Valton: The New Hold, RP Thread #5

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:02 pm

Sarynetta Vycomte, Gudslott hall, Morning.

"Thank you" she smiled and strode past the guard and inside the building. She took a moment to pull down the fur lined hood on her soft grey traveling coat and shook her hair loose. She pulled off her gloves and tucked them in under the belt of the robe and rubbed her hands together in an attempt to rid them of the cold of Skyrim. The winters here were nothing like the ones back in Cyrodiil. It was like the cold would creep up on you no matter how many layers of clothes you put on to fight the Skyrim winter.

She strode up to stand in front of the Jarl, keeping a respectful distance but still standing close enough to hold a conversation.

"A fine morning to you, Jarl of Valton." With a curtsie she introduced herself. "My name is Sarynetta Vycomte and I have traveled here from Skingrad in order to find a place to set up shop and supply the people of Skyrim with good and heartfelt food from Cyrodiil, as well as learn from your culinary traditions and expertise. Would you happen to have a suitable establishment in your Hold?"
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:15 am

OOC: meant to post in OOC thread, my mistake.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:21 am

Urgoc, Whin-Skur, Last Week.

The orc had prepared his cattle, the men, as well as both supplies for trade or for themselves. The trip would be long, harsh and uncertain.
Better to be ready for any danger that'd lurk in the corners of Skyrim then come upon a situation which cannot be resolved with their tools.
Urgoc learned this from his father, Makor Gro-Bar, now in the arms of Malacath after the bitterment of greed produced by the orc's sister.

Skarc looked up to his master and clickered an inaudible tune to which Urgoc felt to understand or at least know the creature's gestures.
"Pap Kor is gone, Skarc. We have to look out for ourselves now, my old friend." Skarc responding with only a twisting concern.
"Well at least I'll get to see something other than snow, snow and more snow! hah." To which the creature grunted in protest.
"Oh I didn't mean you, blood brother!" He grappled the large beast and wrestled him into an arm lock, before chuckling in cheer.

A woman in black furs watched from a distance, an orc by the looks. Her arms was crossed, for in dismay she had not won the council's argument.
"At least you are happy about all of this" the woman called. It was Mazoga Gra-Yarzol, Urgoc's eldest sister. Now forge chieftan of Whin-Skur.
She had not won the agreement of an opposing deal to Mauhulakh deportation of her younger sister, Orbul. And now her brother was going too.
"Do not come back to me as a head in a sack, Urgoc. Father had garnered enough skulls of his kin from the younger southern upstarts."

Orsinium brewed treachery in the south. Warlords there would always change their short sighted minds in trades. Betrayal was strong in the lowlanders.

Urgoc looked over to his sister from a shoulder. He was sitting in the snow, stroking the knots out of his young pet's pelt or lower fur.
"The eastmarch lowlanders will not touch my ears, I assure you. Hell, If I have to, I'll take that cursed chieftan's head clean off."
The two orcs both laughed at the thought of Mauhulakh's face still drooping when it was placed on a pike. An eternally depressed one, he was.
Mazoga patted her brother on the shoulder, "Aha! I shall miss you little brother. Come back to us as soon as you can or not at all."

This was a typical family saying, not supposing to sound as harsh as it does. Yet the point came across still- failure was not an option, not now. Not after this.

Goodbyes were made and a typical blood letting ritual was performed between Urgoc, as well as Mazoga. To signify unity, a bond greater than death.
The prisoner was enchained, put upon the cart. She was filth, not fit to ride with the grunts or the escorts. So they put her with the river people's traded meat.
Urgoc had positioned himself at the head of the third cart. Inside was the greatest prize- twenty one ruffback hatchlings, ready to be reared into advlthood.

With a lash of whip they were off. A last sigh and wave was presented to Urgoc's age old home. Nearly they were out of sight, into the high blizzards of the Jeralls.
The journey became unknown at first, but soon they'd be in strange smelling wood touched lands, fields; hills, towns or even mountains. The orc found it all so odd.


Urgoc, Near Valton Road, Early Morning.

