Haleth and Ulfdor, Julius’ house, Evening“Still you’ll have to join us at the barracks where the captain shall formely write down your own view on the events. We are sorry for the nuisance but we are ordered to do this by the new captain.” Haleth explained. “We won’t keep you long. And the sooner this is done, the sooner the guilty one can pay to fix the damages.”
“I’ll bring this one to th dungeons, alright. He might need some healing before he can speak.” Ulfdor said,while he walked towards the door carrying the nord with him. Haleth nodded and motioned the others to follow him. “let’s go, the sooner this is done, the sooner we can grab some sleep.”
Daikanos, Alguidar’s Farm, evening.Just as Daikanos was about to simply kick the door in, a man, Imperial opened the it.
"Can i help you, friend?" he spoke in a friendly manner.
Daikanos didn’t wait to be asked inside but simply sidestepped past the man, with an elegance you wouldn’t grant him at first side, and entered the farm. It was somewhat empty and he saw a female sleeping next to the fire. He turned his attention towards the man that had opened the door.
“Yes, you can. Are you the owner of the farm? Have you seen strange things this midday on the road? A large group of people? A wounded horse? Strange behaviour? Anything that could point towards bandits?”
Nuramon, At Home.Sargon explained that he needed him to take care of security, something Nuramon did not need any extensive knowledge of brewery for. When Sargon mentioned Nuramon could use his gift to ensure it, Nuramon immediately looked around to make sure no one was looking in through the windows and he concentrated to make sure no one was eavesdropping at the door or some place else. When he was sure they were alone he nodded.
Sargon poured another drink and asked if they had an accord. Nuramon accepted the goblet and placed it at his lips. After taking a sip, he grinned. “Ofcourse, The Black-briars won’t know what hit them when they’ll see their numbers plummet to the depths.” He said. “Don’t worry about security. I’ll have it covered.”
He started cleaning the table and while he washed the dishes and placed everything away he tried to calculate the cost. “How much would it cost to set up this bussines anyway?”
OOC: Sorry for the time at Nuramon's post, there it's still morning but after their bussines talk is done I'll skip him to evening

Glad, to get this thing rolling, Jonas.