Vampires & Werebeasts

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:49 pm

Without attributes, Vampires and werewolves are unlikely when you became either one, you got significantly more powerful in speed Strenght etc etc....soo..what there are going to be Vampire and werewolf skills? lol
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:17 pm

Without attributes, Vampires and werewolves are unlikely when you became either one, you got significantly more powerful in speed Strenght etc etc....soo..what there are going to be Vampire and werewolf skills? lol

Good. Even more reason not to have them.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:19 am

Without attributes, Vampires and werewolves are unlikely when you became either one, you got significantly more powerful in speed Strenght etc etc....soo..what there are going to be Vampire and werewolf skills? lol

Werewolf Perk!
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meghan lock
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:52 am

Werewolf Perk!

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ILy- Forver
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:57 am

Without attributes, Vampires and werewolves are unlikely when you became either one, you got significantly more powerful in speed Strenght etc etc....soo..what there are going to be Vampire and werewolf skills? lol

What do you mean? Are you saying that because there are no attributes becoming a werewolf or vamp wouldn't allow you to move faster than normally?
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:52 pm

I think that Werewolves should have some sort of a control mechanism. Like if there was some way to communicate with them.
I don't know, just make sure that they have some reason to be there, like a faction or quest line. Also Bethesda doesn't have to "bring" werewolves to Skyrim. According to lore the werewolves originated from Skyrim and I really don't know how they got to Solstheim. Maybe through werewolves who wanted peace and left there? Anyway I am sure that it would be weird if a creature that originated from Skyrim disappeared from Skyrim just because fans said they didn't want it to be there. Try making a werewolf move, you get ripped to shreds.
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:52 am

Without attributes, Vampires and werewolves are unlikely when you became either one, you got significantly more powerful in speed Strenght etc etc....soo..what there are going to be Vampire and werewolf skills? lol

attributes aren't all that cracked up to be.

they can just as easily change the damage values of your attacks and speed value of running, in other words:

melee damage +50%

running speed +50%
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:40 pm


double post
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m Gardner
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:15 am

attributes aren't all that cracked up to be.

they can just as easily change the damage values of your attacks and speed value of running, in other words:

melee damage +50%

running speed +50%

Good. All the reason to add them. :hubbahubba: :rolleyes:
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Saul C
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:58 pm

Meh. The food chain of the supernatural is simple. Villagers and people in general eat chicken, pork and beef. Werewolves eat people. Simple. Food chain.

In TES, Lycanthropes don't actually need to eat people, for the most part. They merely feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to hunt and kill.
"Perhaps it is because they are doomed that makes lycanthropes so aggressive. I have removed the contents of a werewolf's stomach and found more remnants of roots and berries than animal flesh. My conclusion is that they do not need to attack and devour humans to survive. Yet, for some reason they do. Does lycanthropy drive them mad, or do lycanthropes feel the need to spread the disease as a form of procreation?" - "On Lycanthropy" Daggerfall
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:03 am

In TES, Lycanthropes don't actually need to eat people, for the most part. They merely feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to hunt and kill.
"Perhaps it is because they are doomed that makes lycanthropes so aggressive. I have removed the contents of a werewolf's stomach and found more remnants of roots and berries than animal flesh. My conclusion is that they do not need to attack and devour humans to survive. Yet, for some reason they do. Does lycanthropy drive them mad, or do lycanthropes feel the need to spread the disease as a form of procreation?" - "On Lycanthropy" Daggerfall

The lore regarding Man-Beast is a little sketchy. I have read alternative sources regarding The Elder Scrolls Sanies Lupinus and they have stated that Werebeast do need to feast on flesh to survive and then there is Bloodmoon were you lost health over time if you failed to hunt. I am of the opinion that Werebeast don't need to kill every night or fullmoon, whatever the cycle may be, but that they would eventually die if they refused to acquiesce to their beastial nature. Hircine doesn't seem of the disposition to allow his victims or 'children' as it were to live their lives and not contribute to The Hunt. Kill or die. Both Bloodmoon and "On Lycanthropy" support this theory. The Lycanthrope the narrator in the book is refering to may have chosen not to be a raving monster and only kills sparingly for survival, the roots and berries being consumed in human form. There are however, other books and snippets of information on Man-Beast that would contradict my theory in places but there you go.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:51 am

In TES, Lycanthropes don't actually need to eat people, for the most part. They merely feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to hunt and kill.
"Perhaps it is because they are doomed that makes lycanthropes so aggressive. I have removed the contents of a werewolf's stomach and found more remnants of roots and berries than animal flesh. My conclusion is that they do not need to attack and devour humans to survive. Yet, for some reason they do. Does lycanthropy drive them mad, or do lycanthropes feel the need to spread the disease as a form of procreation?" - "On Lycanthropy" Daggerfall

Sure. They may eat berries here and there but they STILL attack humans. The author did not not know the reason for their violence as he clearly stated. But I think they failed to see the supernatural aspect of it. Kill for Hircine. I think most people that are Lycanthropes in the ES knows this. They have a savage tie to Hircine.

