I personally loved to look at the art. I mean, it was great! The animations were awesome, and everything in the game were illustrated with great style and post-apocalyptic beauty, so fallout was not only an extremely intelligent game, but also amazingly pretty.
Now, Van Buren disappointed me form the start. I know it was just a tech demo and was not nearly finnished, but the direction the game was taking just reeked of Brotherhood of Steel that came out on xbox and ps2 mixed with a bit of tactics and very little real 'fallout'. I did not like the 3d characters. They looked way too refined, and then some of the hair choices and such just made me want to puke. The combat was way too brotherhood-of-steelish, and it seemed to me more like an action game than anything else. The art was very poor, and I blame that on 3d animation. 3d animation can really svck sometimes, but hey, I know the game was still in production and details to art would perhaps come later, but still, I did not like the direction Van Buren was taking, and I am much more excited about Fallout 3 from Bethesda than anything I have seen in Van Buren, even though we dont really know much about Beth's Fallout 3 yet.
I think most people liked Van Buren and wished that could have been the real Fallout 3.
Would be nice to find out what everyone else thought of Van Buren and how they compare it to past Fallout games as well as the up and coming Fallout3.