A deep fog was in the air of the morning. Rain had befallen the road the night before, luckily they had brought carriage covers with them.
Urgoc awoke to a soft bumping and tickling from bristles or lone strands of hair. Skarc was in a playful mood, obviously- from this tell tale sign.
"Ungh.. Skarc! I've only got four hours sleep because of that pig nosed Olpac refused to do his night duty. Leave me for a few hours."
The hairy companion naturally refused this plea and tryed to scramble himself upon the orc's head in desperation, which finally woke him up.

"Bah, fine then. Next time you get tired from chasing a fat skeever down a slope, I'll bother your little cat nap by jumping on you."

By now the supplies and ruffback carts were next to each. Side by side. Urgoc could view his sister, Orbul, in the opposite cart's depths.
She spoke in response to her being sighted. In but a harsh tone- "What do you want? brother pygmy? jealous of me are you?"
The orc was amused with such a pathetic comment. A mountain bristleback could speak a more sharp insult than this revolting witch here.
"Jealous of what? meat left out to rot? a robe with rat piss on it? you have nothing to be proud of, woman. May Malacath eat you."

She grunted in response, a short amount of laughter being released. A shudder was made, howls came and went, men were screaming.

Urgoc jumped up from his seat and looked to the carts in front. He saw what looked to be the debris of a cart in front, with beasts swarming it.
"Wolves!" Around twenty six of them could be sighted from this position. They had already made a mess of the remaining grunts who survived the crash.
Some made their forward, to the cart which was rearing the most in front. Others had came in the direction of the orc and the supplies carriage.
In quick decision, Urgoc gestured to the supplies driver to make way to the west. They would have to move around and throw the wolves off.

With haste they came down the rocking road, hoping to shake off their pursuers. But these wolves were numerous, fast and extremely coordinated.

A guard jumped off Urgoc's cart in hope his sacrifice would distract the beasts long enough for the others to escape. An honourable deed, if any.
Three however still gave chase to the bumping carts. Rabid in determination or in hunger. They're movements were tracked by the drivers.
If any tryed to leap, the cart could be wheeled left or right to shake them off. Although it wasn't a technique that was needed here, not in a moment.
For the cart in front had half toppled over a bridge leading into what looked like a small village, Khagra the driver, only hanging on by the edge.

In response to this, Urgoc hesitantly leaped off his own slow cart and onto the adjacent bridge in what could described as a bad landing for a dwarf.

By now the end half of the cart had fallen into the stream below, while the upper half tumbled onto the bridge side. Khagra was now lingering on the bridge's edge.
The small orc quickly huffled over to the other man and loaned him his arms in getting up onto the bridge. Weapons were quickly drawn,
the wolves had closed in on them. They couldn't flee into the town without being caught by the loins, so they stood and fought the sickening beasts.
Khagra unsheathed his sword, while the dwarf withdrew his flail from his back. A battle was ready to be performed, an act just needed to happen.

With that thought a wolf pounced onto the weak Khagra. Biting and clawing at his ribs while he struggled to put his dagger into the beast.
Urgoc had a similar problem. He managed to swing the blades of the flail into one wolf's face but the other dived for his gut in viciousness.
A quick response barely went to hold the wolf's mouth in killing the small man, he was literally in a battle of strength that he knew he wouldn't win.
Meanwhile Khagra had overpowered the dark wolf troubling him, by slotting his knife into the wolf's brain through his mouth at an opportune moment.

The dwarf did not have any such luck however. He had been overpowered and was attempting to grapple the wolf from beneath it's form.
In rescue of his master or friend, Skarc thrusted himself into a standing form in front of the creature and proceeded to pincer out it's eyes with
his digit feet. The canine bursted into screaching after this moment, as poison seeped into it's veins before giving it a terribly long, painful death.

