'Valton: The New Hold', RP Thread #3

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:23 am

Danus Maximus. East of Valton. Afternoon.

Pissed of how arrogant the Dunmer is Danus had decided to enjoy the beauty of the Rift while on his way back to Valton.

(Things had went downhill for me since I arrived. The Jarl is too stubborn to realize that Ulfric will invade the hold. Then I am having these dreams, and now this dunmer. Now I have to send a message to Tullius about my progress. Well I guess I need to convince the public to support the empire. I'll think more when I get back to Valton.)
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:40 pm

Jacqueline, Valton Farm, Afternoon.

"Nah, we're usin' big oxen to pull our carts 'n 'orses to ride on. Nothin' wrong with donkeys, but ye can't ride 'em 'n they ain't capable of draggin a full load of stones. You'll kill 'em if ye try.
I got Henry as payment for fixin' tha leaky roof of some nobleman's giant stable. He lived real far off from tha nearest town 'n I guess he figured it woulda been real expensive to hire someone from the town, so I ended up fixin the roof in exchange fer lodging 'n the ol donkey. It took me 'bout two weeks to finsh the job since I only had a few of his servants to help me. They weren't good for anythin' but pourin' tea, 'em fancy puddings," she giggled. "I'd say Henry's been well worth it. Best travel companion I've evar had."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:32 pm

Alguidar, Valton Farm, Afternoon

Alguidar listened to Jacqueline's story about Henry. He didn't get it. A donkey may be useful but how much of a company could it be? He chose not to voice his opinion since she seemed very attached with the animal. He looked over to Roymund, still holding his arm close to him.

"How's the arm there, fellow? My mother thaught me a recipe that would help the wound to heal. I have wheat here, if only I could get some Mugwort seeds, I could make it." Alguidar said as he was thinking if he'd seen some Mugwort seeds nearby.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:16 pm

Graymane, Shimmermist Mine

Once they had entered the mine, Elarian prepared a spell, making his armor glow with a soft radiance. It provided about as much light as torch would, but didn't blind whoever happened to look at him. Turning himself highly visible that way was both a curse and a boon. An enemy would have and easier time to see him, but on the other hand it would prevent a friendly hit.

From the width and quality of it's entrance – a wide passage with neatly cut steps – the mine must have been quite profitable in it's time. Elarian had little experience with mines, but they tended to be cramped, using the bare minimum of excavation to reach the ore. Digging out useless rock doesn't bring an y money.

They had reached an enlarged part of the mine when trouble showed it's face. It had been hinted at distant growls and some scattered bones and bloodstains, but it happened sooner than expected. Two large wolves bolted from the darkness, giving him a wide berth and rushing at Gorbash and one of the guard. Muttering a curse, Elarian pivoted to have a look at the wolves. One had wasted his efforts on a guard's shield and would probably be soon cut down as the tow other guards were free to attack. The other had been bashed away by Gorbash, but the orc was backing down to recover a balance disrupted by one hundred and some pounds of angry wolf. Elarian didn't do anything fancy, but whipped his sword in a side swing while taking one step toward the wolf. The blade struck the wolf just forward of it's hindquarter, half disemboweling it and continuing through the spine, throwing the crippled wolf on it's side.

Elarian's trained ears registered a noise behind him, as a third wolf did the smart thing thing and didn't announce itself with a growl but instead tried to surprise him and hit from the back. To no avail, as Elarian simply kept his blade in motion, using the swing's momentum to run with the blade, keeping it close to the ground. The move was fast enough to catch the wolf in mid leap, the blade hitting at the shoulder and almost cutting through. The impact was enough to let the dead wolf miss Elarian and land in a crumpled mess.

Without stopping to look oh the guards would fare against eh lone survivor he ran to the passage form which the wolves came. The passage was too narrow to properly wiled his blade, which meant he simply carried it while readying a spell with his free hand. The spell sheathed his free hand in writhing flames, ready to burst forth and immolate any extra wolves.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:46 pm

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Afternoon

Roymund slung his spoon into his dish, wiping away some discards from his mouth with his sleeve. He gazed between the two others, continuing to nurse his wound.

"How's the arm there, fellow? My mother thaught me a recipe that would help the wound to heal. I have wheat here, if only I could get some Mugwort seeds, I could make it." said the Nord.

"Getting better, i'd say." he looked alittle embarrased "Bloody rocks up them hills, lost my footing on trail back to the road." he took a moments thought, breaking eye contact "Mugwort.... Mugwort.." he returned his eyes upon Alguidar "Cant say i'd recognise if i saw it, friend. I'm due back in town on the 'morrow, i'll ask if the mistress of the General Store has any aid i can use."

