'Valton: The New Hold' RP Thread #2

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:41 am

Annika, Valton General Store, Midday
"Nice to meet a merchant whom isnt just out for the money, you have my thanks Annika" he said as he stuffed the loaf into his pack, along with the bowstring. "As for prices, I say we sort that once i've brought down my quarry. I'm unsure of the size of deer in these parts, though i'd guess at 80 septims a head, that'd include the full venison, and the skins which you may be able to work into leather."
Annika nodded, agreeing with him.
"Now, I'd best be off before the weather changes. Farewell Annika" Roymund gave a small bow with his head, causing his hood to come back over his head.
"Farewell," said Annika, then she sighed after he left the shop, keeping a small smile on her face. She then walked out from behind the counter top to fetch a streach of cloth. She went to the back of the store and pulled out a long red sheet of red fabric, wrapped up with a string around it. She ran back to the counter, and lept onto it, not having to use her arms. She leaned back, looking under the counter for a sewing kit. Finding it, she sat back up, breathing a sigh of relief that nobody had walked in to see her childish behavior. Her shoulder hurt like Oblivian, but she'd just have to deal with it to get on with life. She took scissors and began cutting up the fabric, making the beginnings of a skirt.

About 30 minutes later, and getting well on with making the skirt for the store's inventory, she heard the hooves of a horse. "There arn't many horses in Valton." She thought to herself as she slid off the counter. Opening the door of the shop she saw a palomino horse with the build of a draft galloping into town. The horse still had its bridle on, and the reins were dangerously dragging between the horse's legs. Annika thought quickly, and then ran out into the middle of the street and held up her arms. A bolt of pain ran through her shoulder, but how else to stop a horse? The horse came to a sliding halt inches from Annika's face. The horse's eyes and nostrals were wide with fear and excaustion. Annika stroked its white muzzle, and felt its warm breath on her hands. She slowly picked up the reins as some towns folk began to gather around.

Annika slowly, stroking the horse as she went along, walked on the side of the horse, and saw an arrow had made contact with its barrel, blood streaming down his golden side. She gasped and gently fingered the horse's stomach, not touching the arrow, but near were the arrow hit. The horse threw its head up with pain, and danced his hind legs away from her. Annika quietly spoke to the horse, "Easy there buddy, that's it." She ran her hands down his front legs, which felt fine, and then the back legs, which were fine also. She returned to the horse's head and continued stroking the horse. "It needs help," she said, loud enough for people to hear, but not too loud as not wanting to frighten the beautiful creature anymore.
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jessica robson
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:19 pm

Daikanos, Outside of Fiona’s study, late morning.

"How many guards, all armed with bows and arrows, would you be willing to lend in order for this to be an exploration just a bit bigger than going up there, seeing a bear and going back again? I want to know what's in the mine, but if the entrance is blocked by a bear and we have orders not to disturb it, it'd be a wasted trip. It would be an easy kill with say, 5 archers. No animal can survive such a volley of arrows."

Daikanos was getting irritated by the man’s pushing for allowance to go ahead and attack whatever inhabited the mine. “the three you have already spoken too. I cannot risk sending in more without knowing what is inside and as a result losing them.” Daikanos answered.

“You can kill simple animals like rats, wolves, bears if necessary. But don’t do anything stupid like attacking ogres or trolls or whatever is in there. Scout the place out, send one of the guards back with your finding and then I’ll decide what to do with the mine.” Daikanos placed his hand on the grip of his sword, showing he wouldn’t accept anymore arguing. “This discussion is over, civillian.”

He then turned to Fiona who seemed to be watching them argue. He figured he’d best be in a good daylight with the court-mage since she could always be handy. He gave a small bow and introduced himself. “I’m Daikanos, the new captain of the guard. If you have any troubles with which the guard can assist feel free to knock on my door an -…” he wanted to add anytime but figured he wouldn’t want her in his room when he would have one of his attacks of maddnes.

He bowed again. “I’ll leave the two of you to your bussines.” He then turned around and made his way back to his rooms. He had to prepare a little event for the guards for tomorrow.

Nuramon, At home, morning.

The elder Dunmer folded his arms into his robes, and cleared his throat, but not before reaching into his satchel and grabbing yet another flask. Sargon put forth two small goblets, and poured the homemade brew into both.