In a berserking rage, Urgoc got up and dragged the remaining injured wolf to the side of the bridge. He bit an ear off the beast then went to throw it
over the ledge. Only hearing the splash of water as the orc slumped to the ground. His wounds had conquered him by now and he fell upon the cold
stone floor. He saw Khagra in a similar state to himself, Skarc curling up against his arm and what could be seen as a wreckage with a lone intact cart.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:59 am

Roymund, Valton Farm. Morning

Roymund slept awkwardly throughout the night, unable to shift the fear of wolf attack from his mind alongside his arguments with Alguidar kept his mind active. He woke up glaring across at the fireplace. Jacquline was no longer there. Dragging himself from his bedroll, Roymund noticed the return of feeling to his left arm. "Guess the priests tricks worked. I'll pay him a visit once it's sorted" he thought to himself, whilst getting to his feet. Alguidar still slept, The Nord must have had a busy day for it was unlike him to be the last one up.

With a quick check outside, Roymund saw where Jack was working on her manequinn. He offered the half-shaped piece of woodwork a suspicious smile, then sat down by the dinner table as he pulled on his boots and tied them. He looked down at his injured arm, the dressing still covered the wound "If only you was back to normal" he mumbled, casting a thought back over the wolves during the night."Nobody mentioned any wolf problems so far, must be a new pack working it's way across the land."

Once he was dressed, he stepped outside leaving the door slighly ajar. He moved across the Jack, offering a smile "Your keen" he joked "Whats that your making? Some kinda scarecrow for Alguidar?"
He took a closer look at the model, inspecting the workmanship more closely. He offered a approving nod "Looks good either way." Roymund knew little of woodwork, but felt it a wise idea to atleast remain on the goodside of one of his roommates. "How've your animals been? I'm sure last nights noises didnt much help them settle."
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:39 am

Jarl Radwulf Spurvhauke, Gudslott Hall, Morning

The Jarl stared at the woman for a few moments with a blank expression on his face. The day was still young, and last nights dreams remained fresh in his mind. Too early for his trademark anolysis, he sat on his throne almost as if confused by the woman for a moment or two, taking her in. The one fact that made it through the Jarl's still-waking consciousness, was that this woman was, under most definitions of which he was aware, beautiful. This conclusion made Radwulf inwardly blush, which served to wake up the old Jarl.

"Yes, such a service would no doubt be a blessing to our humble town." he said almost without thinking, in that low, sonorous tone of his. "There is such a building available, on the main street, one thousand gold is the sum we ask. The building itself is worth a fair amount more, but we have decided to keep the price low, to encourage immigrants such as yourself." he continued, blinking in the morning with every passing second. "I trust it will perform the function you require admirably. What say you?"
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:12 pm

Some guards of Valton, north-side area -> the northern bridge, morning.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" A big nordic guard asked as he inspected his bow and arrows.
"Not a chance. Damn wolves kept me awake." He stopped by the other guard and rubbed his eyes. "I tell ya', if I see them I won't hesitate to put an arrow through their thick skulls."
They laughed and continued their patrol. Just a quick visit to the northern main-bridge and then they could go back to the barracks for a mug of mead. The sight that met them couldn't have been more surprising. What was surprising, however, was that nobody in Valton had heard what they now saw.

A cart, no... Two carts? Perhaps three, impossible to see through the carnage, had stopped dead at the Valton bridge. One had nearly fallen all the way down to the river below. A small fella, smaller than a young bosmer lass, was swinging a flail while a bigger fella was stabbing something. That something was, of course, wolves. Countless numbers of them; must've been at least twenty or more, the guards quickly figured. Without hesitation, they drew their bows and fired three arrows each at the wolves. From this distance, they could only count out one sure hit and three sure misses. Two of their shots might or might not have hit their target.

When the wolves realized they were being shot, they began to retreat back into the dense woods. One of the guards fired a loose arrow after them, but missed. He muttered something about "bad luck" and "the next time he'd see them". With quick steps the two of them arrived to the wreckage. The little fella wasn't a bosmer, it was an orc. The big fella was also an orc. Both of them had collapsed upon the bridge, leaning towards the only intact cart. At first, they didn't see the ruffback but as they did they both took a step back. This was really getting odd. The creature didn't seem to do anything, however, so the two guards relaxed a bit. Neither of them stepped closer though. They didn't know what they should do, but one of them figured a healer was in order, and began running towards the chapel. The other guard stayed at the bridge, at a small distance from the wounded orcs and the ruffback, with bow and arrow ready to shoot at the wolves if they returned.


