I must start by saying this worked for me on the OB GOTY for PS3, on a UK bought system, although i can't completely clarify this does NOT work if you are on a north american system, as i havent tried it, it is widely known that this will not work on that particular system.
I came across the bloodgrass glitch that plagues so many PS3 users, and like so many others searched the web for a fix, or others that had experienced the problem. The fix i found did not mention it would only work on some systems, i am just going on my own and others experience.
Firstly, you may find that the order you give the ingredients allows you to give the bloodgrass, no problem, but that is rarely the case.
What i did is as follows:
Save your game when you have all the neccessary ingredients, quit the game to the PS3 home menu and change your system language to french (i have heard Dutch may work also, but not tested that) load the game back up, which should now be displaying all words in french, and hand over your bloodgrass, of course you must remember how to change back to english, so make another save, quit game and get your language settings changed back.
It would be nice if any UK, European, Australian, North American, and really all other PS3 users could try this and we can all figure out which systems accept this fix and which do not. I understand that we are closing in on the Skyrim release date, but i feel many could benefit in the future from this fix. I have used this fix for 2 characters and it worked perfectly both times and this is the ONLY known fix i have come across, if it doesnt work for you im afraid there is nothing (to my knowlege) that can be done. Hopefully this will help a few people out and we can get a few replies confirming it, or of course the opposite.
Finally, heres to hoping Bethesda pay more attention to us PS3 users in the future, i understand we are not the 'favoured' system, but were still here all the same.