The lore regarding Man-Beast is a little sketchy. I have read alternative sources regarding The Elder Scrolls Sanies Lupinus and they have stated that Werebeast do need to feast on flesh to survive and then there is Bloodmoon were you lost health over time if you failed to hunt. I am of the opinion that Werebeast don't need to kill every night or fullmoon, whatever the cycle may be, but that they would eventually die if they refused to acquiesce to their beastial nature. Hircine doesn't seem of the disposition to allow his victims or 'children' as it were to live their lives and not contribute to The Hunt. Kill or die. Both Bloodmoon and "On Lycanthropy" support this theory. The Lycanthrope the narrator in the book is refering to may have chosen not to be a raving monster and only kills sparingly for survival, the roots and berries being consumed in human form. There are however, other books and snippets of information on Man-Beast that would contradict my theory in places but there you go.

Both Daggerfall and Bloodmoon had the player lose health if they did not kill at least one person. We just can't ignore gameplay elements here. I think it would be a disadvantage to most and one of those cons. And I would agree with what you said on Hircine. Kill or die. Since he is known for being Father of Man-beasts and Sacrifice of Mortals(Yes, somewhere mentioned that he is known by this as well), I think mortals are the only sacrifice Hircine see's acceptable. It is no wonder why the sacrifice of an innocent had happen. In Daggerfall, the player had to kill an infected boy. While in Bloodmoon, he/she had to kill a innocent nord woman who was also infected with the player's curse. Werewolves hunting and killing is serving Hircine's aspects of both sacrifice and...well..hunting.

Some people may think that Hircine does not have much involvment with werewolves aside from the Bloodmoon Ritual. But even before that, he shows concern for his "children". I guess like most werewolves or werecreatures, the infected person does not see it as a gift but rather a curse. Even if he kills one or two people, and Hircine gives him additional powers like in Bloodmoon, they are still self-conscious about being killers. And Hircine finds that unnaceptable. Either cure Lycanthropy and renounce it(With a sacrifice required) or hunt down and kill your prey no matter who or what she is; Man, mer, beast-folk. I don't think he likes someone living in misery while being a werewolf. Cause that's a mockery in and of itself.

"If you would not mind doing a small favor for me, I can put in your possession a most excellent reward, Hircine's Ring. I have a child, apparently miserable with all the blessings I have given him, who needs ... what is the euphemism? To be taught a lesson? A very serious lesson. Does this sound like an agreeable contract, (Brother/Sister)? Ah, good. This child of mine is a wereboar who has made his den in a place called (dungeon). You should have no trouble finding it. After you have put him out of his obvious misery, which should not take more than (time limit) days, go to a place called (building) in (town) and look for a person named (worshipper's name). If you arrive there within (time limit) days from now with the wereboar dead, (he/she) will give you Hircine's Ring."-Hircine.


"Hircine, whose sphere is the Hunt, the Sport of Daedras, the Greatest Game, the Chase and Sacrifice of Mortals"

There you go. :D
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:18 am

In Daggerfall they talked about these ancient societies of vampires feuding, and they had a mini version of that in Morrowind. I'd like to see a whole new take on vampire for Skyrim, or at least I think it's new.

My idea for vampires would be to have a nomadic group that was half people and half vampires. The vampires would work as the hunters and warriors, the humans would be willing cattle and the producers of their tents and weapons. If a battle was coming, they could make some more vampires on the quick. Other times they might go lighter on the number of vampires so they'd have more daytime guards. I'd also like it if the vampirism didn't make you immortal, but only extended your life for perhaps twenty years. Vampirism should make you sterile, so people don't necessarily want to become vampires until they've started a family.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:42 pm

No "I honestly have no interest in either" option? :)

(Vampires, at least, have been a basic feature in the last couple games - werewhatevers only showed up in a side expansion to MW and not at all in OB. On the other hand, between silly post-Buffy TV dramas, Anita Blake and other novels, Underworld, and the Twilight crap, vamps & weres are terribly overexposed and cliche. I'll be glad when that whole fandom dies down a bit.....)
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:00 am

Sorta like dragons and swords and magic? Werewolves and vampires were around way before Twilight. And Twilight was what made people despite and hate Lycanthropes and vampires to the point where they are even mentioned, people go all crazy and begin flame and spam posts. If only the same was said of Maiq the Liar, Dragons, Dovakiin, Alduin and whatever the hell is out there for Skyrim. People can't enjoy werewolves or vampires without being labeled a Twilight fan. Screw Twilight and screw Stephanie Meyer for bringing out that stupid idea.

