» Fri May 04, 2012 8:36 am
Alguidar, Valton's Farm, Late Morning / Midday
Nellis left the farm while Alguidar stood in the same spot, with his stomach furiously demanding a bite at one of those apples. His hand reached for an apple as he contemplated the morning sales with great pride. The increased weight of the coin purse in his belt was a welcomed burden that he happily carried.
Between a few bites, he examined his crops. There was some work that needed to be done but his biggest concern right now was the cattle. He remembered Roymund saying that Jacqueline checked on them already, but he had to see them with his own eyes. If wolves thought they could get to them, they could hound the farm for weeks, just waiting for the right moment... and what better targets are there, but farms?
He started making his way to the barnyard. Most of the animals were outside and they looked fine, probably oblivious to the danger they've been exposed to, during the night. The barn itself didn't show any signs of a wolf attack. Usually, there are scratching marks on the doors and big holes dug around it. Inside, he was startled by a most unusual sight. A stack of hay leaning vertically against a corner of the barn, loosely resembling a man's body. Memories of Roymund asking for hay to practice and him closing himself inside the barn quickly came to mind as he moved towards it, annoyed.
"What in Oblivion...? Shooting arrows near my animals?" Mumbled Alguidar as he put his back against the crude target. He moved his arms backwards, over his head to pick it up by the top rope and leaned forward, letting the weight distribute over his wide body frame. He left the barn and went all the way to an edge of the farm where a stone wall separated it from the wilderness outside.
"Here..." he said as he dropped the stack of hay against the wall. "... is where you practice!"
As he was getting hay off his hands and back, he noticed Jacqueline stretch out and then walking inside the farmhouse. She must have been working all morning, he thought. He walked up to the apple trees once more to get another apple that he put in his pocket, then he began walking towards the farmhouse.
In his way to the farmhouse, something caught his attention. His axe was lying against the wall, all in one piece! He walked up to it, excited, like a little boy starring at a new toy. He picked it up and examined it closely. He immediately recognized the blade. He had it for as long as he remembers, the specific uneven pattern of the worn out blade was unmistakable. The handle felt solid, stronger than ever. With wolves lurking around the farm, this felt like a gift from the gods. His woodcutter's axe was the only thing he could use as a weapon with some degree of success. He felt naked without it around.
Suddenly, a sound caught his attention from the road. It was a man in a horse, carrying a very distinctive bag at his side. A small book and some pieces of parchment protruded out of it. A courier! He thought, dropping the axe and running towards him, as he was passing through the front gate.
"Wait, good sir!" He yelled as he ran towards the courier.
"Whoa!" Yelled the courier, bringing the horse to a full stop by the other side of the farm's fence.
"I need a message delivered to Riften!" Said Alguidar, almost out of breath as he reached for the fence that separated them.
"That's where I'm heading." Replied the courier, taking a small book from his bag that he used to take notes. He opened it on a blank page and prepared the quill above it, waiting for the farmer to state his message.
"I need it delivered to a breeder in Riften. Name's Salkas." Alguidar stopped talking as he engineered the request in his head. He didn't have enough gold for the transaction but he thought he could pay later. Of course, had Salkas known the whole story, he wouldn't take the risk. However, Alguidar didn't have to provide much information, his father made deals consistently with that man for decades. That gave Alguidar some leverage that he intended to put to use.
"Tell him that, the son of Alguiir Winterseed requests an urgent delivery of a sow, along with 10 piglets. The delivery shall not be made to the usual location. It shall be made to the biggest farm outside Valton, instead. Payment shall follow soon afterwards."
Alguidar's speech was paused to allow the courier the time to write the bullet points he needed to convey the message. He wasn't sure this was going to work, but he felt it was worth trying. On the other hand, it was a risk. This meant that he had to raise enough money quickly to pay for them. Hopefully, the income from the pigs themselves could cover their own cost soon enough.
"That is all." Said Alguidar after the courier's quill stopped its motion. The courier extended his hand and Alguidar gave him one Septim. The usual rate for a simple message delivery where the courier was scheduled to go next.
"Alright. The message shall be delivered today, unless I can't reach Salkas. Gee up!" With that, the courier parted as soon as he arrived.
Alguidar was always willing to take a chance. That was one thing that always caused friction with his father, a much more conservative Nord. This contrast became obvious on his last days of life, when that friction reached its climix due to arguments over the potential move to Valton.
His stomach protested once more. One apple was clearly not enough for the Nord farmer to start his day so he walked inside the farmhouse to get something more substantial. Inside, he saw two eggs on the table. He began to wonder why he had no chicken of his own in his farm. They're cheap and low maintenance, you'd think any farm this big would have some and indeed, the farm looked like it did at some point.
Without giving it much more thought, he walked out again and approached Jacqueline.
"Catch!" he said as he threw the apple at her.
"Want me to do something with those eggs?" He asked.