Jal Wolfsbane, Hela's Folly, Morning. Jal pulled himself upstairs. He had supplies, now. That was the important thing. Basic supplies they may be, for now. But his stock would only keep going as the supplies he sent for slowly came in. Still half-dressed, Jal pulled some clothes. Patience had never been one of his best virtues but Jal had to be patient now. Even the most simplest of tasks was rendered difficult by his knee. So Jal dressed, slowly, methodologically. The trousers were the worst. Jal could hardly bend his knee nor apply much weight to it. Thus he was reduced to setting himself down on the bed, pulling and tugging, squirming his way into his clothes. Despite the fact he was alone, he felt embarrassed. Not for the first time Jal felt himself wondering what was becoming of him.
Finally dressed, Jal hobbled carefully back to the bar, once or twice stumbling on the stairs as his knee seized up, as it tended to do in the mornings. The bar was still empty and there was no sign of the boy so Jal set himself behind the bar and started polishing the dark mahogany wood. (
OCC: can't remember if it was mahogany or oak in my previous posts. Oh well, it's mahogany now
) He liked it, it was almost soothing, uncomplicated, and he didn't need to think of anything else. There was just the grain, and the cloth, making streaks and patterns, big circles, smaller circles, with the grain ... against the grain ... funny how the light changes ...
Jal heard the door open and close, bringing him out of his meditation. He looked up, quickly, to see a small, hooded figure enter his inn.
A child? Jal couldn't make out the face. The figure approached the bar and sat itself down on a stool, the large hood still obscuring its face. Jal looked at the figure, inquisitively, not quite knowing how to greet it. A large black bag was slung from the figure's back to the floor and after the briefest of pauses, long, clawed fingers appeared from underneath the purple robes and tapped on the polished wood.
"Barkeep. C'mere. Gimme a drink."Slowly, wordlessly, Jal poured out a tankard of the newly supplied Black-Briar mead and placed it on the bar in front of the tiny man - for it was a man, the voice made it clear.
"So ... uh .... what brings you to Valton, friend?"