if u value ur stats/dont want to get mad avoid these hackers

Post » Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:12 pm

The nysi or nsyi clan idk anyway i highly suggest u avoid these bastard hackers i have some of em avoided but they hack the lobby so i end up joining them they are the only bad ahole mfers i hate alot on crysis 2 ive told em off and filed a complaint more then two times on em

For example i was doing good yesterday on city hall cs i was 16 2 until this bastard fran4kprhonco idk the gt anyway this ahole joined and 2 seconds later he was freaking 8 and 1 he killed me then before i even could do anything the mfer spawn killed me and in the killcam i saw he immediately killed me a second after i spawned and he knew where i spawned the enemy team didnt have a radar i ended up goin 16 7 so i quit and played mw3 with my friends after

These ahole bastard mfers are hackers they always kill me prob cuz i told em off and cussed out their clan for being hacking mfing bastards

These gt hackers are

Hurach 12 i hate this mfer alot he keeps killing me everydam time in the lobby no one else almost kills me when i least expect someone to be following me i believe tht ahole has a wallhack

Fancko il tanco mad cuz this bozo wanted to be friends well f***** him and his clan member hacker bastard friends

Dont play against these hackers unless u can handle dealing with such bs

They still play crysis 2 their the only clan tht makes me so mad i want to quit crysis 2
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Post » Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:41 am

Pet Peeve Time:

Dude of Light did you not just retire from Crysis 2 to go play Call of Booty: Modern WhoreFare Thrice, and BF3 until Crysis 3 comes out. But alas here you are posting again, and what's more calling out people for hacking without any proof. You can't even definitively recall their gamertags which renders most of what you said moot.

Anyway most of us will disregard you once you reference craptastic games like Modern Warfare 3---so take note.

I'm not certain of any of these glitches you are referring to (wall hacks), but I'd be willing to bet most my friends would be considered "glitchers and hackers" to you.

Crysis is not your fawking mistress. Treat her like #1, and she will return glory on the battlefield. Playing games like MW3 will rot your brain cells and make you campy, slowing your reflexes and dulling your senses.

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Everardo Montano
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