How long did you play vanilla Skyrim before heading out to find Mods?
How long did you play vanilla Skyrim before heading out to find Mods?
I probably put in 150-200 hours on Xbox before seeing the light and buying a gaming PC for Skyrim. Mods are fun.
I was curious about this. Did you mod as soon as you got your PC Skyrim, or did you play a little vanilla first, after all those hours on console?
So your mods did not enhance the experience for you? Or was your laptop the trouble?
The pool should contain hours played OR characters/playthroughs, not both at the same time.
The characters played was more of a guide rather than part of the choice. My apologies for the confusion
There will be some players that have put in many hours and still be on their first character.
I think I played about a week before the first mods I was interested in came out. After that, never unmodded. So I'd call it a partial playthrough, but not much of one.
I got through 1 ~eighth-completed character(restarted after I read up on passive ability effects) and then 2 ~half-completed characters (one got deleted due to freezing bugs and the second was about to be) when I decided to start using mods.
I played two characters without mods, one for about 200 hours and the other for about 80-90 hours.
This is very different from Oblivion, when I couldn't even make though day two without installing a mod.
I went with 151-500, but probably it was around 250-300 hours, so the low/middle bit of that choice. No idea how many characters it was, but I've never done a "complete" playthrough as such (nearly finished the MQ once, but my save went kaput), though I've done quite a few which felt 'finished' by the time I moved on to the next.
I played a few hours without mods since I got the game on release and there were not many.
But the mod community made happy quickly since the vanilla game was lacking in a quite a few things in my opinion.
Only got PC back in December, and I have about 220 hours on it at the moment. I had console version for a year and a half beforehand, though.
I bought picked up my pre-order like everyone else on 11/11/11 but it was for the PS3. I played on that unmodded of course until I got a computer around may of 2012. I bought Skyrim the same day I got the PC. Was modding it the moment it was installed from Steam. Its been modded ever since. So I'd say I've done several characters and play throughs as vanilla. I'll be honest the game would not have the same appeal now if it were not for mods.
Even though they're retextures, I consider them mods, since they are changing an aspect of the game from being truly vanilla. I got those on day 1 before playing it once I saw how old looking the face textures were. Plus I didn't like how dirty the default bodies were either at the time.