In The Forth Era in the land of Cyrodiil, a band of adventurers travel Tamriel trying their best to rid the province of vampires, necromancers and warlocks, In This Age vampires now run in abundance, setting up lairs and dens near the cities, but a large den out in Blackwood, Many of Vampire Hunters have been affected by Vampirism and have been turned into vampires within 3 days.
The Counts, Countess's and the Emperor have put a Bounty of 5000 gold to rid the province of vampires, since the destruction of Necromancers in Tamreil has been put down the famous Crusaders have been put in Song and History in 3E 998, but now in this age Necromancy has been practiced by Vampires.
A New band of crusaders, adventurers and Hunters have assembled to put an end to to the Vampires spreading the disease in the towns, Many Have been trying to find a Cure, but none have, The Guild is The Hunters Society, a hall in the legion compound, it used to be an armory but now a hall for the Society.
Embrace the gift of Vampirism or die trying to find a Cure.
No Romance,
Keep swearing to a miminal
No Character Controlling, unless have been given Permission
No Killing off characters unless they want to be killed
No Ubering, well maybe a little, i don't know what that means, so... you can do it if you want but not too much!
PM all character Sheets to me
Don't make characters super or godly, your attibutes will increase if you get infected by Vampirism.
You can have about 1-3 characters, only if you want to.
Have to get Vampirism sometime in the story.
Unable to follow the rules then your off the rp, will be given 3 chances if you screw up!
You can be in the guild or you can work alone inside the guild.
character sheet
Class Description:
Skills: (Only seven or eight skills)
Armor/Clothing:(could be enchanted armor, if its enchanted name it!, and name the enchantments and the class of armor, like steel or iron)
Second Set of Armor:(this on just keep on leather or chainmail)
Weapons: (same again, you can have enchanted weapons, name it, and name the enchantment, not too strong)
second weapon:
Travel Bag: (Potions, ingredients or food, tools)
Misc:(Have a Horse who can carry your equipment or anything that you want)
Short Bio:
PM all character sheets to me! follow the rules.
this is the best i can come up with, the prologue, spent hours trying to find a good begining.
We Can start when we have 4 or more players!
My Character Sheet
Name: Adam
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Redguard
Birthsign: The Lord
Class: Crusader
Class Description: A Crusder able to handle using a mace or a sword, and able to move freely in Heavy Armor, and very skilled in the arts of Restoration
Skills: Heavy Armor, Blade, Armorer, Restoration, Block, Blunt, Athletics, Alchemy
Appearence: Brown Skin, Short cut black hair, 5 ft 7, has a slender build from wearing heavy Armor.
Armor/Clothing: Full set of Steel Armor, No enchantments, wears and white shirt and brown pants when not wearing his armor
Second Set of Armor: keeps spare set of Chainmail armor in a bag on his horse
Weapons: Enchanted Steel Longsword, Fire Enchantment, Named Firesteel
second weapon: an steel mace he keeps on his horse
Travel Bag: mix of different potions from keeping himself from diseases, compass, map, 3 repair hammers.
Misc: Has a Brown Horse with a few bags. small bag of gold.
Short Bio: Born in Hammerfell, Adam had a gift for healing many things, as he grew older he trained in the arts of Restoration and Heavy Armor, When he turn 21 he moved to Cyrodiil, after that he tried his luck at the Arena, he learned how to use a blade and a Mace.
As Progressed in the arena he only made it to gladiator rank, after that he quit the arena and bought a house in the Temple District, he did many odd jobs, from cleaning the Imperial Palace, to delivering Books to the Arcane Univeristy, but after the years went by he learned of a Guild to join, he made through the ranks and is Captain, he sometimes travels alone in the wilderness keeping animal populations low and has been trying to find vampires since he join the guild, he tried to hunt vampires in Morrowind but had no luck.
Now he spends his days in the Imperial Compound now under control by the Guild.