Valton was a small town, so it didn't take long before the guard arrived, short of breath, at the chapel. He knocked loudly three times and opened the door when he realized it wasn't locked.
"He.. Hello? Sorry to bother at this early hour, but we've got something of a situation over at the northern bridge." He said to the thin air inside the house, since he couldn't see anyone.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:19 am

Jacqueline, Valton Farm, Morning.

She looked up from her work when she heard Roymund speak to her. She was glad to see that he was not dead.

"This ere's a mannequin fer tha blacksmith. 'E needs somethin' ta display 'is armour on." She stepped aside to let Roymund have a closer look at it. She smiled when he complimented her work. She loved it when people appreciated her work.

He asked about the animals and noises in the night. "Tha cows seemed ta be a bit nervous when I milked 'em earlier. What kinda noises are ya talkin' about? I ain't heard anythin." Jacqueline had not heard anything during the night. Then again, her hearing wasn't the best. Growing up on worksites, up close and personal with the loud sounds of metal on stone and hammers on wood, it was no surprise that her hearing would not be as keen as the one of a hunter.


Sarynetta Vycomte, Gudslott Hall, Morning.

The building turned out to be in a most ideal location and wonderfully priced. She would be an idiot not to accept the offer.

"One thousand gold it is" she smiled at the Jarl. "I will bring you the agreed sum of gold once my caravan arrives. Do you want me to sign the ownership papers now or do we wait?"
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:43 am

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Morning

Roymund stepped back from the manequinne and turned to Jack "Wolves howling through the night." he said, his voice sounded glum "Too many to tell how hazard a guess at their numbers. Have you heard any talk of wolf problems throughout town?" he turned his gaze and look around the farm. "Shouldnt be too hard a place to defend" he thought "Unlikely the wolves would attack us, but the animals would make a nice treat.."

After a few moments, and Jack's reply, Roymund parted ways and headed back into the farmhouse. "Make sure you keep the barn locked up" was his last comment. Once inside the house, he searched through his satchel and took out the spare bowstring he'd bought from Annika on his first day in the hold. He placed it on the table, and took up his bow for inspection. The bowstring was looking worn, it's elasticasity was less than it should be too.

With a sigh, be unstrung the old string from the bow. He was alittle taken back by his hands returned dexterity. He could feel it wasnt near full effectiveness, but only the day before it ached just to move his fingers. He knew it was going to be a long task, and a fiddly one to say the least. "Get this sorted, and we'll do alittle practice before dinner. Be best to report to the guard captain before noon, perhaps he knows of wolf problems." he thought.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:13 am

Alguidar, Valton's Farm


His eyes opened. It was dark, save for the flickering light of the fireplace. An open book rested on his chest. Disoriented by having fallen asleep without meaning to, he tried to remember the last events of the day before being suddenly interrupted by the howling outside. His heart started pounding. They were safe inside but the livestock was in danger. He remembered a big snow wolf that once terrorized his old farm. The wolves of northern Skyrim were big, deadly and highly organized. This was his first contact with the kind that inhabited the Rift though.

By the sound of it, this was a big pack. Stepping outside in the dark without weapons or armor was suicide. There wasn't much he could do now but wait and hope the fences and walls that surrounded the livestock, were enough to keep them at bay. Alguidar put the book away and turned to his side. There were no noises that could indicate an attack and the howling was slowly moving away from the farm, in Valton's direction. This gave Alguidar enough peace of mind to fall asleep again.


His eyes opened again. This time, sunlight was creeping into the house. The kind of light that left no choice but to stand up and start the day with renewed energy. He sat on the side of his bed, stretching his arms before standing up.

"I need to start waking up sooner." He mumbled, worried about his image. Lazy Ardvaar was one of his brothers. He was always the last one to wake up, so the label stuck.

Roymund was fiddling with his bow and Jacqueline was nowhere to be seen. Eggs were on the table. Alguidar walked by Roymund, worried about the cattle. Their argument faintly crossed his mind. He thought he shouldn't let Roymund stay. He should hate him. But he didn't feel that. All he felt was the comfort of still having his company. This conflict between his beliefs and what he truly felt was something that he didn't know how to deal with so he decided to avoided the subject altogether.

