'Valton: The New Hold', RP Thread #3

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:23 am

Welcome to 'Valton: The New Hold', RP Thread #3

Previous RP Threads:

An ambitious project began in the Rift several months ago: a new settlement sprung up alongside a river, between Ivarstead and Riften. Enough land was purchased for the new settlement, Valton, to be recognized as a new, separate hold, and the man who had purchased the land, Radwulf Spurvhauke, was given the title of Jarl. Valton is still growing, with the castle, Gudslott Keep, being erected first, and then several smaller buildings were built around it, though most of them are currently empty. In an attempt to attract as many citizens as possible to the new hold, Jarl Spurvhauke has set an extremely low price on these homes: a mere 1,000 golden septims, and settlers have been coming in from all over in a hope of a better life or a chance at making some coin, and as a new settlement, there is plenty of opportunity to do so.

Current events: Daedric princes have their eyes on the town of Valton. Shimmermist mine is soon to be explored. Bandits have set a camp in a cave near Valton...

Head over to the http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1359896-valton-the-new-hold-ooc-sign-up-thread-vii/ for further information and questions.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:14 am

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm.

The Nord extended his hand to Roymund and said "You didn't happen to mistake a horse for a deer in your travels now did ya?"

Accepting the hand, Roymund pulled himself up from the ground and returned the gesture with a nod. "A horse you say? 'Fraid not, though i couldnt help but notice you've got a bloody great stag out in these woods.." he said, attempting to keep up a friendly appearance. ".. Or something of it's kin" he thought, finishing his spoken scenetence.

Reaching down, He picked up the straps to lift his pack but couldnt, instead letting out a pained groan. "I know it not proper to ask, but would you permit my company whilst i tend to my wound? Perhaps you can tell me of this Aguaar fellow, and why you suspected me of taking him. I've been told a trouble shared is a trouble halved."
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meghan lock
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:55 pm

Julius Scipion, Valton,afternoon

Julius bounced up and down on his horse Darsor as he travelled through the woods into Valton he stopped to look at his maps at where he was marking a certain place he put his map away and carried on riding into the main town he looked up at the sky it was still very light he sighed before carrying on his journey into Valton.

he arrived at the edge of the town he let out a sigh of relief 'I`ve made it' he thought before riding into the middle of the town and staring at the map of the town and where his house was located, he looked down at himself his steel dwarven styled armour glinting in the afternoon sun, he rode towards his house a small stone cottage with only one floor “I will have that sorted” muttered Julius before tying up his horse and entering his home he wondered if anyone had noticed him before sitting on his bed to recollect his thoughts after the weeks journey.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:32 pm

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm.

"I know it not proper to ask, but would you permit my company whilst i tend to my wound? Perhaps you can tell me of this Aguaar fellow, and why you suspected me of taking him. I've been told a trouble shared is a trouble halved."

Alguidar, Valton Farm, Afternoon

"Of course, traveler, come on in!" said Alguidar. He felt bad for the hostile reception he gave to the wounded hunter. He dropped the axe, picked up the hunter's pack and opened the sturdy door.

"Don't mind the place, I... uh... I just moved in..." said Alguidar, embarrassed by the big pile of crates around the entrance and the dust covering everything. He looked around for a moment as he knew the place as bad as the hunter. There was a big dinning table on the corner. He approached it, took a chair out and waved to the hunter. "Have a sit, friend, I will prepare something to eat. Can't recover from a wound on an empty belly! Ha Ha!"

The farmer went over to his crates as he continued.

"Got a name, hunter? I'm Alguidar, just arrived from Windhelm."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:12 pm

Annika, Valton General Store, Afternoon
Annika washed her hands in a small basen. She walked back to the unfinished red skirt for the store. Sitting back on the counter, she began to push the thread through the cloth. The sun light through the windows was not as bright as it was that morning. Pausing for a second she redo her high messy pony tail. Then she picked back up the needle and thread and continued on.
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le GraiN
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:32 am

Just outside of Valton
Ulfgar walked on the small path, Spot sitting on his shoulder. Up ahead, he could see buildings coming into view. “Must be Valton,” he said. “This is a new beginning. New house, new work, everything.” They saw more buildings, and they were moving deeper into the town. Spot jumped off his shoulder and walked beside him. People were moving about, and Ulfgar saw what looked to be a tavern up ahead. He turned to Spot, “Think we could put off moving in for a bit? You know, get to know the town and its people?” Spot nodded, and they both walked up to the door. Ulfgar opened it, and stepped inside. There were people drinking – and thus, laughing – and there were people talking. Ulfgar took a seat at an empty table near one of the side walls, and Spot lay in the middle of the table.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:24 am

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Afternoon.

