Vampires & Werebeasts

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:55 am

Sorta like dragons and swords and magic? Werewolves and vampires were around way before Twilight. And Twilight was what made people despite and hate Lycanthropes and vampires to the point where they are even mentioned, people go all crazy and begin flame and spam posts. If only the same was said of Maiq the Liar, Dragons, Dovakiin, Alduin and whatever the hell is out there for Skyrim. People can't enjoy werewolves or vampires without being labeled a Twilight fan. Screw Twilight and screw Stephanie Meyer for bringing out that stupid idea.

They would be a great addition to the game because it doesn't force players to be a normal "hero" which is the CLICHE for all ES games. There has to be something the player can turn into and be a supernatural "abomination" that eats people or svcks their blood. Frankly, if they don't add werewolves or vampires I would be extremely dissapointed. I wouldnt even buy the game, unless they add the ability to cannibalism on a human flesh or be a Lich and svck people dry. Then I would consider buying it.

agreed, this is just something TES has to have to be true to the freedom they say they provide, werewolfs and vampires are a way for the player to choose a truely evil path with some intresting transformation/feeding options. I believe skyrim has them because if they didn't then todd and the rest of the dev team has their head up their ass, its something that a large percentage of the fans want and if they want to build a bigger fan base and make more money then why not ride the twilight train and just give the fans what they've been asking for, werewolfs and vampires. Its so easy to see that if they leave them out then they lose a part of there fanbase, and possible have other fans not trusting the company to come through with their own request.

I mean seriously, oblivion got ate up by the werewolf fans alone on forums/e-mail/mail/twitter/etc.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:39 am

agreed, this is just something TES has to have to be true to the freedom they say they provide, werewolfs and vampires are a way for the player to choose a truely evil path with some intresting transformation/feeding options. I believe skyrim has them because if they didn't then todd and the rest of the dev team has their head up their ass, its something that a large percentage of the fans want and if they want to build a bigger fan base and make more money then why not ride the twilight train and just give the fans what they've been asking for, werewolfs and vampires. Its so easy to see that if they leave them out then they lose a part of there fanbase, and possible have other fans not trusting the company to come through with their own request.

I mean seriously, oblivion got ate up by the werewolf fans alone on forums/e-mail/mail/twitter/etc.

Yes...I hope they took that lesson this time around...
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:09 pm

agreed, this is just something TES has to have to be true to the freedom they say they provide, werewolfs and vampires are a way for the player to choose a truely evil path with some intresting transformation/feeding options. I believe skyrim has them because if they didn't then todd and the rest of the dev team has their head up their ass, its something that a large percentage of the fans want and if they want to build a bigger fan base and make more money then why not ride the twilight train and just give the fans what they've been asking for, werewolfs and vampires. Its so easy to see that if they leave them out then they lose a part of there fanbase, and possible have other fans not trusting the company to come through with their own request.

I mean seriously, oblivion got ate up by the werewolf fans alone on forums/e-mail/mail/twitter/etc.

Evil? No. All about survival. Is a wolf evil? No.

But anyways, Todd wants to make Skyrim his way. I agree with what a User said in these forums.

Todd Howard is very odd and weird to getting content into his games that fans want really bad, its Todd's way or no way. He makes things that he thinks will make the game better which I give him respect for, but when it comes to spears, mounts, werewolves, levetating, ect. He's like "I don't know if it will make the game interesting or do any better" Hello Todd we want these things badly give us some things just 1 please? He knows his team can fit them in becuase they did it just fine in Morrowind's expansion. <_<

Of this I whole-heartedly agree with...One of the main reasons I love to replay Morrowind was the Bloodmoon expansion pack...I want werewolves back and placed into Skryim...I AM WOLF-BORN...NOT DRAGON-BORN...

Hell yea. Dragonborn=MEH.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:37 am

It kills me that they know they could do it...That they should do it...Bethesda on past occasion with Morrowind, successfully implemented an entire expansion pack dealing with the storyline of
Werewolves and Nords...There are legions of fans out there that played and loved 'Bloodmoon'...And here we are again in the land of the Nords...The opportunity to revisit Hircine and his Blessed Hounds
begs proper and careful attention...If not for the many upon many requests...Then for additional profit...
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:21 am

Evil? No. All about survival. Is a wolf evil? No.

