After playing through the latest installement of TES (Oblivion) I came across a certain quest*, and I went to pay that no-good mage a visit. After talking to him for a while he mentions something called ?Vanto's Third Law?. I wonder what it means and who ?Vanto? may be, so after doing some investigating I come across a book** which may hold the awnsers, but don't. It does mention however someone far more famous: Galerion the Mystic and his ?ninth law?. So I now pose to you these questions: Are there any records at all about someone called ?Vanto?? What does it mean to be a mystic? Are the ?laws? of magic anything like the laws of physics or something similiar? The book mentions another ?magickal encycopedia?: ?Empedocles. What is that?
(And one more question: How do I post links in the post itself?
