Vamp lords, werewolves, werebears?

Post » Mon May 06, 2013 4:25 pm

Chances we see all 3 as enemies in next TES?
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des lynam
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 4:21 pm

Werewolves, are likely if they add a werecreature and they decide not to add the werecreature of that province. Werebears are a no because they are pretty much only in Skyrim and few in High Rock and the Northern parts of Morrowind.

And if they do Vampires, I hope they do the ones specific to the next province and not make them like the Oblivion ones again, but most likely they will make them the same. I think they might add them in as like a special way to contract vampirism, like a quest where a Vampire Lord will turn you into one, but I do not think we will see them as an enemy.

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Georgia Fullalove
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