Both vampires and werewolves have evil origins at their birth's in most of our real world fiction and in TES universe. I will agree that players and NPCs in TES can and have choosen to resist the evil that they become, but at there cores both werewolfs and vampire are of an evil nature. Also if skyrim does see both vampires and werewolfs i hope we get a deep system for both, going as far as to depict our players struggle on needing to feed but also know what they must do to survive is morally wrong and unjust.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:55 pm

Since spears are not in the game and they are considering mounts...Lycanthropy is going to be something difficult.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:13 pm

Both vampires and werewolves have evil origins at their birth's in most of our real world fiction and in TES universe. I will agree that players and NPCs in TES can and have choosen to resist the evil that they become, but at there cores both werewolfs and vampire are of an evil nature. Also if skyrim does see both vampires and werewolfs i hope we get a deep system for both, going as far as to depict our players struggle on needing to feed but also know what they must do to survive is morally wrong and unjust.

I agree...
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:41 am

Since spears are not in the game and they are considering mounts...Lycanthropy is going to be something difficult.

Not if placed into an expansion or DLC...
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luis dejesus
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:25 am

Both vampires and werewolves have evil origins at their birth's in most of our real world fiction and in TES universe. I will agree that players and NPCs in TES can and have choosen to resist the evil that they become, but at there cores both werewolfs and vampire are of an evil nature. Also if skyrim does see both vampires and werewolfs i hope we get a deep system for both, going as far as to depict our players struggle on needing to feed but also know what they must do to survive is morally wrong and unjust.

Good and evil are subjective things, meaningful only within a given ethical perpective. There is no such thing as absolute evil unless you believe in the existence of an absolute moral code. If then, by soft deontological approaches it is possible for heroes to be good, or strictly speaking doing the less of two "evils."

So, you would consider Janus Hassildor evil for accepting his condition and nature of feeding? Is it evil then to resist feeding and potentially starve yourself.

Say, you are dying of hunger, suffering and have nothing to eat and you can only feed on something. You and a rabbit in the wilderness with NOTHING else. Would you kill it?

Compare that to the werewolf. In ES, werewolves kill people to survive. Gameplay elements confirm this. Same as a wolf killing a deer for food. For survival. And survival in and of itself is NOT evil. If animals had a thought of their own, they would consider humans evil and monstrous because we use their flesh to sustain ours. But that is because the weaker species and the weaker prey will always look up to the predators and classify them as "evil" simply because they are threatened.

Werewolves: Wolves.

Vampires: Bats, leeches and mosquitoes feed on blood to survive. If a vampire did not feed, it would enter a coma(Rona Hassildor). That is why they seclude themselves from society because the mortal individuals of the Elder Scrolls universe has shunned them and ostrasized them for being "monsters" while they are basically the mixture of man and beast. Same goes for werewolves.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:29 pm

Good and evil are subjective things, meaningful only within a given ethical perpective. There is no such thing as absolute evil unless you believe in the existence of an absolute moral code. If then, by soft deontological approaches it is possible for heroes to be good, or strictly speaking doing the less of two "evils."

So, you would consider Janus Hassildor evil for accepting his condition and nature of feeding? Is it evil then to resist feeding and potentially starve yourself.

Say, you are dying of hunger, suffering and have nothing to eat and you can only feed on something. You and a rabbit in the wilderness with NOTHING else. Would you kill it?

Compare that to the werewolf. In ES, werewolves kill people to survive. Gameplay elements confirm this. Same as a wolf killing a deer for food. For survival. And survival in and of itself is NOT evil. If animals had a thought of their own, they would consider humans evil and monstrous because we use their flesh to sustain ours. But that is because the weaker species and the weaker prey will always look up to the predators and classify them as "evil" simply because they are threatened.

Werewolves: Wolves.

Vampires: Bats, leeches and mosquitoes feed on blood to survive. If a vampire did not feed, it would enter a coma(Rona Hassildor). That is why they seclude themselves from society because the mortal individuals of the Elder Scrolls universe has shunned them and ostrasized them for being "monsters" while they are basically the mixture of man and beast. Same goes for werewolves.

You can talk circles if you want my friend, but the simple fact is by a moral stand point (from what other point would you classify good/evil) what vampires and werewolfs have to do to survive is evil, we are not mindless creatures we are people with the ability to decide right from wrong and so are vampires and werewolfs (yes i know in werewolf form they are more animal then man but still when a werewolf is human again they know what will happen when the moon is full, so lock yourself up if you have to, etc.).

I know most vampires and werewolfs weren't given a choice on becoming one but they can still know that they will possibly kill there family, there friends, and innocent childern, is this not evil to you, what if you were a werewolf and you killed your own child, would you consider it necessary? i mean you can stand up for the vampire and werewolf condition all day but really if you were to be their next meal or to be the one feasting on your own friends then you most likely wouldn't see there condition as survival but more as an evil curse.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:50 am

Since spears are not in the game and they are considering mounts...Lycanthropy is going to be something difficult.

Unless its been in from the start and they are waiting for E3 to release a video containing a full moon change.

