Hey everyone,
I'm currently going through all the errors that I get when loading my mod in the CK (Minus the vanilla ones, of course) and I've hit some that I'm not sure how to deal with.
Faction reaction errors. My factions are set to have feelings towards vanilla factions (I.e. my necromancers are 'friendly' to the vanilla draugr faction), but the vanilla factions aren't set the same way in return. Now, I did this because I didn't want to edit the vanilla faction. I want to edit as few vanilla things as possible. However, I'd also like this error to go away, and for the factions to react properly.
I have two solutions, but I'm not sure what kind of effect each will have in terms of conflicts, dirty edits, and mod updating/removing/etc.:
1. I can add my factions to the vanilla factions in the CK. This is the simplest way to solve this, but will this count as dirty edits? Will this cause issues with other mods that alter the vanilla faction relations? If not, then I'll just do that and I'm good to go. TES5Edit colors it as a vanilla edit though, which always makes me nervous and want to avoid it. Any input on this?
2. I can make a quest that's start game enabled with a simple start-stage script that does 'SetAlly' or 'SetEnemy' etc. On all of the factions then stops the quest. I'll still get the error in the CK, but at least I'll know the game is setting the factions up properly. However, I'm not sure what kind of effect a script like this would have on the player's save or the game. How would it affect updating? Removing the quest? Removing a mod with the relations built in would remove those relations, right? Would script set relations be removed as well?
I'm just looking for the best way to handle this. If I can simply edit the factions as per #1 above, that would be ideal. But I absolutely want to avoid the chance of conflicts. I've done a great job so far, as currently Falskaar only edits like 5 or 6 vanilla references. That's it. So I'd like to keep that as low as possible, unless I can raise it safely without increasing the chance of conflict.
Thanks for any input!