"Morning! Heard of any wolves through the night? I could swear they were close."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:38 pm

Danus Maximus. Guddslott Hall. Morning.

Luckily for me, the nightmare ended because one of my bodyguards woke me up. However I didn't want anyone to know about this. Or else i'll be branded as a madman. "Nothing" I said to him. Around this time, I should be meeting Titus at Helas Folly to give him another assignment. So I took two bodguards with me and left the other at the room guarding the gold I have. As I head to the inn. I couldn't see Titus, So I took a seat at the corner, had one of my men at the entrance to greet him, and then sat down waiting for him.

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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:56 am

Julius Scipion, Valton, Morning

Julius finished his porridge, washed the dishes, and then opened his door to let in the morning light. he stood there taking it in before stepping outside and closing the door behind him, locking it he then turned to see some guards shooting some wolves, Julius drew his dwarven Longsword which he had equipped before he came out of his house he stalked across the bridge the people seemed to be talking he decided they wouldn’t bother him so he sheathed his sword, picked up a wolf carcass and looked it over.

It wasn’t disfigured and so would make a good blanket or a rug. He picked it up and walked towards the blacksmiths he stepped inside to face an Orc blacksmith “Greetings” He began “I was wondering is there a possibility or a chance that you would be able to skin this wolf I am hoping to make a rug or blanket out of it the nights seem to be getting colder for me” He smiled and waited for an answer.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:26 am

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Morning

Looping the final end of the string around the bow, he tied it off and tested its taughtness. "Not bad" he thought, the bows elasticatity had returned. Alguidar had woken up, he seemed to be dwelling on their previous conversation still. The Nords eyes seemed to offer friendship, but mistrust. He still spoke in his usual tone, so Roymund felt it fair to reply in kind. "Aye, sounds like a full pack of the buggers." He guessed the state of the livestock would be a concern to the farmer, so let slip his information "Cattles alright, Jack's already checked them. Just alittle spooked i guess."

Roymund put down his finished bow, and offered the large Nord a questioning glance "You got any spare hay round here? Could use some for a target." He looked down at his arm, alittle embarrased by it's conditation "I reckon getting the blood flowing would return it's strength sooner, Besides practice never hurt." He got up from his chair, and placed the bow by his belongings. "Specially with these wolves around.." he added in his thoughts. "I'm going to head into town later, have a word with the guards about these wolves. I havent heard any talk of them before, have you?"
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:14 am

Urgoc, Valton's Northern Bridge, Morning.

The orc peered at the guard in disapproval. His friend, Khagra, was in a much too bloody state and this man should be helping him to a healer.
"Oh you imbecile whelp! don't just stand there like a troll mating! get Khagra here to a shaman or a wise woman!" He sneered.
The guard look concerned about the wolves coming back and Urgoc decidely tryed to calm him, "If the wolves come, I'll crunch their bones off."

Just then an altmer thief by the look of things had the audacity to simply walk up past the group and retrieve a dead wolf carcass that wasn't his own.
The man had quickly hurried off with Khagra's kill, not even having the common courtesy to wait untill the group had gone to pick it up.
"Those bloody thieving knife ears! oh he is not getting away with that, lowlander scum! Skarc! get the bastard." He was furious by now.

The giant wooly centipede roamed off in the direction the altmer went and with him in slow strides came a newly revitalised, yet now limping orc.


Jormaw, Jormaw's Shack to Valton Farm, Morning.

Jormaw awoke to the smell of something terrible. He looked around to locate the source but couldn't find it anywhere in sight, yet it was still here.

Only then he had come to the realisation that it smoked off the nibenese woman like a fly to mammoth dung. Much in a similar manner of smell too.
"The Tinkerwatch Princess needs a shower, me thinks." He laughed, it looked like she had gone far from the pampered royalty of the nibenese.
Jormaw made some incense from the herbs gathered for Roymund yesterday, burning it on a newly lit fire to cloud the smell which Leandra had created.