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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:04 am

i mean you can stand up for the vampire and werewolf condition all day but really if you were to be their next meal or to be the one feasting on your own friends then you most likely wouldn't see there condition as survival but more as an evil curse.

if i play a vampire i usually take the Lestat/Marius method to keeping a clean conscious which is feed off the evil doer. so i would hunt bandits, murderers, necromancers, and any other never-do-wells. if i was desperate i would take little drinks from the homeless, or if i was feeling adventures take a little drink from a snooty aristocrat.

if this was RL and i became a vamp i would follow the same method and would leave everyone i love and cared for behind to save them but would send them money from my plunders.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:24 am

You can talk circles if you want my friend, but the simple fact is by a moral stand point (from what other point would you classify good/evil) what vampires and werewolfs have to do to survive is evil, we are not mindless creatures we are people with the ability to decide right from wrong and so are vampires and werewolfs (yes i know in werewolf form they are more animal then man but still when a werewolf is human again they know what will happen when the moon is full, so lock yourself up if you have to, etc.).

I know most vampires and werewolfs weren't given a choice on becoming one but they can still know that they will possibly kill there family, there friends, and innocent childern, is this not evil to you, what if you were a werewolf and you killed your own child, would you consider it necessary? i mean you can stand up for the vampire and werewolf condition all day but really if you were to be their next meal or to be the one feasting on your own friends then you most likely wouldn't see there condition as survival but more as an evil curse.

damnnnnnn. you think you're an expert or something? you do know vampires/werewolves are fictional right? so its all made up and there is no 'facts, no right or wrong answer. like religion...

i am looking forward to seeing both vampires and werewolves in this game, mainly werewolves as i played oblivion and vampires were in oblivion...
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:44 am

damnnnnnn. you think you're an expert or something? you do know vampires/werewolves are fictional right? so its all made up and there is no 'facts, no right or wrong answer. like religion...

i am looking forward to seeing both vampires and werewolves in this game, mainly werewolves as i played oblivion and vampires were in oblivion...


Its a real world comparisons to a fictional topic, for the sake of the argument on a moral stand point of good and evil in vampires and werewolfs in TES . Have you ever heard the term read between the lines?

Im also looking forward to both, and im also hoping being a vampire in skyrim isn't as bland and boring as oblivion.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:52 pm

You can talk circles if you want my friend, but the simple fact is by a moral stand point (from what other point would you classify good/evil) what vampires and werewolfs have to do to survive is evil, we are not mindless creatures we are people with the ability to decide right from wrong and so are vampires and werewolfs (yes i know in werewolf form they are more animal then man but still when a werewolf is human again they know what will happen when the moon is full, so lock yourself up if you have to, etc.).

I know most vampires and werewolfs weren't given a choice on becoming one but they can still know that they will possibly kill there family, there friends, and innocent childern, is this not evil to you, what if you were a werewolf and you killed your own child, would you consider it necessary? i mean you can stand up for the vampire and werewolf condition all day but really if you were to be their next meal or to be the one feasting on your own friends then you most likely wouldn't see there condition as survival but more as an evil curse.

There is only one of me. And I can easily re-produce another child :P

if i play a vampire i usually take the Lestat/Marius method to keeping a clean conscious which is feed off the evil doer. so i would hunt bandits, murderers, necromancers, and any other never-do-wells. if i was desperate i would take little drinks from the homeless, or if i was feeling adventures take a little drink from a snooty aristocrat.

if this was RL and i became a vamp i would follow the same method and would leave everyone i love and cared for behind to save them but would send them money from my plunders.

I would be like Sir John from the new Wolfman movie. Accepts the Curse, even though he killed his wife after. Loves life and his strength. A good man.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:44 am

There is only one of me. And I can easily re-produce another child :P

I would be like Sir John from the new Wolfman movie. Accepts the Curse, even though he killed his wife after. Loves life and his strength. A good man.

lol good stuff

I thought "Sir John" was kind of a misleading dike, you know with betraying his last son, killing his wife and son, and having a gentleman like attitude told his crimes and sick ambition.

Great movie though, i dont understand why that movie only got 2 stars...
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:23 pm

lol good stuff

I thought "Sir John" was kind of a misleading dike, you know with betraying his last son, killing his wife and son, and having a gentleman like attitude told his crimes and sick ambition.

Great movie though, i dont understand why that movie only got 2 stars...

He's an eccentric werewolf. Well, he did want his latest son to accept the curse within. But his son didn't want any part in that because he saw it as "evil". And in regards to his murdered son, well, he knocked out the keeper's keys to his "cage" and when he turned, he killed his son. He even went to great lenghts as to warn Lawrence to stay inside the house because the full moon is out and there is a ravening lunatic out there and explains how "I don't want to lose you too". He could care less about killing people, but at least he shows a little bit of concern for his family. Only a little.

