» Thu May 03, 2012 7:02 am
Graymane, Shimmermist mine
Once the wolves were accounted for, the party had been able to advance,. Most of the galleries stood empty, loosely organized around a central shaft high enough to let some sunlight in. He couldn't tell for sure if that was a deliberate feature, but he doubted it. The shaft had probably been carved wher a natural crack had meant there was less rock to remove and that it was weaker. Most of the galleries were meandering in pursuit of the ore veins, but they found one going deeper down.
That part of the mine offered little more than the rest, until they found more and more spiderwebs. Unfortunately those weren't the produce of regular spiders but the thick mess left behind by Skyriim's moth loathsome nuisances, giants spiders. Elarian had a strong dislike for the creatures. Their though chitin worked as a decent armor and their limited brains were nigh impervious to fear and even pain. Which meant it took a lot of damage to get rid of the creatures. And to make things even worse, some of them had a nasty ability to spit a nasty mixture of half-formed strands of web and venom which slowed down their preys for an easier kill.
Elarian felt some relief when they finally reached a wider area. Wide enough in fact that torchlight wouldn't carry to it's wall. The webs crisscrossing the area didn't help with that. But while they hindered sight they didn't stop sounds, which left them able to hear n unknown number of spiders coming. All told, four of the creatures showed up deploying to flank the group. To make it even worse, one was moving either on the' ceiling or through the webs, attempting to drop on them. Elarian didn't like the odds, but at least this place was roomy enough to move. But even a greatsword can have trouble with those hard hides. Hammer or axes would be better. Spears or point strikes is likely to stick the weapon, tht would be bad.
Having quickly made his mind about his tactics, Elarian made his first move. With a short screamed incantation and a gesture, he released a gout of flame at the ceiling, shrouding the spider in flames and burning away the web strands she had been using for support. He doubted the fall would hurt it much, but at least it should keep it from passing over the other's defense.
With that concern out of the way, he sprinted forward, relying on his speed and the sudden change of pace to keep the spiders off his back. As he passed between the two spiders in the front and they turned to try to catch him, he made a quick figure eight motion, striking left and right. He didn't aim at the spider's heads but rather at their front legs, where the chitinous armor was thinner. His quick attack left behind him two somewhat confused spiders turning to follow him as well as four severed forelegs. While each spider still had six limbs to scurry around, th loss and pain slowed them down.
With the spider following, Elarian made a sharp turn to his left, using one spider to block the other. Another sharp turn brought hims to the side of the first spider. He used his speed to make once again a powerful sweep, severing two more legs and breaking a third. Which sent the now three-legged spider to the ground. While he was doing that, the second spider tried to move to that side, moving around it's injured fellow. Elarian stopped his rush, first jumping back then started circling the downed spider, his sword held ready to impale the second spider it it tried a jump. Which it didn't merely charging forward. Which enabled him to once again sport and spring forward and to the side, repeating the cut he had delivered to his first spider. One advantage with something as stupid as a spider is that it has a damned hard time figuring that the trick yo'ure using on it is the same you just used on his buddy...
With those two out of the way, Elarian turned his attention back to the group, getting ready to help them if needed by attacking from the back. If they did the smart thing and backed toward the room's entry, they'll keep them bunched and busy, ready to be carved from behind.