» Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:19 pm
It all depends what you want out of the game. Some players want to be guided, other players want to guide themselves; some want to be told a story, others want to tell their own stories; some want the "game experience as the developers intended it," others want to make their own game.
Me, I want that freedom to fashion my own game experience. The Oblivion I played in 2006 was a different game than the one I played in 2008 and the Oblivion I played in 2008 is a very different game than the one I'm playing now. The game is always changing, always fresh. It looks different, it plays different. When I add a mod to Oblivion I am a developer.
More importantly, nods are crucial to my roleplaying. Take my current character, for instance.
She belongs to a race, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34277, that, because of their hideous appearance, is hated and feared in Cyrodiil. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs make their money by hunting members of her race and selling them to the Arena. She will win her freedom when she attains the rank of Champion. I use a boatload of mods to make this story come alive.
First, I use a mod to start her inside the Bloodworks. Next I modded the Yellow Team's gear to be lootable (this was necessary so she could afford to pay training and repair bills) and made the Arena stay open all night.
I use Oscuro and Martigen so I assumed that gaining ranks in the Arena would take some serious time and effort (as it should). She had to be able to gain levels in between some of her fights, so I added a special chain doll that works with Setsuna's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27259 mod. My character uses this chaindoll to improve her Blade skill between matches. I added a Blacksmith to the Bloodworks to train her in heavy armor, repair her raiment and sell hammers so that my character can do some repair work of her own.
I figured she'd be spending about 15 levels as a gladiator so I built slave quarters off the Bloodworks for her to sleep and eat in. To make this whole 'captured-and-sold-to-the-Arena' idea more plasible I added a Dea Obscura NPC to the Bloodworks. This NPC divides her time between sleeping (and eating) in the new slave quarters, training at the new chain doll in the Bloodworks and chatting with the other Bloodworks occupants. She does not leave the Arena either.
After modding Morrowind and Oblivion for over eight years I would not want to try to roleplay without mods. It can be done, but the experience, for me, is so much richer, so much more satisfying, that I'm just not interested in even trying. I like creating my own game experience. For me it's a creative outlet.