Roymund let a few moments pass over before peeling back his makeshift bandage, peering down at his wound. It was quite a bad gash, but wasnt yet infected. "Lucky" he thought, his mind once more drifting away on him "Seen worse, poor Volker had one twice it's size across his head up near Black Sun Camp.." his posture dampened "Rest in peace, brother."

"So, Alguidar, What plans do you have for the farm? Looks like a tough job to get her up and running again.." asked Roymund, he hoped it'd keep him distracted from his thoughts.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:01 am

Rolaf. Helas Folly. Afternoon.

Rolaf was having the time of his life in the inn. getting drunk he is getting very arrogant and rude.

"You Tramp! Get over here I got to tell you a secret in my bed!" He said to another woman. He was becoming a problem in the inn.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:19 pm

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Afternoon

"So, Alguidar, What plans do you have for the farm? Looks like a tough job to get her up and running again.." asked Roymund, he hoped it'd keep him distracted from his thoughts.

Alguidar, Valton Farm, Afternoon

Alguidar let out an audible sigh.

"Those damn brutes, with their swords and armor, stepping in this land." he said as he laid back in his chair.

"The Nord land is delicate, sensitive. It sees your heart, knows if you care. If you don't care, the land is ruthless, it will kill all that you touch." Alguidar leaned forward, getting worked up by the subject. "By the divines! Have you seen the cows? Dying! Slowly. How can you fail the cows? So many Spetims each head... the waste..." He sighed again, then he stood up and started walking towards the door as he said. "If you don't mind, I'll go put an eye on them, don't want any of them dying on me today. You two make yourselves at home."
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:00 am

Tourmund,Valton trainig yard

-What do you mean they are at the mine?!-said Tourmund angry-they had to leave training and go to a mine!Does the captain knows of this?!
The guard was out of words for he did not knew how to explain that But,that might as well be an opportunity to train my lads.
-How many of you are good for field pratice?-the guard was again out of answers-Nevermind round up 4 men and I will lead them down,gotta see how those adventurers are , and you go tell the Jarl after.
-Hum , leading people to a mine,what a dangerous work.Mayhaphs if we made a deal I could guarantee things dont go the other way down there....
-Shut up!

After his men were assembled he began the long walk to the mine.

OOC:I havent posted for a long time so feel free to correct any mistakes on what I wrote.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:42 pm

Gorbad Yak-Bogadbu, Shimmermist Mine, after-noon.

Just as the wolf was ready to leap up and attack Gorbad again, Elarian jumped in and stroke it down in one swing. Another wolf, a third wolf, tried to surprise Elarian, but the skilled fighter merely used his built-up movement to swing a little wider with the blade, killing that wolf as well. Gorbad gave a quick look at the guards who had apparently killed the last remaining wolf quick and without breaking a sweat. Nellis had wisely kept his distance. He wouldn't be able to block a rushing animals attack, nor was he skilled enough to strike it down in one strike like Elarian. Better for him to stay back and get familiar with the cave. The Nord felt like he had to do something, so he started dragging the three wolves to the bottom of the stairs. When they returned, they could take their pelt and make leather straps from them.

Elarian covered the passage from which the wolves had attacked from. It was very narrow and not high either. It was barely wide and high enough for one man to go through. Gorbad gave a questioning look to the guards, then to Elarian. The dunmer apparently couldn't hear anything so they all assumed there wouldn't be any immediate danger from going further. Elarian backed away just enough to let past the guard with the shield and follow up close behind him into the narrow passage. Gorbad, Nellis and the other two guards follow shortly after.

The next area contained wires and carts, rotten and rusted crates, empty torch-holders at the walls and a maze of narrow corridors that all connected down at the bottom. The room was very high, probably higher than Gorbad could throw a stone. "Nah, not that high", Gorbad thought. They could see most of the area thanks to a very small stream of sun-light coming from the roof. A little more exploration here showed that it had more iron veins, but also a few corundum veins. Nellis looked like a child in a candy-shop and Gorbad couldn't help but smile himself. This mine wasn't turning out to be so bad after all. They all took different passages and ended up at the same place at the bottom. All reported to have seen the same thing, iron and corundum. They continued further into the mine, now their only light-source was their torches, amulets and spells.