"Nuramon," he began, "I've had an idea for quite a while. Ever since the Red Year... " Sargon's eyes grew misty, but he quickly recovered after a short moment. "Well, I'd like to open a brewery. I'd also like you to be my partner, old friend. Here. take a sip of the drinks, my own recipe, brought all the way from Morrowind since my Fathers' time."

While Nuramon drank from the first small goblet, Sargon continued speaking, "My carriage is being guarded, and all of my wealth and possessions will be put into making this business. These Northmen, they love strong drink, what a surprise it will be for them to taste a Mer's brew, hahahaha!"

Nuramon immediately tasted one of the best matze he had ever had. In the meantime he let the idea of Sargon sink in and he loved it. before answering he finished the matze with delight and took the second goblet. This time it was Sujamma, better than any he had ever tasted.

“Sargon, the recipe is great! I have no other words for it. the small stock I have in my basemant is utter garbage compared to this.” Nuramon congradulated the dunmer.
“As for starting a brewery, the idea is perfect and with such recipes we can’t fail! You know that money has never been a problem for me. I fear apart from investing money I won’t be of any use in a brewery since I have no idea on how it works and what it needs.” He said admitting his doubts on his own usefullness. Atleast the idea of a brewery had knocked his dream away into his subconcsious for the time being.

“But if I can do anything else that does not require your knowledge on brewing, then it would be great to be partners. Just like in the old days!” He said with a grin.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:58 am

Roymund Inventius, The woods between Valton Centre & Valton Farm.

The deer nestled it's face down in the woodland foliage, Roymund notched an arrow along his bowstring. "Thats right, just stay there baby" he said with a rasp whisper. Edging slowly closer to avoid any distracting and allow himself a prime shot at his foe. SNAP, the deers head suddenly rose and Roymund staggered "Bugger it!" he cursed as he let fly the arrow into the beasts hind. The doe took off at a firm pace, Roymund lept up to his feet also and sped up after his quarry, ducking low-branch and thick bush as he charged along the hillside.

Bow in one hand, an arrow in the other, Roymund ran like he did back during his time in the Legion. He could almost feel Kellers voice in his head as he ran "Shift it, Inventius" said Keller's voice "No wonder Pinarus ignored you as a boy! Son of a [censored] AND useless with a bow. Haha!". The old sergeants word distracted him from the hunt, a fleeting glimpse to his left caused Roymund to stop.

Relying on muscle memory, his hands flew up bringing the arrow firmly up against his bow. Loosing the arrow, he watched at it pierced deep against the deers frontal thigh. The doe dropped straight down to the ground, it's body sprawlling out uncomfortably agaisnt the rough earth. Roymund dropped to his knee's beside the almost lifeless body. "Easy" he said with a calm tone, he gently rubbed his hand across the beasts neck "It's over now.." Drawing his dagger from behind his back, he plunged it deep into the deers neck, he felt the corpse go limp.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:11 pm

Gorbad Yak-Bogadbu, Fiona's study, late morning.

As he had suspected, the captain of the guard was as stubborn as a pack-mule and refused to send any more guards with them, nor to change the orders. As the captain finally left, Fiona started searching her study for some trinkets and returned with three bronze amulets, all enchanted with a weak torch-light effect. Gorbad thanked the witch and began the journey down those horrible stairs…

When he finally caught the bottom, he was exhausted. "Damn stairs", he thought and walked straight to his forge. Nothing had been taken and everything was where they had been. He spent the rest of the morning placing everything of value inside his house. Inside, he took everything he needed. He had a full set of iron armor on him, a shield in his left hand and a mace in his belt. He had also taken the war axe with him and the dagger, because it was small enough to fit anywhere. The armor felt clunky on him, but he knew it'd protect him against most blows, so he tried not to think of the weight. He was still carrying the amulets, of course, and a small bag with bread, an apple and a bottle of water.


Gorbad locked his house door and took a few practice steps in the armor. He tried jumping and was surprised how high up he got. Or perhaps it felt higher than it actually was, Gorbad didn't know. He ran a few feet, but realized that was an extremely bad plan. Running only a few feet almost felt like he'd climbed up the witch's tower again. Everything was calm in the town when he headed to the inn. Inside he found the three guards seated at a table next to the door. He threw one of the amulets to the guards and explained it was a weak light effect, in case their torches would run out. Gorbad also saw Graymane and Nellis in the inn, but no sign of Tsavani. He hoped she hadn't gone up to the mine all by herself while the others were preparing.