There can be characters that are indeed monsters and immortal creatures, but they still how some general human emotion and accepts both into their lives. Take Janus Hassildor for example. He feeds on people. He came to accept the changes within. But his wife didn't. So she went into a coma and is suffering. He wanted to take her out of her misery by providing a cure. That is not evil, but benevolent. And he also gave information to the Mages Guild when the player agreed to wipe out a barbaric clan of vampires that enroached upon the border and hid out in Bloodcrust cavern.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:30 am

He's an eccentric werewolf. Well, he did want his latest son to accept the curse within. But his son didn't want any part in that because he saw it as "evil". And in regards to his murdered son, well, he knocked out the keeper's keys to his "cage" and when he turned, he killed his son. He even went to great lenghts as to warn Lawrence to stay inside the house because the full moon is out and there is a ravening lunatic out there and explains how "I don't want to lose you too". He could care less about killing people, but at least he shows a little bit of concern for his family. Only a little.

There can be characters that are indeed monsters and immortal creatures, but they still how some general human emotion and accepts both into their lives. Take Janus Hassildor for example. He feeds on people. He came to accept the changes within. But his wife didn't. So she went into a coma and is suffering. He wanted to take her out of her misery by providing a cure. That is not evil, but benevolent. And he also gave information to the Mages Guild when the player agreed to wipe out a barbaric clan of vampires that enroached upon the border and hid out in Bloodcrust cavern.

Yes the count is a case were the vampire has good intentions with bad habits, i agree that the count was a good man.

Oh and i believed Sir john could just been a little more up front about what was going on so his son could understand what the dangers really where and from who they were coming so as to further keep him out of danger, but that would of killed a chunk of the movie so for entertainment purpose i wouldn't have changed it.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:39 am

Are the werewolves back yet?!!!T__T
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:15 am

So, you would consider Janus Hassildor evil for accepting his condition and nature of feeding? Is it evil then to resist feeding and potentially starve yourself.

An interesting perspective to put on that...

Janus and his wife both became vampires. Janus accepted what he had become and fed to keep himself alive. As a result, he was able to act as a somewhat-proper Count, and he is well-respected by his people who are happy. His wife, on the otherhand, did not accept becoming a vampire and would not feed, which led her to fall into an ever-lasting coma. That did nothing except cause insufferable grief for Janus.

So is Janus evil for feeding, and leading a prosperous city with happy people? Is his wife good for not feeding, and causing decades of emotional anguish for her husband?

Those who become werewolves and vampires do not (generally) ask for it. People who are attacked and survive (only to have been infected) are just as much of a victim as those that are attacked and killed. Also consider that lycanthropy is hereditary, so a child's only fault for being a lycanthrope is simply that (s)he exists. The diseases may have been created by agents of "evil", but those infected by it are almost always victims themselves.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:53 pm

Unless its been in from the start and they are waiting for E3 to release a video containing a full moon change.


I dream of this...
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:57 am

An interesting perspective to put on that...

Janus and his wife both became vampires. Janus accepted what he had become and fed to keep himself alive. As a result, he was able to act as a somewhat-proper Count, and he is well-respected by his people who are happy. His wife, on the otherhand, did not accept becoming a vampire and would not feed, which led her to fall into an ever-lasting coma. That did nothing except cause insufferable grief for Janus.

So is Janus evil for feeding, and leading a prosperous city with happy people? Is his wife good for not feeding, and causing decades of emotional anguish for her husband?

Those who become werewolves and vampires do not (generally) ask for it. People who are attacked and survive (only to have been infected) are just as much of a victim as those that are attacked and killed. Also consider that lycanthropy is hereditary, so a child's only fault for being a lycanthrope is simply that (s)he exists. The diseases may have been created by agents of "evil", but those infected by it are almost always victims themselves.

Most certainly...And as far as 'curses' go...At least those afflicted with lycanthropy can lead a somewhat normal life (i.e. no damage from sunlight, only transforming three days of the month)...All you need is nice tight place to lock yourself up (cage, basemant, cellar) and around 100lbs of meat and dog food to feed while 'locked up' during your transformations...Though admittedly in game, I always make sure that my transformations happen around vampire, marauder, reaver, bandit hideouts, or better yet when I enter an Oblivion gate...Boy those Daedra are tasty...MMMMMMM...
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:45 am

I voted werewolves... I hope they bring Hircine's Ring back somehow in Skyrim... that was the best item in Morrowind IMO.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:35 am

I voted werewolves... I hope they bring Hircine's Ring back somehow in Skyrim... that was the best item in Morrowind IMO.

I hope they do too...That would mean they brought back lycanthropy...
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:30 am

I hope they do too...That would mean they brought back lycanthropy...

lol and i would love every minute of it =)
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