Varyn, Valton, Hela's Folly - Middas, MiddayVaryn watched as the young Breton carried the trunk up the steps. She set it on the porch as she spoke, "Jacqueline, Sir."
Varyn nodded as he knelt down and unlatched the worn bronze clasps, "Yes, yes right that's what I said. You know I met a Jacqueline once. Been a long time, close to 900 years I think. Anyways doesn't matter I have my trunk now."
The bronze hinges creaked loudly as Varyn lifted the lid of the trunk. The mer then began to rummage around in what sounded like a pile of glassware.
"Where in Oblivion is that damned little thing...Ah! Here it is!" Varyn lifted his head up, a large smile plastered upon it, "Thought I had lost the little bugger for a moment there."
Varyn held up a small glass jar with five round flaky looking things in it. After shaking them around a bit he placed the jar in one of the many pocket in his robe. He then shut the lid on the trunk and grabbed his cane from beside the rocking chair as he listened to the Nordic farmer pitch another sale.
"I'm not familiar with scrib jelly. Must be an Elf thing, we don't have that in Skyrim. What we do have is milk. Good for your thirst and good for your teeth! You must be thirsty, traveler."
"Well of course you don't have any scrib jelly! You don't have any scribs to make it with. It's too damn cold up here, and half of the cute little buggers got wiped out when that damn rock fell. That's what happens when you try to play at being a god. First the s'wit and his scheming friends piss off a Daedric prince and we go from nice and golden to looking like we got shoved down the throat of Red Mountain!"
Varyn took a short puff of his pipe once again before continuing, "Then the bastard pulls the fancy little magick trick on the Ministry and everyone adores him. Hmph, some god he turned out to be. At least he got to stay half golden...I wonder what I'd look like if I were golden? Anyways that's another experiment for another day. As for the milk just leave it there, I bet Alfred will drink it. I seem to recall him saying something about milk once, or maybe it was silk? Do you have any silk shirts?" Varyn pondered on the thought for a moment, his face showing an expression of deep thought, " No, no, never mind. He'd ruin it in a day. However now that I've found my house I need to start growing. Watch my stuff while I'm gone. It'll only be a minute. I saw a nice spot up on the hill when I walked into town. I just hope it wont fall over. Too many rocks here and not enough dirt," Varyn reached into his pocket and handed Alguidar a few coins as he hobbled past and made his way down the steps. The weathered and tarnished drakes looked as though they could have been centuries old, and if one looked close enough they could see the date "2E 867" stamped into the rim. After reaching the road the old Dunmer headed for the west side of town with enthusiasm in every step.
After about five minutes Varyn had finally made his way to the base of the small hill west of Valton. He spent a good while trying to find the best spot before he started digging a small hole with a stick he had found. Once it was about a foot deep he dropped the first spore into the fertile soil. Once the small flaky yellow ball had settled in the bottom he raised a bony finger and sent a bright blue spark towards it. A small plume of orange smoke shot from the hole as the spark met the spore. Varyn smiled his old wrinkly smile as he covered the hole back up with soil.
The old mer then looked up to the top of the hill and frowned. In his old age there was no way he could climb the steep rocky side to reach his destination. Luckily, however, he was not just an old mer, he was an old mer that was a mage. Varyn took his pipe from his mouth and placed it back in his robe after emptying the ashes on the ground. The old Dunmer then rolled back the sleeves of his robe and cracked his knuckles as he prepared for the spell. A look of deep concentration crossed his face as he connected his conscious with his magicka pool. Varyn drew out some of the energy harnessed within, shaping it with his thoughts as it reached out for his finger tips. There was a sudden jolt as the magicka popped from the tips of his fingers down to his feet.
Varyn shot straight up into the sky with such ferocity that he was lucky he was not de-robed in the process. The Dunmer mage kept on going and going, his old voice screaming a loud cackling scream as he tried to stop the flow of magicka. He finally managed to come to a hovering stop in mid air. He rubbed his forehead as he looked down below at the tiny little buildings that made up Valton.
"By Azura. Now I know how poor old Tarhiel felt," said Varyn as he sent another stream of magicka to his feet and slowly began to descend back to the ground. It took him at least a minute to finally reach the top of the hill he had originally been aiming for. Varyn had a tendency to put a little too much "oomph" into things. Once on top of the hill he found a suitable spot and repeated the planting process with two more of the spores. When he was finished he once again channeled a small portion of magicka to his feet and descended slowly to the road. Once safely back on the ground he began his trek back to the inn. His wooden cane coming in handy once again as his feet began to hurt.
(OOC: I'll post the rest of it in a separate post tomorrow so that Alguidar and Jacqueline can posts responses, as well as anyone who saw/heard Varyn shooting through the sky like a madman.