It took him a moment to realize there was a scamp... Sitting right there at the inn. With Fiona's words echoing in his mind, a daedric game.. That scamp couldn't possibly want anything good in this town... Unless it was one of those who wanted the town to survive... Gorbad didn't know what to think, or to do. So he didn't do either. Instead, he took a seat with the guards and played suited war with them while he waited for the murmured discussion at the bar-table to end so they could finally begin the exploration of Shimmermist Mine.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:50 am

Nellis Nelsh, Hela's Folly.

Neliis listened carefully as the Scamp began to speak of why it was here. It's talk started to bore Nellis, espically as Gordbad, Elarain. and trio of guards walked in. However, the most interesting thing happened as a Imperial sat next to him.

This imperial was looking for him, and was willing to bribe Jal with information. Starting to panic as Elarain spoke him, he looked over at the Imperial.

"You looking for Nellis Nelsh? If so, ya found him. What can I do for? Please be quick, I need to head to Shimmermist Mine later."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:59 am

Danus Maximus hela's folly

Danus is quite surprised that this happened. (It must of been a coincidence) He thought.

"Hello. My name is Danus maximus. there is something we need to talk about. Do you know anywhere that we can talk in private?"

Wofgar cut-throat. Midday. Bandit cave.

"We may have gotten the loot from the carriage but that damn horse got away. Not only that but it headed west. It might be at Valton and the Jarl might be suspicious of bandits within the hold. That there is unacceptable in the gang." ? Said Wolfgar talking to the bosmer archer. "My father once told me that to prevent mistakes the king must punish his people severely. And to this day for all these years I always look up to this to guide me through this,So you may have just joined us but it is no excuse, you must be punished."

"But I hit it. I din't think it would run away. i thought I could kill it.."

"But you didn't and you should of hit it in the head. and you wood elves should be that good in arching. Unless your kind likes boasting about how good they are with a bow without proving it. Ulag give him 3 whippings. I want all the recruits to see this. It will give you all a lesson."

The bandits watched as the poor bosmer is whipped over and over. by the time Ulag is done there are whip marks all over the stripped body.

"Now let this to be a lesson to you all" Wolfgar said to the recruits. "And if you do this multiple times. the punishment will be death. To add to his punishment the wood elf will be stripped of all the loot he has and will be divided evenly to all of you. Now go on and enjoy our victory. There will be more like this."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:44 am

Nellis Nelsh, Hela's Folly.

Nellis was quite suprised that the Imperial needed to speak to him in private. What could he want to talk about?

Shrugging, Nellis spoke.

"Well Danus, I have a room rented here. We could talk there. I don't owe you any money, do I?"

Shaking his head, he added,

"No, Can't be that. Might as well just follow me."

Starting to walk, while gesturing the Imperial towards him, he opened up his door, and walked inside, taking a seat.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:54 pm

Graymane, Helas's Foly

The scamp's rant about gambling had already made Elarian's mood sour – if the little cheat was to be believed,the new hold had been picked up by the daedra lords for a gamble. The sides and what exactly had been bet on had been left deliberately obscure, but he couldn't tell for sure whether Dicer was deliberately sowing confusion or was simply too used to the babble of the con man or dice shark act too change. Even if they're the runt of Oblivion, they still serve Mehrunes Dagon and often enjoy causing the mayhem the can't do on their own.

To make it worse, he now knew who 'Nellis' was. A loudmouth whop had just cost him two hundred drake. And didn't even have the excuse of wanting the money for himself as he had revealed himself for free. I'm no longer sure I'm interested in taking a share in the mine. Sure the guy won't try to cheat me, but only because he's lacking even the most basic business sense. The Cyrodils have plenty of faults, but usually they turn casual around money only when they have had a huge pile of it for a long time... And about Cyrodils, what might that walking money bag want to discuss in private ?

It didn't take long for Elarian to decide a course of action – the inn's nordic construction meant plenty of wooden partitions, which weren't exactly soundproof. He whispered a spell, focusing his mind on the magic and wrapping himself in it, vastly increasing his hearing while at the same time dimming his perception of the main room's sounds. He seldom used the spell in the field – dimming your perception of your immediate surrounding was seldom a good idea there – but the inn was safe enough. Now let's hear what you were willing to fork two hundred drakes for, lord Danus. And if you're planning something at my expense, you're going to regret it. I don't care if it's intentional or not.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:09 am

Danus Maximus. Helas folly. Midday.

