I knew they would be in pvp(obviously) but I didnt want werewolves to be able to turn.
I knew they would be in pvp(obviously) but I didnt want werewolves to be able to turn.
I oneshot lvl 50 vampires in Cyrodiil with silver bolts,so everyone is welcome to me to be vampire or ww,after getting oneshoted a few times guess how many will remain like this lolz
Haha. They're not vampires. It was a little inside joke for those that know the voice actors that play them; Kate Beckinsale and Bill Knighly, who both play vampires in the Underworld films.
you can just one shot with silver bolts? thats a little bit to OP, even if they are scum.
there is a 5% attempt to vanish the target dealing [censored]loads of damage,everytime it triggered was an insta kill,with the standard stamina pool raise in pvp (like 1000)I had enough for 5 shots ,if I reach the cap after lvl 50 would be like 2000 stamina,not to mention the 4,5 sec knockback that comes with the ability.The ability morphed hits 2 additional targets.Oh and has 30 mt range.
Last i checked the Pure blooded Vampires are Loyal to Molag Bal so we won't beable to become a Vampire lord but there is a chance on fighting them.
Hmm all this talk about vampires makes me wonder, and im certain someone can answer this: Does the Elder Scrolls series have a "trenchcoat/ cloak-type of armour" a la Van Helsing? (+hat) I don't recall anything like that... Im not even sure if it fits in the world...
Nope. Though most likely somewhere on the Nexus.
Hm too bad. Was getting a bit excited about becoming a "vampire hunter" oooooh excitiiiing!
Paralyze someone with Pure blood, Stab their teeth to your neck.
But seriously, Temporary ultimate vampire lord would be fun. For balance reasons they could also make it usable on night only
you could walk around at level 50 wearing a clothes costume and just silverbolt vamps.
I do hope there will be areas full of them... i might actually do just that at some point.
"I lost two wives to vampires... i will avenge them"
two? you lost a wife then married again? or are you some orc chieftain because I swear you have made orcish posts on here...