Edit: Fixed slight oversight in polls earlier.
So upon realizing that I personally like the world design/storylines of Shivering Isles/Dawnguard/Dragonborn more than the world design/storylines of vanilla Skyrim, and Vanilla Oblivion, basically that I like the expansion content more than the vanilla content in Skyrim and Oblivion, I wondered how many people felt the same way.
In Morrowind I liked the official expansions world design and storyline equally as much as vanilla Morrowind's world design and storyline... Yet in Skyrim and Oblivion I find myself liking the storyline and world design of the expansions way more than vanilla Skyrim and vanilla Oblivion. I personally like the Official DLC worlds in both Skyrim and Oblivion a lot more than the vanilla worlds, because they feel a lot more creative to me, a lot less generic, and a lot less predictable, and at least to me anyways, it feels like the plot is a lot more well designed. Though perhaps that's just me.
I like the Official DLCs of Skyrim a lot more than vanilla Skyrim in general... With perhaps the exception of Blackreach and Markarth- my two favorite things about vanilla Skyrim by far.
My favorite to least favorite designs are all in this order about... Morrowind as a whole->Dragonborn Skyrim tied with Shivering isles Oblivion- both just seem to have a lot of this... Creativity to it, eccentricity and unpredictable plots that I like so much->Dawnguard Skyrim->Vanilla Skyrim->Vanilla Oblivion.
This all begs the question of why, why do I like the Official DLCs so much more than the vanilla worlds of the two most recent TES games? Does it have something to do with expansions having to break monotony in some way? Does Bethesda just do a certain design method with it's expansions that I happen to like a lot? I'm not 100% sure how to put it in words, though whatever it is about the methods Bethesda makes official DLCs with- makes me wish Bethesda tried to use more similar methods for designing the base of an entire game.
Or... Maybe it's just a "Save the best stuff for the last DLCs" kinda thing, and that's all this working as intended??? Which I think I'd understand but that's just another wild guess on my part. Or maybe my own personal tastes are just especially peculiar?
Although I do feel like what Morrowind, Shivering Isles, and Dragonborn all have in common, is unpredictability all over the place, hardly anything is generic... And you're frequently left in astonishment left and right having second guesses all the time. That's my personal impression anyhow. Ah who knows... Making this poll and topic for a reason to see how other people feel about that.
I wonder, do a lot of people here have similar feelings? Or contrasting feelings? I made a poll to try to better figure this all out. It does indeed seem to be a subject I never seen brought up much really, so I figure this may be a fascinating subject. Anyways tell me your feelings about the official expansion worlds, and how you think they compare to the last three TES games vanilla worlds.