Nellis walked on something that crushed underneath him with a loud crack. He jumped high into the air, but realized it wasn't an ambush and calmed himself. It looked like a human-skull, but very crushed at this point. The three-man wide passage they walked through began to contain something white and sticky. One of the guards said it must be a spider, either frost-bite spider or rock-bite spider. Gorbad asked what the difference was. The different was apparently the poison. Frost-bite spiders could spit poison, but rock-bite spiders could only poison you if they came into melee range. The frost-bite spider poison was supposedly a bit stronger and lasted longer than the rock-bite spiders’ poison. Gorbad hoped they'd run into the rock-bite spiders, if they had to run into any spiders at all.

They could now see clear webs forming up, blocking a few passages, covering the roof and making the floor sticky. They used their swords and weapons to cut through and Elarian used a few magical spells to help clear the webs. A large area opened up ahead of them again. It was so long and wide that they couldn't see just how long it continued. Just as they realized the size of the room, they also realized it was entirely filled with spider-web. A crunching, sticky noise could be heard, closing in. Gorbad raised his shield and saw the other guard to the same. The whole group took a fighting stance, even Nellis, who looked very pale.

Gorbad saw two shapes moving in the shadows ahead and one on each side of them as well. Suddenly Nellis pointed at the roof, one of the sneaky creatures was trying to ambush them from above... Gorbad didn't have time to think who the roof-spider was going to attack when he saw two of the spiders rushing into them. One of the guards had pulled a bow and arrow and managed to fire an arrow at the front leg of one spider. It slowed it down just a second or two, so he changed to melee as quickly as he could. Gorbad was unsure how he should fight these things. Would a shield block their poisonous fangs? He didn't have time to think as he blocked the wounded spider's attack and swung his mace down at the creatures head with as much force as he could. The impact threw Gorbad out of balance...
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:47 pm

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Late Afternoon.

Roymund watched as Alguidar moved to the door, he had suddenly come across glumly aggresive which he felt was odd. "Not my place to judge.." he thought, then spoke out "Very well, Be wary of more travellers. I dont think this inn has room for anymore" he laugh slighly, trying to inject some humour into the atmosphere.

Once Alguidar had left, Roymund moved from the table to his pack. With a sigh, he brought out his bedroll and tucked it under arm, dragging the pack with his good arm "Need rest" he said, bluntly. His eyes appeared almost misty, the eyelids felt like Iron-rimmed windows being held up by a strand of wheat. "Wake me up if i'm needed, have a safe night". He gave a nod to the Breton as he passed, though it was unclear wether it was intentional or if he was just dozing off already.

He slung down the roll the North-eastern corner of the house, tucked away slightly behind one of the crates filling the house. "Alittle privacy..." he thought. Dropping like a sack of potatoes, he was soon asleep.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:39 am

Jacqueline, Valton Farm, Late Afternoon.

"Night, Sir," she answered Roymund as he stumbled off to bed. She stood up from her chair and collected the plates from their simple dinner. She rinsed them off as best as she could with the rest of the water that was left over from the cooking. When that was done she put a couple of logs on the fire to keep it going through the night and then pulled out her bedroll. She placed it close enough to the fireplace to stay warm, but made sure that she wouldn't be in the way for anyone. She lay in silence for a while, listening to the gentle sounds of the wind rustling through the forest and the cattle moo-ing lazily in the barn. After a few minutes she drifted off to sleep.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:43 pm

Alguidar, Valton Farm, Evening

Time passed quickly in the house. He stepped outside to a darker landscape than he was expecting. The sun was already hidden behind the tall mountains of Skyrim and a cold air filled his lungs. This was a welcome change for the Nord, he spent his whole life in Windhelm, his body was acclimated to the snow and the cold wind of that unforgiving land. The relative warmness of the shores of the Treva River felt uncomfortable for him.

He made his way to the barn, pulling the door open and closing it behind him. Chickens were standing still in a corner and most animals were lying down. It seemed that, as sunlight got dimmer, the day was ending here too.

"Heehaw!!" he heard behind him. Alguidar jumped as imperceptible words came out of his mouth until he realized what it was.

"By Oblivion, Henry! Don't you sneak up on me like that again! Hear me?" "Oh great, now I'm talking with the donkey too." he thought as he starred at Henry in the eyes.

This wasn't anything like his old farm, it was longer but it only had one floor. The animals were all cramped up but mostly because of all the trash lying on the floor. There was a small side room, probably used as a milkhouse, and the tack room in the corner.