Danus took a seat as well and began this conversation.

"Allright. sixtus leave the room" The body guard opened the door and shut it standing guard outside. "So nellis have you enountered any "strange" visions?"
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:05 am

Nellis Nelsh, Hela's Folly, Midday

The Nord's heart sank when Danus had mentioed visions. Nellis began to worry. What if Fiona had revealed his secret? Or if the Jarl sent Danus to interogate him? Would he be killed for Madness?

Starting to breathe heavily, he stared at the Imperial.

"Visions you say? How am I supposed to the trust you, a man I just met? Why should I tell you about Visions of mine? Who told you? Fiona? The Jarl? Or did that Valramo find out....."

Putting his hand on his chin, he stood silent for a few momments. He recalled that Danus was willing to pay 200 septims for information about him. Smiling, he looked upward.

"Perhaps a few gold coins my way could convince me? Believe you me, I have much to talk about. Drums, Tea parties, Dragur, Liches, Sloads, Cheese..."

Nelsh then looked dumbfound. He was starting to ramble again, and he regained his focus.

"Anyways, I would be willing to tell you....for 200 gold."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:49 pm

Danus Maximus

Danus expected this to happened.

"No one in this town told me you had any of these visions. You want to know how I know? Well last night I had a dream. Well it was more of a nightmare. I was in what appeared to be Valton, except the sky was dark, and it looked like there was a battle there. What I encountered was a child. It was not just a child. It was me. He spoke in a demonic voice saying he was expecting me. HI am not the only said I will meet him again the next time I laid rest. The thing is he mentioned that I am not the only one having these visions. He mentioned you as an example. So something is going to happened in this hold. And I think it's best for you to tell me this without me paying you 200 drakes."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:30 am

Gorbad Yak-Bogadbu, Hela's Folly, Midday.

"I've got a king of shades", said one of the guards with a small smile. Gorbad showed a jack of oblivion, which had the favored suit from last round, which took him to tie with the other guard. The other two guards showed smaller cards, a ten of divine and a six of weather. The tie meant a follow-up round would take place; the winner would take the whole pile. The favored suit was oblivion still. They each drew a card; one of the guards threw his down instantly. It was a laughable three of divine. Gorbad had a slightly better card, but still quite low, a nine of shades. The guard who Gorbad had tied with last round showed a ten of oblivion, which gave him to the total value of a queen of any other suit. With a victorious smile on his face, the guard who'd showed a six of weather last round revealed a king of divine and won all eight cards in the pile.

They'd been playing suited war for a while now. Gorbad tried to spot Nellis in the inn but couldn't see him or the imperial. His eyes fell on Elarian, whose eyes were closed as if he was resting. But his forehead was wrinkled in concentration. "What is he doing..?" Gorbad wondered. He'd thought of giving the last light-amulet to him, but that'd have to wait until later. He didn't want to disturb whatever Elarian was doing, so he turned his focus back to cards.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:16 am

Nellis Nelsh, Hela's Folly, Midday.

To his dismay, Danus refused Nelli's offer. The imperial then explained his dream, which seemed mild to Nelsh's dream.

Danus saw a child form of himself in his dream. This child spoke in a demonic tone, going on about how the town was in danger, and that others were having the visions. The fish lipped nord gained more interest as Danus explained the boy mentioed him as a example. Despite this, Nellis had little care. Fiona offered a much more in-depth explanation, one that oddly made sense. But this Imperial? He gave a near empty re-telling of his dream.

Shrugging, Nellis spoke.

"Well, I did have a odd dream. I'd be willing to explain that to you. But the visions? That's private information. I would love to tell you, but a friend mine advises agasnit it. Besides, it's nothing of interest to you anyways. Valramo being killed by Dragur, Sloads fighting redguards, Magical Hermaphrodites, nothing important. No clear warnings of anything to come. Just madness."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:31 am

Danus Maximus. Hela's Folly. Midday

Danus was frustrated that the Nord didn't give him that much information on what's going on. However he believed that what the Nord told him would be enough.

"Well I believed that would be enough. So I will take my leave. Here is 60 septims for your troubles. However I do believe that we should come into contact again someday as I do believe something will happened in this hold. Now good day Nellis and thank you for telling me what you just said. Atleast I know I am not a madman."

Danus then went down the stairs to get a few drinks and then left the inn quickly to talk to the Jarl.

Wolfgar Cut-Throat. Bandit cave. Midday.

