I raised it, I lowered it, I deleted it and replaced it, but no matter what I did, when I went into the game, it just wasn't there. I eventually put a door in the wall that runs behind the stilt rider, and it finally worked,.. but I never did find out what the problem was.
I had someone ask me about a very similar problem in an interior cell where the door leading out is visible in the CS, it says it's teleport marker is appropriately placed and all is well... but in-game, there is no door, so once you're in the house, you're there to stay, barring something like console coc or recall spell.
I had no answer for this person, since I never did solve my own problem in this regard, and I was wondering if this is something that happens occasionally enough to have a definite answer for why it happens and how to fix it.
Does anyone know? An answer to this would really be appreciated by both of us,k I'm sure.