Alguidar made a round through the barn, the animals looked weak but they had plenty of water and food. He spent some time cleaning and putting everything in its place. His father always taught him to make sure everything was clean by the end of the day. Helps to avoid diseases from spreading through the cattle.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:02 am

Danus Maximus. Valton. Evening.

Danus came back to the town. He then walked into the inn. As he is sitting on the bar stool he noticed a Nord, probably a traveler causing trouble in the bar. However the Imperial chose to ignore him. As Danus drank more and more alcohol he also began to be more and more irritated by the Nord. The final straw for the Imperial was when the Nord disrespected a young Noridic woman. He walked to the man.

"Listen here. I may be part of the most hated group in the province but atleast I have enough honor to not call this woman a [censored]. I think it's in your best interests to apologize to her right now." Said the Pissed Imperial.

The Nord Almost laughed at Danus. "What does an Imperial know about honor? Your kind have bend over the thalmor in that damn treaty And yet your telling me that you have honor?" Said Rolaf."Maybe approach me next time without your body guards and I can be convinced your not a coward"

?Danus furious about what the Nord told him he told him again. "Just do not disrespect her again. I may not know her but it is common sense to let people have dignity."

Rolaf again almost laughed by what looks like an Imperial diplomat preaching about honor and dignity. He then pucnhed Danus in the face. Danus fights back. Now there is a brawl.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:03 pm

Julius Scipion, Valton, Evening

Julius had been passing the time by talking to some of the locals when he noticed the brawl between a nord and an imperial he rushed over and stepped between them shouting “Listen you drunken sods If you don’t take this outside I will personally kick you out of here or you can both be civilised and talk about it” He hoped that would be enough to convince them to at least leave or stop fighting, he noticed the entire inn had turned to watch this scene he carried on but with a lowered voice "besides do you think the town guards will approve of this behaviour".
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:55 am

Danus Maximus. Helas Folly. Evening.

?Danus and the Nord was interpreted by an altmer.

"I apologize. This person had something to a woman and I did not like that one bit. And he had hit me first and I defended myself." Said Danus.

"I started this? So you tell me about you have honor and preach about dignity when your race surrender like Cowards to the Thalmor? And because I told a [censored] that he is a [censored] I am not giving her dignity when she dosen't even deserve it? You Imperial should of minded your own." Said Rolaf.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:13 am

Julius Scipion, Valton, Evening

Julius sighed This was going to be a long evening he turned to stand at a position where he could speak to both of them “If this is an argument about The great war let me tell you If you had seen what I had seen as quartermaster during the war the empire could have not have carried on, anyway Lets be civilised My name is Julius Scipion and yours are” he waited for a reply feeling like a schoolmaster speaking to two children.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:15 pm

Danus Maximus. Evening. Helas Folly.

"I am Danus Maximus. And I'm sorry but I do not like talking about the great war. I have lost someone close back then."Said Danus.

"I am Rogvir. However How could the Empire not carried on Elf? If the redguards could beat them without help from the Empire then the empire could of head to Alinor and showed the pointy eared bastards such as yourself that men will not bend over like slaves." Said Rolaf drunk
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:26 am

Julius Scipion, Valton, Evening

Julius Looked at both of them in turn as they introduced themselves he spoke to Rogvir first “Well let me remember firstly We only had around three to five legions left most of them at half strength some even not large enough to call a legion, then you said about the redguards well you try marching through a desert with a very long supply line and crazy warriors who rush into a frenzy” he then turned to Danus “yes I think everyone lost someone”.He looked at them hoping to have at least calmed them down enough to stop a full on riot.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:22 am

Danus Maximus. helas Folly. Evening.

"Well thank you Jullius. Although I was only a toddler when it happened I can remember so many things... The only reason why I am even loyal to the empire is that I still have hope.. excuse me but I need to leave this place." The Imperial walked out the inn with a beer bottle

"You damn elves must have the need to enter skyrim The land of the Nords and act as if you own it. Head back to Alinor or whatever ever you bastards call it. This Our land. Not yours." Said Rolaf still drunk and mad.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:37 pm

Julius Scipion, Valton, Evening

Julius Acknowledged Danus as he left before turning to Rogvir he smiled before grabbing a mug smashing it on top of the nords head, then grabbing him and kneeing him in the groin he looked down at the nord “Next time you insult my kind make sure it’s to a weak one and maybe one that isn’t an orphan brought up by the legion, Near the imperial waterfront district oh and it may be your land but people are entitled to live here not just you xenophobics” with that he then paid the bartender for the damages and walked to his home and into his bedroom and fell into a deep sleep.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:47 am

Rolaf. Helas Folly. Evening.
Suffering an injury to the head and join he sat back on his bar stool. He then left and began stalking the altmer to his home (This bastard will regret this...) He thought.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:33 pm

Rolaf. Valton. Evening.

