The smoke cleared, the room was empty, the men inside where gone. Long gone. all that remained was the unidentifiable body that was his best friend. The colour in Anthony's face flushed from him, all that was left was the face and the expression of pure shock and disgust. Just then two scrawny yet tall men walked in, one was slightly pudgier than the other. The larger man had a face like tat of a boxer, scarred, bruised and broken. The other was a nervous fellow pale-faced and shaking at the site of the body. They were Paul "the painter" and James Hadley .
"Aw Christ!" shouted Paul.
James said nothing, but instead bent over, opened his mouth and projected the bile, that had forced its way up through his throat, onto the ground. Anthony still hadn't moved, he was paralysed.
"Ant, are you okay?" paul asked.
"Huh? oh yeah."said Anthony
All of a sudden james perked up and said "This is crazy, Tom got caught up in some weird crap"
Anthony said coldly "Yeah, but whoever did this is going to die a slow, painful death"
some feedback would be nice the 1st chapter will skip back so I can get the most from the storyline, thanks for reading and take care!