Roymund peer about the Farmstead, his eyes flickering between the unhomely feel of the house and the Nord. He could see the Nord knew little of the layout of the room by the ways he paced about the place.

"Don't mind the place, I... uh... I just moved in..." said the Nord, pacing about the room in an embarrased manner, He ushered Roymund towards a seat by the table. "Have a sit, friend, I will prepare something to eat. Can't recover from a wound on an empty belly! Ha Ha!" laughed the Nord.

Roymund nodded thankfully, placing his arm gently upon the tabletop. "Check my pack, you'll find a few cuts of Venison, take enough for two." he offered the Nord a smile.

"Got a name, hunter? I'm Alguidar, just arrived from Windhelm." the Nord said, searching through his crates for something.

"Names Roymund Inventius, Been travelling through your kin's province for awhile now. News reached me of a Valton, said it was cheap and had fair work on offer." Roymund followed Alguidar with his eyes as the Nord busied himself about the home. "Sadly, works been scarce and those cheap houses are too expensive for a Hunters wage, Not even room at the Inn! likely full of those bloody workmen."

He let out a sigh, and changed his gaze to his injured arm "So what of this Aguaar? Was he a brother of yours, a farmhand perhaps?"
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:08 pm

Danus Maximus. Gudslott Hall. Afternoon.

Danus could tell that the Jarl is irritated about his second visit of the day.

"It is in fact about the horse and the bandits. Now I only wanted to make it private to prevent panic. Though ofcourse with only few it less likely to happened but I am the type that always wants to be safe. Now I know you are already sick of me trying to get you to side with the empire but the matter with the bandits is very serious. And considering how your hold is new and most of your guards are new at this the bandits will become a problem. Not only that but since there is not even a wall on your hold the bandits could easily raid your town if they have the strength. So one man may allready be dead today. But how many will die tomorrow? So If you wish to increase security within your hold and possibly even get rid of the bandits I suggest you should allow the legion to send in a small amount of soldiers for just this purpose.

So if you do this, not only will it will increase security within this hold; you can make a set of rules for the imperials to follow. If yu refuse I can see the bandits becoming worse of a problem. People will be ambushed and many more will avoid the road to Valton causing you to lose much of your potential citizens. And your economy will suffer for it. If you do, the Opposite will happened. Just think for the day. And tell me by tonight or tomorrow."

Danus is hoping this could convince Radwulf to make some agreement.
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Kelly James
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:12 pm

Jacqueline, outside Valton Farm, Afternoon.

"I guess this wasn't really a shortcut..." Jacqueline mumbled.
"Hey, we ain't *that* far off course! No need to get sassy, Henry." Jacqeline rolled up the old map she had bought for a cheap coin and tapped the donkey on the head. "Now come on," she giggled. She picked up the piece of rope tied to Henry's bridle and gently tugged until he followed. He was such a good donkey. Jack knew Henry was tired but he still obeyed and pulled the little cart filled with her belongings. Not far behind the cart a playful little goat followed suit. The two chickens voiced their displeasure everytime the cart hit a pothole in the road and made the little cart jump.

After a few minutes of walking they arrived at the gate of an old farm. The gate was lying flat on the ground, preventing Henry from pulling the cart inside. Jacqueline lifted the broken gate door off the ground and set it up against the fence it was connected to.
"Aint no one gonna care if we make a stop here, ey Henry? Gotta let you have a little rest and the birdies probably wanna stretch em little legs 'n wings, right?" As she led the donkey through the broken gate she looked up at the sky. It would be dark soon, and she really didn't like traveling when the sun was down. One thing was all the dangerous creatures that hunted during the night, but she was also severely lacking in footwear and the ground got really, really cold when the sun wasn't up to warm it.
"Might as well just stay the night here, ey? Aint no one livin' here anyway."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:55 pm

Nellis Nelsh, Hela's Folly, Midday.

Relived that the Imperial had left, Nellis slumped in his chair. He gave far to much information to him. Feeling a nagging sense to go and check with Fiona if it was fine to tell the Imperial, he walked out of his room. He wanted to be forthcoming with information, but who knows what could go wrong if Danus spread that information? While Nellis was a strong suppoter to the Empire, he could not help but be suspicous of the imperial. Sighing, he stepped out to see if Gorbad was still with the guards.