They would be a great addition to the game because it doesn't force players to be a normal "hero" which is the CLICHE for all ES games. There has to be something the player can turn into and be a supernatural "abomination" that eats people or svcks their blood. Frankly, if they don't add werewolves or vampires I would be extremely dissapointed. I wouldnt even buy the game, unless they add the ability to cannibalism on a human flesh or be a Lich and svck people dry. Then I would consider buying it.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:17 am

There should be an option for both, or none, I never really bothered with either of them in morrowind/oblivion, although I was more interested in vampires in morrowind, Werewolfs never seemed to interest me, But since the graphics in skyrim are really good, I think I will be more involved with them.( If they are involved in the game :L ) :P
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:35 am

How about if we get bit by a zombie we eventually become one and start infecting everyone?
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:00 pm

How about if we get bit by a zombie we eventually become one and start infecting everyone?

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Joe Bonney
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:58 am

How about if we get bit by a zombie we eventually become one and start infecting everyone?

That would be great for modern zombie games in the shooter and survival genre. But developers fail to see that being a human and fighting off zombies gets old. I believe we only had one game where we could be a zombie and eat people's brains instead of going around saying "Herp Derp, we must survive the zombie hord and avoid infection!" and that game was Stubs. In Elder Scrolls, being a zombie means your a brainless corspe of flesh being animated by dark necromancer magic. It doesn't fit the Elder Scrolls. Being a dragon was often frowned upon as well, even if they are ingame. So our only logical choice from previous games is being a werewolf or vampire. And since people seem to cry about them being "overused"(What the hell? We only had two games where we could play as werewolves. And most of their plot we were stupid mortal heroic idiots), Bethesda should add a Lich option so we could be a Lich.
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Miss K
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:57 am

If they dont visually and physically represent changes when becoming either of these id rather not have them in, the vampire stuff in oblivion was quite dull in my opinion, more of a nucense than anything, though if they put allot of time into these two transformations id be happy .
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:30 am

No "I honestly have no interest in either" option? :)

(Vampires, at least, have been a basic feature in the last couple games - werewhatevers only showed up in a side expansion to MW and not at all in OB. On the other hand, between silly post-Buffy TV dramas, Anita Blake and other novels, Underworld, and the Twilight crap, vamps & weres are terribly overexposed and cliche. I'll be glad when that whole fandom dies down a bit.....)

We want to know which one is more popular. I don't really see the need of an option which would only mess with the results. :shrug:
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steve brewin
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:51 pm

Werewolves. Vampires have been in all the main games. We need werewolves back.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:51 am

That would be great for modern zombie games in the shooter and survival genre. But developers fail to see that being a human and fighting off zombies gets old. I believe we only had one game where we could be a zombie and eat people's brains instead of going around saying "Herp Derp, we must survive the zombie hord and avoid infection!" and that game was Stubs. In Elder Scrolls, being a zombie means your a brainless corspe of flesh being animated by dark necromancer magic. It doesn't fit the Elder Scrolls. Being a dragon was often frowned upon as well, even if they are ingame. So our only logical choice from previous games is being a werewolf or vampire. And since people seem to cry about them being "overused"(What the hell? We only had two games where we could play as werewolves. And most of their plot we were stupid mortal heroic idiots), Bethesda should add a Lich option so we could be a Lich.

On the point of being a Dragon in a game:

That is something that, in my opinion, needs to be expanded upon. Besides Spyro, Drakengard, and Lair, I've seen no other game attempt to take on that aspect besides Hoard, which unfortunately isn't that engrossing. If there were a game that came out that expanded upon the idea that Hoard lies down, of pillaging and burning and generally ruling an kingdom, if it took those aspects, combined it with some city-building ideas, an added on a storyline with depth, and multi-player capabilities, I think that would be quite a kick-off. And also adding in some visceral combat from Drakengard and Lair, or more visceral and raw than that even. Beth, being the fantastic creators you are, take this into consideration in your next game list, I don't mean add it to Skyrim but just consider it.

On the Zombies:

Stubs, fantastic game, haha, but I do have to agree and wish that there were more games such as this that would look at things from the other side instead of the traditional, "We need to survive the zombehs." kind of ordeal.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:17 am

Yea. I was dissapointed with these pro-human games such as Halo, Gears of War, Resistance and etc(We can only play an alien online) and we are forced to be humans on story mode(Except Halo 2, where we play as Arbiter).

But on topic though: Elder Scrolls was the only game where we could create and customize our characters in a free-roaming enviorment that we can have the ability to transform into a werewolf or vampire and "Live another life in another world". That is why it's important for some fans that werewolves and vampires be added in.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:38 am

Yea. I was dissapointed with these pro-human games such as Halo, Gears of War, Resistance and etc(We can only play an alien online) and we are forced to be humans on story mode(Except Halo 2, where we play as Arbiter).

But on topic though: Elder Scrolls was the only game where we could create and customize our characters in a free-roaming enviorment that we can have the ability to transform into a werewolf or vampire and "Live another life in another world". That is why it's important for some fans that werewolves and vampires be added in.

Of this I whole-heartedly agree with...One of the main reasons I love to replay Morrowind was the Bloodmoon expansion pack...I want werewolves back and placed into Skryim...I AM WOLF-BORN...NOT DRAGON-BORN...
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