Spoiler Name: Garrett Age: 18 Race: Breton/Imperial Gender: Male
Height: 5'11ft
Birthsign: The Lady
Appearance: In plain clothes http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n515/Stoic_Guardian/2012-04-11_00005.jpg , http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n515/Stoic_Guardian/2012-04-11_00004.jpg In Guard Armor http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n515/Stoic_Guardian/2012-04-11_00014.jpg
Class (what would you describe your character as?): Journeyman Swordsman
Skills and known spells (if any): Minor Healer, very basic smithing and alchemy, has some knowledge of using a sword and a shield, as well as light-armor. Although his inexperience greatly limits his talents. Has some knowlegde of fighting with and without a weapon, due to his martial arts training when he was younger. Clothing / armor:Weapons: Reglar clothing for the moment (See picture above), though with time things may improve.
Miscellaneous items: Amulet of the Nine, http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/6539-1-1326958635.jpg
Personality: Introverted,Scholarly, Nine Divines Devotee
Major flaw: Inexperianced, Though he understands the basics of many skills, such as Combat, Smithing, Alchemy and Restoration Magic, he can be considered no more than a beginner in all of them, though His swordsmanship is better than his other skills.
Background: It is unkown exactly where Garrett was born. The Great war caused a flood of Refugees who his parents most likely included who migrated all around Northern Regions of Cyrodil, South Western Skyrim and Eastern Hammerfell. His parents were most likely killed by the Bandits who would often raid the Groups of Refugees,Or Possibly even the Forsworn, he grew up almost as a stray being fed by the other refugees but not exactly adopted in a permanent sense, as the refugee group parted as people found more permanent enclosings, Someone dropped the young kid off in Markarth where he was soon Taken in by an Elderly Priest of Talos. He grew up in the City doing random tasks for Gold, and became known as a little errand boy in the City,
The priest never asked for any money from the child but he would often place much of it in the Donation bin and also Bought thing to offer too Talos. The Boy learned spirtual instruction frome the priest and he encouraged others in the town to do the same, He took notes from the Court Wizard Calcelmo, Learned a Bit of smithing from Ghorza gra-Bagol,a bit of Alchemy from Bothela.
He learned about Arkay from Verulus in the Hall of the dead and Studied in the Temple of Dibella, As an adolescant he was attracted to many of the Women in the city(namely Hroki) but never got up the nerve to pursue any type of romantic relationship.
He grew greatly interested in the martial arts and learned a bit from Yngvar the Singer, Argis the Bulwark and Vorstag. In recent Years with the Tensions rising in Skyrim, The Old priest was Arrested by the Aldmeri Dominion for Refusing to stop his "Heresy" of Preaching on Talo's Divinity. When Garrett found out about this he Ran to the Jarl Demanding action, the Jarl said that his hand were tied, Enraged Garrett confronted the Thalmor, Drew his Sword and Demanded the priest released the Thalmor struck the sword out of his hand as electrocuted him to the Floor, the Markarth guards then arrested him, On his way to Cidhna Mine He broke free of the guards and ran out of the city. He had to get as far away as possible.
Night,Whiterun Garrett arrived at the City of Whiterun, Clothing in Tatters, Body Covered in cuts From a Run in with a Khajiit.
While fleeing from Markarth he had been attacked by a Khajiit, He Bit and clawed at Garrett until he mannaged to throw the attacker off of him, knowing he couldn't outrun the Khajiit, he grabbed a large rock and warned him off, unphased the creature charged at him again almost catching his juggular. During this dance of death Garrett managed to trip up the Khajiit and then repeadiatly bashed his skull in with the rock, after catching his breath and contemplating his Murder of a Khajiit he proceeded to looted the beast mans possesions, finding no Gold but instead 3 vials of Skooma, 2 small containers of Moonsuger and a bottle of Sleeping Tree Sap, obviously this Khajiit had been drugged up on this stuff.
Garrett had taken the satcheled and had avoided any more trouble on his way to Whiterun. He tried to deal with the stinging pain of his wounds the best he could, he tried what he could with restorative magic but was only able to partially close the wounds but this did nothing to dull the pain.
When he did arrive at Whiterun the Guards refused to allow him into the city, disheartened Garrett trudged back out while doing so he decided to sell his new "wares" to the Khajiit camped outside the City.
Garrett approached them, illuminated by the light of the campfire.
"I hear you Khajiit love this Skooma and Moonsuger stuff, I happned to...acquire some in my travels"
Garrett offered to the Greying Khajiit merchant.
"Well I hope you didn't receive those wounds by going through such trouble to..."acquire" it, as we are already well stocked on Skooma and Moonsuger, any price i'd be willing to pay for it I'm sure would only insult you." The greying Khajiitt replied
*sigh* "Well what about this?" Garrett retreaved the bottle from his satchel. The merchanet gave it a small taste. "Ahh, Sleeping Tree Sap, now this I do not currently have in my possesion, that should be remidied. I'd be willing to pay you 100 septims for this."
Slightly suprised but glad to make a deal Garrett glady accepted the offer, slightly chuckling "Thank you very much. Nice to doing business with you." With that he Nodded and went to hire the Carriage that was parked next to the Stable.
"Whoa you dont look so good friend." The driver pointed out.
"I'm aware of that... how far from her can you take me?" I inquired.
"Odd location...Markarth I suppo..."
I cut him off "No, in the other direction."
"Well that'd be Riften."
"How much with that cost me?"
"20 Septims"
"Aliright just hop on back there."
I hoisted myself onto the back of the wagon and laid down.
"I'm gonna take a Nap, Wake me when we get there"