» Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:01 pm
Check out that recent thread for some discussion. I've tried a bunch of them and I've finally come back to the one I used first, LTD's mod. Just search ltd on the nexus and you'll find it. Not too hard to understand, has a little bit of everything, and most of all I think it has the best implementation of hypnosis that I've seen. I had fun sneaking around a castle at night hypnotizing the guards and telling them to stand there so I'd be free to steal stuff. You can't hypnotize essential characters though, which is probably fair to make sure you don't break anything.
Otherwise, the voldemort mod is ok, but I didn't really care for it
I've liked Scorn's vampirism, there's one called blood is everything which is pretty cool, I think kuertee did one called simple vampirism expanded which is well done for a simple experience.