Wolfgar is in his personal quarters. (Containing just a table, Bedroll, and some food and armor.) Talking to Ulag.

"Well since anytime now the Jarl might be alerted about us on the road. We need to think about what to do. I think we should send one of the men into Valton to see what's going on. If he returns about anything possibly leading bandits in the hold such as rumors, or if that horse is infact in Valton we should lay low until things calm down. Then well continue. When when we continue we need to be more adaptive then when we were in Riften. Maybe we should move locations after every few raids. And we need to be more prepared for an assault on our hideout. What do you think?" Said Wolfgar.

"I think what you said is a good idea. However allow me to go into detail. When we are moving locations we need to think smart. We need to see if it's empty. If we have to clear it out we risk the whole gang. Now if were going to prepare to defend it we should have a scout sent ahead to warn us if we are getting visitors. Then we set up traps across the hideout. That way they could lose many of their men. And that way we could easily fend of the rest who are lucky enough to survive the traps." Said Ulag.

"Well that's good enough for now. In a couple of hours I will send one of the men to go into Valton and look for anything related to our gang"
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:04 am

Danus Maximus. Guddslott hall. Midday.

Despite feeling a little drunk Danus is sober enough to continue his mission. As he enter the hall he for the second time talked to the Jarl.
Danus had also noticed a horse and a nordic woman. Though he is not focusing his attention to much to know what is the deal.
"Hello. I think we should make an agreement. What do you say about allowing a minimal amount of imperial legionary troops within the hold's borders? You see with A small amount you are still independent and can still remove them if they cause trouble. Not only that but they will be sent to deal with more than just at the eastern border to Riften. I believe we should come to an agreement and Maybe you could have your own terms."

However Danus feels that the Jarl will still refuse....
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:14 am

Jarl Radwulf Spurvhauke, Gudslott Hall, Midday

Danus Maximus returned to the hall the very next day with the same proposal as earlier. Radwulf was still quite happy about finally finding a farmer who knew what he was doing, but the very instant he saw the imperial enter the hall his sour mood returned. When the imperial spoke it sounded like he didn't even believe his own words:
"Hello. I think we should make an agreement. What do you say about allowing a minimal amount of imperial legionary troops within the hold's borders? You see with A small amount you are still independent and can still remove them if they cause trouble. Not only that but they will be sent to deal with more than just at the eastern border to Riften. I believe we should come to an agreement and Maybe you could have your own terms."
The Jarl thought about his answer and when he finally spoke it was with an unyielding and serious voice.
"I'd say the maximal amount of imperial troopers here in Valton has already been met with the arrival of you and your bodyguards. Not to mention the Thalmor presence here. Valton is, and will always be, impartial and neutral in this war. You are welcome to stay in Valton, with your bodyguards, but I will not discuss this matter further." He looked the imperial straight in the eyes in a way that told Danus it would be easier to bring down the moon than change the Jarls mind.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:02 am

Annika, Valton Streets
Annika stood back, and gave the reins a little pull. The horse took a step forward easily. The arrow hadn't pinpointed any major moving muscle, so that was good. She began to lead him behind the shop, where there was an small, old and overgrown paddock. Tying the horse to the fence, she went inside the back of the store for a bucket, water, and towels.
After getting the items, she filled the bucket with some water, took a towel and washed the area around the wound of dirt and old blood. The arrow had not punctured very deep, and patting the horse, she slowly pulled back on the arrow. The barbs of the arrow were very close to the serfice of the horse's skin, so it didn't cause the injury to expand by much. The horse tossed his head and kicked out at Annika with its hind leg. Annika quickly stepped out of the way of the leg, holding the arrow. Then taking another clean towel, she pressed the towel against the injury, keeping pressure to prevent much bleeding.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:43 am

Alguidar, Farm / Back of Annika's Shop, Midday

As Alguidar made his way into his new house, he was impressed by the interior. From the way it looked outside, he was expecting many more spiderwebs. Turns out there was still food on the table and everything. "Whatever happened to the poor farmer before me, it wasn't that long ago", thought Alguidar as he dropped a crate on the table.

He spent some time doing what needed to be done first: water and food for the cattle and chicken, as they were barely surviving. It seems that the farm has been maintained by guards since it was abandoned and they did a terrible job at it. "The only thing they care is their gold at the end of the day", muttered Alguidar bitterly through his beard. Watching such a beautiful farm in this state was breaking his sensitive farmer's heart.

