very similar to my thinking. Major differences are your character seems to be more of a fighting type than mine. Whereas mine is a Forester-turned Huntsman, yours seems to be a Forester-turned Aragorn. Oh and your part Nord and own a horse.

As for the rest it's basically the same,
Scouting, PTSD, Gruff, Loner, not great in social situations from long times spent in the woods, etc.
My concern for the two sheets is that, when it comes down to it, Your character can do everything mine can aswell as fight better. Which will likely take away half of the RP-oppertunies available to me. Not to come across as a moody sod, but that basically makes my character pointless being here and i've spent the last, month?, being involved with this.