"Hey, Gorbad. We heading out soon? I'd prefer to leave sooner, rather than later. Need to talk with Fiona and Danus later. Perhaps even to Jarl."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:14 pm

Graymane, Hela's Foly

Elarian muttered an obscure curse under his breath when Nellis moved out – for a rendezvous at the inn, nobody seemed to care much. That mine business is beginning to stink like a three week corpse. I'd better go look for myself before somebody's grumpy aunt derails the whole thing. It seems those nords couldn't even get drunk with a brewery's keys in their pockets...

With nothing to drink but water and the innkeeper's botched attempt at brewing he didn't a have a tab, so he simply stood up and left, following the miner outside. Which seemed to have a lot of animation going on, with a few guard gathering under the supervision of a dunmer – probably of a fairly substantial rank considering his ebony weaponry. Something in the man's attitude immediately irked Elarian. He couldn't tell whether it was the mer's attitude denoting an assumed superiority bordering on the worst dunmer arrogance, his very expensive gear or something else, but it was there. Or maybe because my position as the hold's only example of worldly sophistication just went though the window. But I don't like him anymore than some snotty imperial brat looking down upon me from his impeccable pedigree, with twenty generations never being so uncouth as actively doing something other than gazing at their navel and polishing their ancestry.

Elarian shrugged and stomped on his feeling, keeping them safely tucked away and letting none of it show on his face or attitude. It was helped by Nellis asking for Gorbad and the mine. But with that bunch of guard gettign ready for something, I wouldn't bet on getting that on the road, at least not with any sort of support form the hold's guard. His Smugness here looks like he's got something more important for them than a dusty hole in the ground. His eyes narrowed slightly as he noticed an odd shimmer about the mer. But unless I'm mistaken, he's clad in some rather mighty magic. He may look like the finest swollen head Morrowind could produce, but there's some steel under the gilding. If it ever comes to blow, I'd better not dally about it. Quick, mean and don't spare a dirty trick...
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:48 pm

Jarl Radwulf Spurvhauke, Gudslott Hall, After-noon

Danus tried once again to convince the Jarl to allow more imperials in his hold. Radwulf knew the risk his hold was in, but flagging openly that Valton supported the empire would be a much bigger problem. Danus said:
"It is in fact about the horse and the bandits. Now I only wanted to make it private to prevent panic. Though ofcourse with only few it less likely to happened but I am the type that always wants to be safe. Now I know you are already sick of me trying to get you to side with the empire but the matter with the bandits is very serious. And considering how your hold is new and most of your guards are new at this the bandits will become a problem. Not only that but since there is not even a wall on your hold the bandits could easily raid your town if they have the strength. So one man may allready be dead today. But how many will die tomorrow? So If you wish to increase security within your hold and possibly even get rid of the bandits I suggest you should allow the legion to send in a small amount of soldiers for just this purpose.

So if you do this, not only will it will increase security within this hold; you can make a set of rules for the imperials to follow. If yu refuse I can see the bandits becoming worse of a problem. People will be ambushed and many more will avoid the road to Valton causing you to lose much of your potential citizens. And your economy will suffer for it. If you do, the Opposite will happened. Just think for the day. And tell me by tonight or tomorrow."

"This man is really starting to irritate me. He just doesn't seem to take no for an answer. His bodyguards are the only imperial troopers I'm going to allow inside my hold. If he'd truly had have intentions of helping, he'd have sent some of his bodyguards to accompany my guards on their search for the bandits. Instead, he walks straight up here in spite of everything I said earlier. I've had enough of this man to last a life time." The Jarl thought as he kept knocking on the table with mas between him and the imperial, he stood up and stopped only inches from the mans face, looking him straight in the eyes as he spoke.
"Your bodyguards will remain the only tolerated imperial troopers in my hold. I will discuss this no further. Do not test my patience again."
With those words the Jarl left the man, walked back to the throne room and called back his guards and writer. He told the guards to send word around Valton to keep an eye on the imperial, just in case.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:06 pm