As he picked up his last crate from the floor, he saw a horse running by the farm, into town, with an arrow on its side. It took a moment as he witnessed that peculiar sight, until he put two and two together.

"That's Aguaar's horse!" He said out loud as he looked in the direction the horse was coming from, searching for signs of the carriage in the distance.

He quickly dropped his crate inside the house, ran outside and locked the door. He was scared that whoever shot the horse was coming in this direction and he had to be sure it was the same horse, so he started running into town.

As he made his way through the main street, he noticed a horse tied to a fence in the back of a shop. A Nord woman appeared to be attending its wounds.

"That horse!" yelled Alguidar as he approached them, almost out of breath. "I think I know it!"

As he got close, he put his hands on his knees, took a deep breath and then continued. "I think it was pulling a carriage on its way to Riften!"

Alguidar noticed the arrow on the woman's hand, she was pressing the wound with a towel and the horse looked completely calm. He worked with a few horses before, taking an arrow from a horse without more men helping to hold it down wasn't an easy task. She obviously knew what she was doing.

"Do you think its the kind of horse that would be pulling a carriage?" Asked Alguidar as he examined the horse for clues that he could remember from Aguaar's horse.
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:24 am

Annika, behind Valton General Store
"That horse! I think I know it!" said an out of breath voice from behind.
Annika spun around, keeping her hand on the wound, slightly frightened, for she was thinking about the horse. The horse jumped at the loud voice, and she spoke gently to it to calm it down. A man came running around the corner, looking very tired as if he had run from some ways. She then herself relaxed as the man took a second to collect his breath again.
"I think it was pulling a carriage on its way to Riften!" The man said, once he had taken back his breath.
Annika nodded. "Well, you know more than I do. I just caught him from running off again into the Skyrim wilderness. But who would honestly try to hurt this beautiful creature?" She kept her right hand on the towel, then stroked the horse's golden neck with her left hand. Then she took the towel off for a second to peek at the wound. It was not bloody at the second, and it just looked like a minor puncture wound. Nothing too serious, but it would be hard to keep clean. She then got another clean towel and disposed of the dirty one by throwing it on the ground.
"Do you think its the kind of horse that would be pulling a carriage?" the man asked.
Annika nodded. "Yes, this is a draft build. Made for pulling heavy loads. He could pull a carriage easily." She gestured to the stocky frame of the horse with the long white hairs around his hooves. "Who do you think he belongs to?"
Then for a second she actually looked at the man closely, "You are new in town, arn't you?" she asked.
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:12 am

Alguidar, Behind Valton General Store

The woman calmly replied to the agitated farmer:

Yes, this is a draft build. Made for pulling heavy loads. He could pull a carriage easily. Who do you think he belongs to?"

Then, before Alguidar could answer, she continued. "You are new in town, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am, nice to meet you, ma'am." Said Alguidar as he was still looking at the horse.

"I just arrived. In the morning. A man in a carriage, Aguaar." Continued Alguidar, still struggling to catch his breath.

"He brought me here. Aguaar did. I bought the farm. Then he. He left. To Riften. Yes. I was moving a crate. Then the horse! It came running! It was wounded. I dropped everything and I ran! It must be... it must be Aguaar's! What happened to Aguaar? I hope he's ok!" He said while he kept looking around for guards.
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El Goose
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:15 am

Annika, behind Valton General Store
"I just arrived. In the morning. A man in a carriage, Aguaar. He brought me here. Aguaar did. I bought the farm. Then he. He left. To Riften. Yes. I was moving a crate. Then the horse! It came running! It was wounded. I dropped everything and I ran! It must be... it must be Aguaar's! What happened to Aguaar? I hope he's ok!" The man looked frantic as he looked around for guards.
Annika nodded. "I think you are right. I didn't pay much attention to it ealier, but near noon I went out of town and into the woods. As I was walking out of the town I saw an older gentleman with a horse that looked just like this. I think some of the guards might be at the inn, but if you don't find any there, they are bound to be somewhere."
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:59 am

Daikanos, Valton Streets, Back of Anika’s shop, around midday

There was alot of commotion on the streets and through the open window the sounds of a galloping horse entered his room. Daikanos could hear the horse was in pain and people began to gather on the streets.

He jumped up and buckled on his sword while running to the window and he could just see a horse, with an arrow sticking out its barrel, led around a building. Bandits, why else would a fully sadled and bridled horse gallop into town with an arrows sticking in its barrel and without a rider?

