Level 1 vampires look like "me or you" to all of the races applicable. These vampires usually have high charm and are seductive and have a high illusion. Therefore people in society perceive them as normal people. Only great illusionist can see through this form of deception. another
Level 2 vampires are cast out of society for their negligence of curing the disease. These vampires begin to take on a look that no spell or illusion can overtake. Forced to live in the wild they tend to kill anything they perceive as prey unchecked. They can choose to live solitary, or if they are weak minded they will try and seek a faction. The level 2 vampires that prefer not to be Solitary may be approached by another level 2 vampire or in rare cases a level 3 vampire. Once taken in the are mind controlled by greater vampires and are used as pawn. Similar to a straggler lioness taken in by a pride, these level 2 vampires are forced to hunt, protect the faction, and recruit new level 2 vampires.
In the case that a level 2 vampire decides to be solitary, they are also approached by other level 2 vampires to join their faction. When the Solitary vampire denys, the other level 2 vampires attempt to kill the solitary vampire. another
Level 3 vampires were formally level 2 vampires that were strong enough to live off the land by themselves and defend themselves against various beast. When still in level 2 form this vampire is occasionally approached by other level 2 vampires and is strong enough to kill the level 2 vampires that try to recruit him/her. Surviving for years the disease takes another turn and completes the transformation. When this happens this vampire is now a level 3 vampire and is strong enough to form his own faction.
And the cycle continues.
Alright guys tell me what you think, this was a huge idea I came up with so I would appreciate some feedback. Thanks.