Vampire took a pasting

Post » Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:43 am

No worries - not going to reveal any spoilers, just wanted to share an amazing beat-down that happened in Riften.

I'm usually careful about entering/exiting buildings or towns because of vampire attacks but somehow, one got into Riften. However, my PC didn't exit Honeyside into town until the afternoon so the attack happened in broad daylight with everyone out and about.

Man, I've never seen so many guards swarm that market plaza. There must have been 20 in, and around, the plaza. All the usual vendors and NPCs were around as well (some of whom are really tough/dangerous) so everyone piled on the vampire. He lasted longer than you'd think 'cause he backed into an empty stall, but never had a chance. I'm sorry I don't have a pic but I'm on Xbox currently. You should see all the arrows stuck in the stalls... I'm amazed nobody was killed by friendly fire.

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Sandeep Khatkar
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