With some light clothing put on to cover his scales, as well quietly grabbing his fine spear that the orc blacksmith had made just yesterday-
He was out of the door. A light fog had come over to Valton by this time, but the moisture helped awaken the argonian's light head from last night.

Tracks were made for valton farm slowly with a lurking footing. He was quite tired by the time he neared the gates, but it was well worth it.
Apple trees dotted the farm in mass. A few even crept near the bordering fences to the road, which was quite handy for the lumbering lizard.
Walking up to one of them in a stride, he slung his spear at the leaf drenched branches and quaintly caught three apples in one lunge.

Sitting upon the fence with the orc's masterwork in genius, as well as his juicy apples in hand, he digged into a quite satisfying breakfast.
From a distance away it looked like Little Clover was working on some totem marker for the farm. 'Figures,' thinking about yesterday's incident.
As well, he could hear animals rustling in the background and the smell of humans coming to his nose from the house's inner doorways.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:56 pm

Gorbad Yak-Boagdbu, his forge --> the farm, morning.

The iron and corundum was now completely gone and instead, he had two big ingots of steel on his workbench. The early morning sun was reflected off the surface, slightly dimming due to the hardness of the metal. Gorbads thoughts drifted to the day ahead, but was interrupted by Julius, the high elf builder. Gorbad was so surprised by the ridiculous scene that he could almost feel his eyebrows shooting above his head. He gave the elf a puzzled look as he dragged the wolf up towards the forge. He asked if Gorbad could make a rub or blanket out of the wolves skin. "Do I look like a butcher?" He thought to himself and wrinkled his face in disapproval.

"I'm a blacksmith, not a tanner or butcher." He said without raising his voice. He knew many Orcs who'd lost their temper if such an insult was uttered to them, but Gorbad had always been a calm person. Still, he hadn't been this close to bashing in someone's skull in a very long time. For a moment he thought how it'd feel, to bash in the elf's skull. The moment passed quickly, however.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have more important issues to deal with than keeping your feet warm." For a second he thought of adding elf at the end. But he didn't. Instead, he grabbed Roymund's arrow shaft and a small bag of septims and made his way towards the farm, leaving the elf standing at the forge with a wolf corpse in his hands.

Gorbad hadn’t planned to walk down to the farm himself, but it was an excuse to leave that annoying elf behind. "At least one of the wolves is killed." Gorbad thought as he walked south towards the farm. He soon spotted the farm, but none of its residents. A quick look around showed a cozy little farm. He could hear animals moving about in the next building. Instead of going there, he knocked on the first building. A quick four knocks, three soft ones followed by one slightly louder one. Of course, all of them sounded somewhat loud compared to normal knocks, because Gorbad had his orcish gauntlets on him.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:20 am

Julius Scipion, Valton, morning

Julius sighed it was not the first time a simple request had been denied, ever since the Thalmor and great war, he had been treated like dirt due to the stigma stuck to his kind he sighed before dropping the carcass next to a beggar and walking to his horse, he mounted it glumly, he then turned his horse flicked the reins and kicked his spurs to ride towards shimmermist mine.

He was colder than usual the guards knew something was wrong, Julius imagined each stroke he made with his hammer, was a head of some memory he conjured up, this carried on well for a few hours before he drew his sword and attacked a tree.

he swore in every tongue he knew, cursing everyone who had harmed him in his life, very few had been kind to him most for his coin Julius sat on a brick, staring at the tree, he noticed the guards staring at him “get back to your duties you lazy sods” Julius snapped his voice cold and ruthless before he carried on building.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:49 am

Ra-Tara and J'Shar, Rolling into Town, Morning

The carts wheels rattled roughly on the thick cobbles that counted as the path to Valton. They'd set off from Riften before the sun rose, on their own they could have made the journey fairly quickly but the cart laden with their belongings slowed them. The Guild had given them some things too, mostly bits of merchandise that they could shift at their own pace. "Let this one do the talking brother, you know how uncomfortable the furless get with your voice," it was a conversation they'd had a number of times and every time J'Shar had ignored him.

"I do as I will brother." The voice but not voice was one Ra-Tara was used to, he was the first person J'Shar had ever spoken to. The Alfiq was like all of his kind and unable to speak the human tongue through the normal means. They had spent most of their grown years away from the warm sands of Elsweyr and the common tongue was as easy for them now as the ta'agra.