Gorbad Yak-Bogadbu, Hela's Folly, Midday to After-noon

The imperial left the inn in a hurry and soon enough Nellis entered the main-hall again. He came directly over to Gorbads table and said:
"Hey, Gorbad. We heading out soon? I'd prefer to leave sooner, rather than later. Need to talk with Fiona and Danus later. Perhaps even to Jarl."
At the same the the Dunmer Elarian stepped up and about. The three guards stopped playing suited war, checked their gear and stepped out of the inn as well. Nellis followed them outside shortly and Gorbad was the last to leave the inn. He closed the door and turned around just in time to see a group of perhaps six or seven men riding away from Valton, heading south. Gorbad said:
"Looks like Tsavani isn't going to accompany us after all. Well Nellis, you might as well take this war axe in that case." He handed over the newly forged and reinforced iron war axe to Nellis and turned to speak with Elarian.
"Here's a light-amulet that will come in handy if our torches run out." Gorbad gave Elarian the amulet and now the group was ready to begin their journey to Shimmermist Mine. He hoped there wouldn't be something too bad inside. The guards began walking up north-east from Valton. There was a small road barely wide enough for one man leading up and away from Valton. Gorbad followed the three guards and waved to Elarian and Nellis to follow him. And so the adventure began..
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:24 pm

Danus Maximus, His quarters at Gudslott hall. Afternoon.

The Jarl is growing tiresome of Danus. As Danus went to his quarters he was thinking of what to do. Surely ig he keeps pushing the Jarl he will have him kicked out of town. He then got an idea. In his journal he wrote.

(It's been my second day in Valton and so far there is no progress of my mission. And by each of my visits to the jarl he gets more and more angry. The only way to possibly get Radwulf in my favor is to risk me and my men lives and help deal with problems outside the town. I'm no coward. If I am to die I would like my remains to return Cyrodill. And the remains of the bodyguards to return to their homeland.)

After all the things he went through Danus dosen't care if he lives or die. As long as he completes his mission is all that counts. Danus has heard of a shimmerset mine that needs to be cleared. He could do that, or he could assist on the investigation east to Riften. Danus then decided that he would bennefit more from assisting the investigation.

The Imperial and his bodyguards mounted up and heades east.....
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:56 pm

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Afternoon.

He let out a sigh, and changed his gaze to his injured arm "So what of this Aguaar? Was he a brother of yours, a farmhand perhaps?"

Alguidar, Valton Farm, Afternoon

"Ah, yes. Aguaar." Alguidar stopped what he was doing and took a few seconds to recollect his thoughts on this day's events. Between all the running around and trying to be a good host to the wounded hunter, he still didn't have the time to stop and think about it. Finally he continued.

"I saw him outside of Windhelm, in his carriage." he said as he took a a few different types of vegetables from his crates.

"He was just arriving from a few days journey with a client from Whiterun, still, he had a smile on his face. Hard worker. Good man." Alguidar put everything on the table and accepting the hunter's suggestion, he took a chunk of venison meat from his pack.

"I asked him to bring me here and I remember he said no, said there was no such thing. All a myth he said! Ha!" Said Alguidar with a smile on his face as he sliced enough Venison for the two.

"I kept telling him, it's true! It's true I say! He said no. But he accepted to take me. He got curious, I could see." Alguidar lit up the fire under the cooking pot and, as it was heating up, he prepared all the ingredients.

"We traveled together for days. He told me stories about his lads, one in Riften, one in Morthal. I told him about my father." He paused, obviously avoiding talking about him.

"One time, a troll appeared right behind us! Out of nowhere! The horse ran like it never ran before, the carriage almost break into pieces! The troll running behind us! We were both screaming, holding on! Then the troll tripped and fell on its face! Ha Ha Ha! We laughed for days!" Alguidar said laughing, as he put everything in the pot.

"He brought me here earlier this day. Then he left to Riften. Now his horse came back to town with an arrow on the side." Alguidar stopped talking for a while, as he mixed the concoction in the pot, letting it cook.

"If a troll couldn't kill him, it won't be a bandit that will!" He said, with a nervous smile in his face. He knew that, without the horse, his chances were slim.

After a few minutes, he poured the stew on two plates and put them on the table. He was a good cook but only with his own stock. He finally looked back at the hunter.

"I never cooked venison, but meat is meat, heh?"
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:14 pm

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Afternoon

Roymund kept his arm rested upon the table, though he gaze remained upon Alguidar as he moved about the room. He studied the Nords face, then his hands, "Long time spent in the winds" he thought. Roymund polited nodded along as the Nord spoke, his attention half distracted as he pondered the sight he'd seen in the woods "Bloody great stag that was.." he thought.

