Do you think allowing vampire Lord ultimate would be fair?
I mean going vampire Lord form will put a big target on your head like metamorphosis does to Warlock in wow
I dont think I would support Vamp lord form. They could just buff stats.
so they have a -50% weakness to fire? that is good and what I wanted, I want people to not have to be a monster to be good. and I dont want everyone who is not a vampire/werewolf to be a hunter(of vampires and werewolves) either to compete with them.
If it would be fair? hmm. Considering the fact that only the most pure blooded vampires can become vampire lords, nope. Not at all. Wouldn't make sense lore-wise.
I personally hated the vampire lord skill in Skyrim, I want my vampire skills to be available to me without the need of transforming. Hence why i am no werewolf. If i wanted to transform in order to use my skills, and have no drawback non-transformed, I'd be a werewofl. not a vampire.
Bad idea. Both lore-wise and skill-wise.
good, wipe the scum out!
although, that would be annoying, so perhaps only -25% but they should still have large drawback.
I don't see how it would be fair to have the Vampire Lord form.
I think it's more fair than not having any weaknesses.
@Darmonic, then ZOS should allow regular vampire characters into PvP. But that may be a problem since vampires are usually night-dwellers and it seems like PvP will mostly be during the afternoon in PvP.
you can turn into a werewolf in pvp? I dont think you should be able to. I know in real life if I was fighting on the front lines(in the middle ages) and the guy next to me turns into a wolf I would freak out.
/quote@Darmonic, then ZOS should allow regular vampire characters into PvP. But that may be a problem since vampires are usually night-dwellers and it seems like PvP will mostly be during the afternoon in PvP/quote
remember, 4 hour night cycles, not real time
I'm so glad they've made being a vampire more of a burden than a blessing. Otherwise they might aswel rename the MMO Twilight Online.
I for one will be playing a vampire, for better or for worse. The stealth bonuses are tasty; I can be a real night terror.
@captainkrunch94, that's very true. Also, if someone turned into a werewolf, I don't think they can tell the difference between enemy and ally.
A million pure-blooded (or nearly pure, ZOS won't make us go through Molag's ritual...) vampires running around? No thanks.
I'm confused though. You say no one plays vampires because of their fire weakness. But if they turned into a vamp lord, that weakness would be even more obvious. So what's the advantage here?
This isn't Skyrim, vampires in TES games aren't all vampire lords.
remember, 4 hour night cycles, not real time
well werewolves shouldnt benefit from that skill. I dont want an assault squad of werewolves. I am fine with werewolves in pvp, just dont allow them to activate werewolf form
Also, there ould not be millions of pure blooded vampires unless molag bal has been really busy...
In real life if a guy next to me started throwing fireballs, I'd freak out too.
so they do less fire damage? that has never been in any lore, in any universe, ever(i dont think so anyway). the weakness to fire should stay.
thing is, this is tamriel, where you see a guy throwing fire balls on every corner. but people turning into wolves is, well... not so common.
soon we will have people riding werewolf cavalry divisions. a whole new way of war in tamriel...
but seriously, that is just stupid. get rid of it.