Good. Then I can start acting on my character's plans, which include:
Hot, comprehensive bath
Get a taxidermist to preserve her Dead Cat's head, and turn the pelt into at least one cloak fit for a Thane or Jarl. If there's enough for two cloaks, one for her, and one as a "gift exchange"
Sell the stuffed head to the highest bidder (Which would either be the Innkeeper as a Tavern decoration, or Thane as a longhouse decoration. Either way, it's pretty impressive.
And after that, she intends to become thane.
Acquiring clothing has become an entirely optional sub-goal (Like one of those miscellaneous quests you just deselect and forget all about)
That would help my guy's drinking addiction. By the way, my guard didn't take a arrow in the knee, he had dagger to the knee! I'm sorry, but i couldn't use the arrow in the knee joke, it's overused now.
Guards taking an arrow to the knee is
not an overused joke. Anyone else, it is, but for Guards - a guard that's adventuring career ended from anything but an Arrow in the Knee is Out of Uniform, and summarily dismissed. It's like saying carrying a shield and wearing a tunic emblazoned with the icon of the local Hold is a cliche.