"One time, a troll appeared right behind us! Out of nowhere! The horse ran like it never ran before, the carriage almost break into pieces! The troll running behind us! We were both screaming, holding on! Then the troll tripped and fell on its face! Ha Ha Ha! We laughed for days!" Alguidar said laughing, as he put everything in the pot.

Roymund snapped out of his distraction, bursting into laughter too.

Alguidar's tone changed, He brought me here earlier this day. Then he left to Riften. Now his horse came back to town with an arrow on the side." Alguidar stopped talking for a while, as he mixed the concoction in the pot, letting it cook. "If a troll couldn't kill him, it won't be a bandit that will!"

Roymund noticed an odd smile creep across the Nords face "You plan to find him then, friend? I'd offer you my assistance once i'm this heals" He indicates to his arm "Should be able to follow horse tracks back to where this.. event happend providing they've not been concea--.." he stopped suddenly, hearing a womans voice outside. "The Nord doesnt wear a ring" he thought, Stepping up from his table. "Expecting female company?" he asked
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:51 pm

Julius scipion,Gudslott hall,afternoon

Julius waited to talk to the jarl he was now in his normal clothes of black shoes and trousers ,a white shirt and a blue jumper, he sighed before being admitted to enter he looked up at the jarl Sparvhauke before beginning "my jarl I am Julius Scipion a mason and would like to offer my services to the hold in whatever way possible the first being however a wall around the town if yourself would approve I will have the necessary arrangements made and then offer my services to anyone whom may require them" he looked at the jarl and waited for a reply.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:27 pm

Jarl Radwulf Spurvhauke, Gudslott Hall, After-noon

Radwulf sat on his throne and listened to the sound of a pen writing on paper while eating a delicious meal of fruits, bread and cheese. He finished with a particularily refreshing ale from Cheydinhal. It didn't take long before the next visitor arrived to Valton and stood before the Jarl, an altmer. Not a Thalmor, that Radwulf was sure of. The man introduced himself as Julius Scipion, a name that sounded quite imperial for an altmer, at least in the Jarls ears. Julius also said:
"I'm a mason and would like to offer my sevices to the hold in whatever way possible the first being a wall around the town if yourself would approve I will have the necessary arrangements made and then offer my services to anyone whom may require them."
It took a while for the Jarl to understand what the man was talking about. He was a mason, which would be a welcome addition to Valton. His first project, however, had the Jarl puzzled. The man had just arrived to town. There was no wood, stone or rock ready to be used for building anything, especially not a wall. It would take a single man many years to manage with something like that. The Jarl had no idea what the man meant by 'necessary arrangements' either. Radwulf realized he's been quiet for quite some time now when the writer cleared his throat.
"A mason you say? Your services will indeed be welcome here. And the wall you speak of would offer much wanted protection. However..."
Radwulf paused and gave Julius a curious look before saying, "...Building a wall isn't a small project. Why don't you settle down in a house and ask around Valton if they need something smaller done first? I'm sure you're a master of your craft, but I'm not going to hire a stranger to build Valton’s defense. I'm sure you understand." Radwulf gave a sly smile and continued,
"You can buy a house for merely one thousand gold, what do you say?"
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:44 am

Wolfgar Cut-Throat. Bandit cave. Midday.

After about 30 minutes of talking with Ulag he called in one of his men.

"Rolaf, you have an important mission. You are to go into Valton and act as a scout. Your main objective is to find out if there are rumors of bandits in the hold or if they know were here. When you come back tell me everything you find out. And keep your profile low. The last thing we need is you being arrested because they think you're one of the bandits responsible for that raid we attempted." "Well Are you waiting for? Get the necessary supplies and get to Valton!."

Rolaf. Valton. Afternoon

As Rolaf entered the town he figured that the inn might be a good place to hear if the bandits are known in the hold. However he need he heard the sound of a horse As he checked behind the building he found a horse that looked exactly like the one in the raid and looked like there was some sort of bandage in it's barrel. As he entered the building through the front he sees a Nordic woman and judging by the many goods in the building; it is a store and she might be the owner.

