Which transformation is better overall?
Specifically for a Nord Spellsword and occasional archer.
Which transformation is better overall?
Specifically for a Nord Spellsword and occasional archer.
I voted for the vampire lord transformation, but they're both pretty good.
I transformed into werewolf 60 times in the game, and the animation never gets old.
Get cured fool!
I pick the vampire lord cause I liked the movie underworld.
Come to Valthume and let me Draugrify you instead.
[voted Vampire Lord]
My PCs hang out at Valthume, but not because of you: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7218/6958056492_01c9018b76_o.jpg
I'll take devouring my foes with my claws to svcking blood any day. I mean.. you're a wolf! A malevolent badarse wolf who can't control his hunger.
Needles to say, I'm a Lycanthrope at heart.
The character's build is pretty irrelevant to these forms, aside from the fact that a VL benefits from having a good amount of magicka.
They are equally dangerous. Some may argue that a VL counts on that powerful drain life spell and a variety of abilities, but a fully mastered werewolf can end the fight quickly with a sprinting attack.
I enjoy playing vamps of one kind or another but almost never use the vamp lord form - just something about it I really dislike.
The werewolf form is great though.
Oh how wonderful! By Shor I wish I was on the PC.
Ever heard of a Wereshark? Before you call BS I'm not joking.
I voted werewolf.
But this is by my personal preference. I didn't like the vampire lord (looks nasty, felt kind of clumsy and I'm not much of a mage). Plus I knew a lot of tricks as a wolf than I did as a vamp.
Vamp lords are obviously better for a spellcaster but werewolf is the stronger form.
You play in 3D? That must look sweet in some parts. I like your other pic as well
pfft I made mincemeat of him with my werewolf...funny thing is I transformed as he was speaking thinking he would stop and go aggro but I stood there for a moment breathing all beastly and thought "we gonna do this?" then claw slapped him
Sorry I made the mistake of not editing my last post.
There are also werecrocodiles in Black Marsh, Wereboars in High Rock/Hammerfell and hell in this http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:16_Accords_of_Madness,_v._VI Hiricine even created a Were-Daedroth