Kalamari, your character is just asking for trouble isn't he.

And thank-you, I think the Thalmor have some really interesting lore that can be fleshed out in an RP.
Not really, but the clusmy oaf can't help himself sometimes. Next to Horkers, Thalmor troops are some things he is afraid of most. But he can fight Horkers, and he wants to. When I was playing as Nelsh in Skyrim, Horkers killed half of Dawnstar! As for my Thalmor charcter, Alanin will be introduced in my RP thread "An Old Elf".
Also, am I the only one half-expecting to spaghetti to fall out of Nellis' pockets? He's totally my favourite character in the RP right now.
Ah, thanks so much! I thought of him pretty non important in this RP. Looks like that might change though.
Yeah he's a funny fella. Kalamari is really giving him a lot of life.
I hope the elf doesn't *zap* him.
Thanks a bunch man. I'm writing a story as well, and people say that is really fleshed out. Granted, I'm taking a break from that for a while. Got RP's to write, Fan fiction, Perhaps a blog based on Nordike the NPC with Nellis, and I was thinking of writing about my Imperial Courier as a fan fic, and a blog about playing as Odysseus in Skyrim