"Good. afternoon. While I was walking to this building I noticed there is a horse outside with a bandage. Out of curiosity what happened to it?" He said to the woman.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:44 pm

Annika, Valton General Store, Afternoon
"Good afternoon. While I was walking to this building I noticed there was a horse outside with a bandage. Out of curiousity what happened to it?" said a ruffer looking man.
Annika slid off the counter and stood in front of it. "Well, what happened to it is as much as mistery to us as it is to you. The horse just came galloping in with an arrow in its side, so I took care of it. Do you happen own it?"
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:31 pm

Graymane, Valton, near Helas's Foly

Elarian looked at the amulet then handed it back to Gorbad. 'Thanks, but there's no need. I've trained with illusion magic and lighting my way into darkness is something I can do on my own, without the amulet. Keep it for someone who needs it. Oh and I'm wondering about something.' He pointed at Daikanos and the guards he had gathered. 'I suppose this guy's got some position with the guard, and it looks like he's taking some of them along for some errand, but I don't have the faintest idea of is ranks and what's going on. And I'd rather be in the know than in the dark about it.'

While speaking he started to walk along with everyone, heading for the mine 'Oh and on another subject – who does that mine belongs to ? If I help scouting and possibly clearing it, I'd like to get a share for my efforts it that's doable. I may even out some gold into refurbishing and tooling it. Sure I can get some coins by training peoples to handle weapons, but some other source of cash would be nice.'
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:35 am

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Afternoon
he stopped suddenly, hearing a womans voice outside. "The Nord doesnt wear a ring" he thought, Stepping up from his table. "Expecting female company?" he asked

Alguidar, Valton Farm, Afternoon

"Female company? What are you..." The tuned hears of the hunter picked up what the farmer couldn't. He remained silent for a few seconds before he could hear the voice outside. "Bandits? Guards?" he thought.

Alguidar picked up the kitchen knife and slowly opened the door. There was a young Breton in his farm, along with some animals. He looked back at the wounded hunter with a puzzled look on his face. "No danger. It's just a... um..." He looked at the Breton once more. "Farmer... or... something"

He dropped the knife on the table and walked outside to meet this young visitor. "Hello there! I'm Alguidar and this is my farm." He said from a distance. As he got closer he kept looking around and finally asked "Who are you talking to, young traveler?"
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:54 pm

Jacqueline, Valton farm, Afternoon.

As she stood there scratching the donkey behind his ears, the door to the farmhouse opened and a man stepped outside. "Hello there! I'm Alguidar and this is my farm," he greeted her while looking around. "Who are you talking to, young traveler?"

She stopped petting the animal and turned to Alguidar. "Good evenin', Sir. I'm just talkin' to Henry 'ere." She nodded towards the donkey. "I didun't mean to trespass or anythin, Sir. I just thought it looked like there ain't no one livin' 'ere so maybe I could stay 'ere fer the night and let my animals graze 'n get some water to drink. We've been travelin' all tha way from High Rock and we are a bloody bit tired to be honest."

She suddenly remembered that she hadn't introduced herself yet. "Oh, and my name's Jacqueline Hawkford. Mason n' carpenter at yer service, Sir!"
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:52 pm

Rolaf. General Store. Afternoon.

Rolaf was Quite surprised that the woman didn't tell much. Then again he didn't need to ask any more since he clearly knew what happened to the horse and it's owner.

"Well I am not the owner of the horse or else I would of claim so. However My name is Rogvir. I am a traveler heading west to Whiterun. And i'm going to stay in Valton a few days to rest. After all the corruption in Riften was unable to keep the hold safe. So what do you personally think of what happened to that horse?"

Danus Maximus. East of Valton on a rode. Afternoon

As the Imperial and his 3 bodyguards galloped on the horses towards Riften He gave them the instruction.

"Allright Keep a close eye on anything that could look like what's left of a raid or a battle. Also a Dunmer and some Valton guards are also searching for the raid sight. If we can we are to try and assist them" Danus said to his men. "But why are we doing this? This could not please Solitude" Said a bodyguard. "It's the only way to possibly gain the Jarl's favor enough to actually have a chance of convincing him to side with the empire." As the men ride east they see nothing. And the search continues.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:15 pm

Alguidar, Valton Farm, Afternoon

"Talking with the donkey, heh? That must have been a long trip." Thought Alguidar as she mentioned Henry.

The young Breton told him about her trip, all the way from High Rock. Alguidar has never been there, he only heard the stories. He imagined it being very similar to Skyrim, only darker, for some reason.

"High Rock?? All by yourself?" Asked Alguidar in disbelief, looking at the small Breton figure in front of him. "I have spare hay and water, so the don... er... Henry, and the goat, are free to have it if they don't mind sharing the space with the cows." Alguidar looked her up and down, then he continued with a smile. "You don't look like you eat much, there's enough venison stew inside. Come on in!" He said as he waved in the direction of the house.
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