Vampire Mod help?

Post » Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:36 am

I'd like to do my own take on the vampire thing, and I want to set it up similarly to how I have it in the story I'm putting together.

Details for those that are interested:

As of now in my story, newly turned vampires have access to all powers/gifts/etc, these being Deception/Charm, Invisibility, and, possibly others if I were to come up with them. Once they use a power/gift/etc, they lose access to the others, as the power/gift used is the one that binds to them (or something like that). Not every vampire ends up the same because of this.

Anyways, as mentioned above, I'd like to have it so that once you use one, you're stuck with that power, and lose access to the others. For example if one were to pick Vampire Seduction, they would lose access to Embrace of Shadows, and Vampire's Servant. I'm probably going to have to mess with the script to do this, and I really don't know anything about scripting. This is definitely where the help is going to be needed.

One more thing I'd like to do is have an alternate "reversed" version. So instead of getting stronger powers without feeding, the powers get weaker. I would also have to edit the stage message, but I'm not sure if I missed that in the script or if its somewhere else.

To give it a more complete feel I want to give Vampire Seduction and Embrace of Shadows different stages like with Vampire's Servant, to play with either version. Any stat suggestions for that would be nice. I might stick to the Vampire's Servant levels for Vampire Seduction though.

I just want to do this for Dawnguard only.

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Mark Hepworth
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