Warning! Rage inbound, you have been warned
I tried being a vampire once, I waited so I could talk to a character when suddenly EVERYBODY AND THEIR GRANDMOTHER ATTACKED ME! Say what you will, Skyrim has T-H-E worse vampire gameplay! Morrowind, yes the sun hurts you and only so few quests could be done BUT AT LEAST you get a epic hidden blade for it!
Here, if you feed and then suddenly wait and must feed again, you will get attacked by the entire hold on spot! I HATE THAT! Why do they automantic attack you on sight? I'M DRAGONBORN I saved their lives a billion times from dragons yet just because I don't feed they take out pitch forks and torches to burn me? Oblivion has best vampire gameplay...
My personal ranting aside, as I'm interested in the "DLC where you get what might be the best vampire storyline" I'm a little tempted to try being a vampire again, but before I get my werewolf cured I wanted to ask a important question. Is there a way to help being a vampire to where everybody and their long dead great grandparents doesn't attack you on sight?
I was ruined on this, no joke. I spent nearly a hour trying to hide and feed on somebody just to stop being chased and do whatever I was there to do. What fun is that? Wait an hour, get attacked by 1000s of mobs, hide, hope not to get caught and forced to run and rehide, and feed. Honestly...quoting the Angry Video Game Nerd here---WHAT WERE THEY #@%@#$^@$ THINKING!?!?!?!
OK OK raging over..promise, I'm posting this as a way to see if there is a way to make this easier. I am more tempted to start over in Morrowind again than being a vampire in Skyrim, because at least there people don't attack unless you talk to them. In Skyrim you can get a ring to be a werewolf more often, so hoping there's something similar. I love being a Oblivion vampire, at least there you aren't attacked unless you don't feed for a long amount of time---Skyrim you get attacked if you don't feed every freaking chance you get.
Was it just really bad luck I waited in a town and then got mobbed by the entire town and its kids wielding weapons of fiery hatred? Jesus Christ on Earth I swear I feed regularly and just 1 "dream" was all it took to get murdered by everybody...so, is there a way in game to make being a vampire easier and not get attacked if you forget to feed just "once"?
P.S werewolfs are my fave creatures so the whole vampire DLC really rips me apart...I'll try a vampire again "if" and only "if" there is a way to not get attacked on sight so easily. Really Oblivion did vampires better and no DLC will change that as not every player can get DLCs! I sure can't! Yeah I'm the rare guy who can't even afford new things when they come out and am forced to wait years for the prices to drop. A poor gamer is so not fun. >_>