At this point Rolaf had almost forgotten about why he is in Valton in the first place. As he the lights turned off he went to the back door. He will not kill the Altmer but he he is going to show him to not mess with a true Nord. His plan is simple. Break down the door. Beat the High elf as much as he pleases and get out of Valton back to the cave to avoid arrest. As he kicks the door down he bagan destroying the elf's property while searching for him.

"Where are you Elf!?" Screamed Rolaf.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:02 am

Graymane, Shimmermist mine

Once the wolves were accounted for, the party had been able to advance,. Most of the galleries stood empty, loosely organized around a central shaft high enough to let some sunlight in. He couldn't tell for sure if that was a deliberate feature, but he doubted it. The shaft had probably been carved wher a natural crack had meant there was less rock to remove and that it was weaker. Most of the galleries were meandering in pursuit of the ore veins, but they found one going deeper down.

That part of the mine offered little more than the rest, until they found more and more spiderwebs. Unfortunately those weren't the produce of regular spiders but the thick mess left behind by Skyriim's moth loathsome nuisances, giants spiders. Elarian had a strong dislike for the creatures. Their though chitin worked as a decent armor and their limited brains were nigh impervious to fear and even pain. Which meant it took a lot of damage to get rid of the creatures. And to make things even worse, some of them had a nasty ability to spit a nasty mixture of half-formed strands of web and venom which slowed down their preys for an easier kill.

Elarian felt some relief when they finally reached a wider area. Wide enough in fact that torchlight wouldn't carry to it's wall. The webs crisscrossing the area didn't help with that. But while they hindered sight they didn't stop sounds, which left them able to hear n unknown number of spiders coming. All told, four of the creatures showed up deploying to flank the group. To make it even worse, one was moving either on the' ceiling or through the webs, attempting to drop on them. Elarian didn't like the odds, but at least this place was roomy enough to move. But even a greatsword can have trouble with those hard hides. Hammer or axes would be better. Spears or point strikes is likely to stick the weapon, tht would be bad.

Having quickly made his mind about his tactics, Elarian made his first move. With a short screamed incantation and a gesture, he released a gout of flame at the ceiling, shrouding the spider in flames and burning away the web strands she had been using for support. He doubted the fall would hurt it much, but at least it should keep it from passing over the other's defense.

With that concern out of the way, he sprinted forward, relying on his speed and the sudden change of pace to keep the spiders off his back. As he passed between the two spiders in the front and they turned to try to catch him, he made a quick figure eight motion, striking left and right. He didn't aim at the spider's heads but rather at their front legs, where the chitinous armor was thinner. His quick attack left behind him two somewhat confused spiders turning to follow him as well as four severed forelegs. While each spider still had six limbs to scurry around, th loss and pain slowed them down.

With the spider following, Elarian made a sharp turn to his left, using one spider to block the other. Another sharp turn brought hims to the side of the first spider. He used his speed to make once again a powerful sweep, severing two more legs and breaking a third. Which sent the now three-legged spider to the ground. While he was doing that, the second spider tried to move to that side, moving around it's injured fellow. Elarian stopped his rush, first jumping back then started circling the downed spider, his sword held ready to impale the second spider it it tried a jump. Which it didn't merely charging forward. Which enabled him to once again sport and spring forward and to the side, repeating the cut he had delivered to his first spider. One advantage with something as stupid as a spider is that it has a damned hard time figuring that the trick yo'ure using on it is the same you just used on his buddy...

With those two out of the way, Elarian turned his attention back to the group, getting ready to help them if needed by attacking from the back. If they did the smart thing and backed toward the room's entry, they'll keep them bunched and busy, ready to be carved from behind.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:36 pm

Julius Scipion, Valton, Evening

Julius woke with a start as he heard a door cave in he looked around for a suitable weapon his eyes rested on a majestic chamber pot picking it up he calmly stalked down stairs the nord was a wild drunken man and so easy for Julius to merely tap him on the shoulder and hit him with the pot easily breaking his nose then adopting an aggressive stance he kneed the nord in the groin at least three times before hollering with all his voice “GUARDS”.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:55 am

Rolaf. Valton. Evening.

The nord still in pain for getting knocked refused to get up, He punched the Elf enough for him to get up. The angry Nord continued the fight.
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