"Yes you do and that always ends badly. The Guild has been good to these ones, try not to upset them."

"This one will try, for a while at least." The conversation between them ended and they continued rattling on, they were coming up on the city from the south and they soon found themselves passing a farm. They ignored it and continued on towards the city, they had already been travelling long enough and were anxious to finish the journey.

They'd been told the basic layout of the city and knew roughly where they were headed, Gudslott Hall to see the Jarl and purchase a house. "J'Shar should stay with the cart as this one goes to buy our house."

"As you wish brother, do not be long or else I shall get bored."

"So long as you do not indulge that boredom"

"Even if this one finds something profitable?"

"Even so, wait until we have a house to do that," with that Ra-Tara grabbed a small bag from the cart, walked away from his brother and left the Alfiq sat in the back of the cart flicking his tail lazily in the breeze.

Ra'Tara, Gudslott Hall, Morning

Ra'Tara walked slowly trying to avoid drawing too much attention to himself, well as little attention as an almost seven foot Cathay-Raht can draw. When he reached the door of the Jarl's Hall he paused for a second to brush down his clothes clumsily with his over sized hands then turned to the guard posted next to it "This one would like an audience with the Jarl, is he available?"

"Yeah he's in there" the guard said not seeming particularly interested in the massive Khajiit. He pushed the door open and ducked his head to make it under the top of the door. Ignoring the glances from the slightly more vigilant guards inside he continued towards the Jarl. Someone was already addressing the Jarl, an older imperial woman with almost as much hair as Ra'Tara. As he got closer he heard the end of her sentence

" or do we wait?" Ra'Tara stepped even closer so he was practically stood next to her.

"This one is sorry to interrupt but he has has a long journey. He was told that the hold here is prosperous and the houses were affordable," he produced the bag of coins he had taken from the cart, "my brother and I would like to purchase one of them." He did not smile, for some reason the furless always found his smile disturbing.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:35 am

Titus Aetius, Valton, Morning

Titus woke up lying against the wall at the side of Hela's Foly. He wondered how he had gotten there, but then remembered somebody had eventually brought the drinks over after Danus had left, and so Titus had taken it upon himself to drink them all. He doubted he had gotten far. Near to him was a pool of vomit, most likely his own. He guessed he had gotten drunk and then had more than he could handle. His head hurt, and Titus felt like he had gone a round in the Imperial Arena. At least Danus was paying the bill, he thought. Picking himself up, he slowly walked back inside the inn, to make sure he hadn't lost anything. He checked himself as he walked inside, and was relieved that nobody had stolen his recent payment of gold, or his sword and shield. As he entered Hela's Foly, he noticed Danus sitting in a corner. Titus didn't notice the bodyguard greet him. He just walked over to Danus and sat down. He rubbed his forehead in pain and groaned, before looking at his fellow imperial.
"I found the drinks you ordered. All of them. I hope you don't mind paying the bill. Now, what do you want me to do? I'm sure the Emperor still has interests that need furthering."
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:25 am

Jacqueline, Valton Farm (behind the farmhouse), morning.

Jacqueline noticed a mist beginning to creep up on the farm as she worked. She had now finished shaping the other foot. She put it in the pile with the rest of the mannequin parts and got to work on the arms. When that was done she could start putting it together and give i more details.
She could hear voices from within the farmhouse so the others must have woken up. She looked at the axe she had propped up against the wall. She hoped Alguidar would like it. Before she had fallen asleep the night before she had decorahed the axe handle with a few simple crisscrossing patterns that she had seen on nordic buildings during her journey.
Suddenly she got this icky feeling of being watched. She looked at the treeline around the farm. She couldn't help but to think about the wolves Roymund had talked about.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:33 pm

Danus Maximus. Helas Folly. Morning.

Titus must of really like this job if he was that enthusiastic about it.

"Titus, Your assignment is again, simple, I want you to go around town and find any suspicious activity that could lead to possible Stormcloak presence in Valton. Meet me at the same table by evening, and give me everything you know. you will get payed regardless if you got information or not, but if you do got something valuable, I will give you a bonus."