He walked out of the door at a fast pace. Without looking at the halls and the people he passed in the keep he made his way to the streets of Valton. When a guard passed him with a nod of his head, Daikanos stopped him.

“I want you to get five guards ready with horses to meet me at the general store.” Daikanos ordered the Nord. “What are you still standing there, ùove it!”

The guard nodded and said, “Yes, sir.” And ran towards the barracks. Daikanos walked through the bystanders towards the general store. I should have poout on my armor this morning. He made his way towards the building and without announcing himself stepped around to the back, where he saw a woman tending to the horse and a Nord asking questions.

“How is the horse?” Daikanos asked, “And does anyone know from where it came?”
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:52 am

Graymane, Hela's Foly

Thanks to his spell Elarian was able to follow what was discussed between Nellis and Danus – which didn't turn out to be much, with Nellis discarding whatever dreams or visions he might have received as confusing garbage. Considering how well versed your average Nord is when it comes to the Daedra Lords and their ways, it wouldn't take much for that. But it confirms that they're messing with the town. It means things are about to become interesting here, though probably not in the best sense of the word. But it also confirms what I suspected. Lord Danu's word is about as trustworthy as a greased sword handle – he didn't fork a third of what he had promised.

Elarian dropped his spell, looking as a perfectly innocent if slightly bored, customer as the Imperial went out, probably disappointed of not having uncovered much. Let's just hope this mine clearing business gets on it's way soon. I'm used to my armor, it doesn't means it's very comfortable to wait in.
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anna ley
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:46 am

Roymund Inventius, Valton Woods. Midday.

Roymund thrust his knife methodically through the doe's carcass, carving out the valued sections of meat. He reached back to his pack, pulling free an old-stained canvas wrap, he carfully wrapped the cutlets of meat amongst it. After an hours work, Roymund had scavenged all he knew of worth from the beast, It's Hide, Horns and, of course, meats. "Should bring a fine wage" he thought to himseft, slinging his new belongings into his pack.

Roymund set off down the hill-land at a steady pace, jogging in and out of the various shrubbery and jutting rocks. From the distance, Roymund heard a distinctive call of a large stag which easily caught his attention. Changing his direction, he sprang back up along the hills in the calls direction. As he sprinted amongst the bushes the beast sprung upon him, knocking him straight from his feet. A quick glimpse if all he caught, the creature was huge, easily the largest he'd ever had the luck of seeing, though it something about it didnt set right as that of a stag. Clambering to his feet he began to talk aloud to himself "What in the worl--.." he'd lost his footing on the loose rocks amongst the verge. "Bugger it!" he cried as he collapsed backwards down the hills once more.

Reaching the bottom in a rather uncooth manner, cursing as he tumbled, he took many minor cuts from the shrubbery. Roymund punched the ground out of a mixture of anger and embarrasment "Least nobody saw" he told himself. Dragging himself upright, he fixed his pack and equipment back around himself. He endulged himself a wince as he rolled back his left sleeve to reveal a large gash above his elbow. "Hope this farmers the welcoming type.." he mumbled, Trudging glumly in the direction of the farmhouse.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:31 am

Annika, behind Valton General Store
Annika took both her hands off the wound, to check it again, then put the towel back on. Then she saw Daikanos come around the corner.
“How is the horse? And does anyone know from where it came?” he asked.
Annika grinned. "The horse is doing much better. I need to make a paste that my mother used to make for wounds. It will harden and act as a bandage, letting the wound clot underneath, which is good. And as for where it came from, we," she gestured to herself and the new man in town, "were thinking it came from the carriage man that dropped him off eariler. He said he was heading to Riften or something."
Then she took the harrnesses off, but left the bridle on to keep him tied to the fence. She threw the harrness on the ground. "I'm going to go get the ingredients for the paste. It's ok if the wound bleeds just a little bit more. It shouldn't, but it might." Annika disapeared into the back of the store. Grabbing a ninroot, tree sap, and glow dust tha she always had handy, she mashed them all up in a little bowl, making a paste. She came back out with it, then wiping the wound for a last time, then she applyed the past. She rubbed it all around the wound, and especially over the wound. Soon it was covered. She stood back next to the new Nord and Daikanos. The horse pawed the ground playfully, then nickered to Annika.
(OCC: I'll be gone all day, so don't except anything from me until like tonight.)
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Farrah Lee
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