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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:41 am

Roymund Inventius, Valton Farm. Morning

Roymund frowned at the door, hearing the final loudest knock. He was only a couple steps from the doorway himself, he cast a glare at Alguidar then peered out from the window. Gorbad, the towns Blacksmith, stood on the doorstep. "Blacksmith" he said, turning back to Alguidar "Must be here for Jack's manquinne." By the expression on the Nords face, he hadnt been expecting the Orcs arrival so soon.

He moved to the door and opened it, He caught the sight of the Orcs gauntlets and his frown left him. "Ah, Master Gorbad." he announced, keeping his tone polite. He noted the arrow shaft from amongst the Orcs armoured hand. "I hope your journey wasn't over a simple shaft." He stepped back, allowing the room the Orc would require to pass him into the house. He didnt look back to Alguidar, assuming these two remained on friendly terms.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:51 am

Alguidar, Valton's Farm - Farmhouse, Morning

Roymund confirmed Alguidar's fears. If the pack of wolves notices all the cattle in the farm, it will be a challenge to keep it safe. A poorly protected farm is like an untapped gold mine for these beasts, with all this meat clamped together in a small space. Wolves know farms all too well and Alguidar knew it. They have adapted and have grown to identify these houses with fences around them, as a blatant opportunity for an easy meal.

Just when he thought the farm was safe, he started worrying again about potential threats. This time was worse though. I hope my axe is fixed soon. The woodcutter's axe has always served him well as a weapon and without it, he just felt powerless against such dangers.

Roymund asked for spare hay to practice his skills. "Of couse! There's plenty in the barn. Take what you need!" Replied Alguidar. Roymund was looking much better now. Clearly, the rockjoint wasn't going to be a problem for long. That arm might really come in handy now that wolves were roaming around the hold.

As Roymund was asking another question, four loud knocks were heard at the door. I hope wolves didn't learn to knock. He thought as Roymund opened the door without hesitation. The blacksmith was on the other side. A surprising guest. It wasn't usual for Alguidar to get many visitors in his farms, it was usually the other way around unless there was a hungry adventurer on the other side.

Alguidar nodded in acknowledgment to the Orc as Roymund stepped aside for him to come in. The farmer stood quiet, with a curious look on his face, expecting Gorbad to speak.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:43 am

Gorbad Yak-Bogadbu, Alguidar's Farm, morning

It didn't take long for the door to open with a slightly confused Roymund on the other side. He opened the door wide and stepped to the side, letting Gorbad enter the farm house. He gave the arrow shaft to the hunter with friendly smile, took off his orcish gauntlets and hung them around his belt, amongst a select few hammers and other tools. Alguidar, the farms owner, nodded in acknowledgement as Gorbad entered. He took a quick look around before he answered Roymund's question. The farm was bigger than he'd thought, certainly big enough for even five people to live in.

"No not at all, that was merely an excuse to pay a visit.", Gorbad said, the friendly and warm smile never leaving his face. He wasn't going to mention the high elf incident that had happened earlier though, so he took up the small bag of coins he'd brought with him.

"I'm actually here to purchase some food and perhaps some of that milk.", He paused for a moment, before he continued.

"And some wood to keep the fireplace warm.", Now that he'd voice a partially true reason why he was here, he might as well discuss the wolves of last night. He'd at least been safe inside the city, while these two and jack had been at the farm with cattle.

"I hope the wolves didn't cause any problem for you?", He said to the farmer and nodded towards the house he'd heard animal sounds from earlier. Now would be as good a moment as any to add that the high elf had been dragging around a wolf corpse through the streets of Valton, but he resisted the urge to tell it. Roymund was a hunter, so perhaps he'd be able to do something about the wolf situation. Gorbad didn't say that either, because he remembered Alguidar and Jack mention that Roymund had caught the Rockjoint, wasn't it specifically from wolves at that?
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:03 pm

Continue posting in the next thread:

And as the last time, give feedback on the current events-thing.. If something is wrong in there let me know, or if I missed some important detail, let me know.
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Eire Charlotta
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