I keep thinking about getting lots of these effects into the vanilla game world...a list of ridiculously subtle effects...am I the only one who sees this kind of potential, at least in the abstract?
You're not the only person who sees the potential impact of these kinds of effects, that's why there's a long list of requests both in the thread and in my PM inbox.
The major problem is not so much in imagining the effects; it's implementing them. Time is limited and these systems are not that easy to work with; full of strange and annoying inconsistencies as I've been discovering while working on the shrub leaf boxes. That's basically why I would like to be fairly sure that anything I make is really going to get used. If something new can be made by making a few tweaks to something I've already made then that's easy enough, but where it has to be made from scratch, that can be a lot of work with no guarantee of a desirable result.
The end result is that stuff that I can do easily is likely to be done earlier. Stuff that I have a desire to try and challenge myself with gets attempted earlier. Stuff that is intended for use by mods I'd like to use myself get higher priorities. It's not hugely fair, but at least the one person it *is* fair on is myself, which I think is reasonable. I wouldn't recommend
relying on me for resources more than you have to though; I won't appreciate the pressure and you won't appreciate the waiting. After all, if I feel the desire to work on something http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll61/Revanchism/Working/test18-1.png, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
At the end of all that, suggestions are always welcome.
P.S. May as well mention the progress on the falling leaf boxes. I spent a *long* time trying to find either a fix or a workaround for a rather wierd bug in the particle system mechanics. For any particle system, there's a float value that is used to determine the rate at which particle systems generate particles. I was already aware that this float did *not* have a linear relationship with the rate of particle system spawns (i.e. changing it from 1000 to 2000 didn't quite double the number of particles spawning, nor does changing it from 1000 to 500 half the spawn rate), but it turns out that there's a threshold somewhere just over 0.4 where the system will simply cut off and spawn nothing at all. For the trees that's not such a big deal as I gave them fairly high spawn rates due to their leaf-space volume, but for a lot of the shrubs this is a major issue: the 0.4
x value is still quite high when you're dealing with large leaves from a small shrub. The more annoying thing yet is that this cutoff value is *not* consistent from box to box: even simply changing the texture the particle system's using can be enough to nudge it from "functional" to "non-functional", or the other way (i.e. nothing in the system's mechanics has changed at all), and also from *computer system* to computer system. I had reports from Hanaisse that some boxes worked that when I checked actually didn't for me, and reports of boxes that didn't work on her/his system that did on mine. Go figure.
I did find what I thought was a workaround, by assigning float data to the float and changing it over time so that it fluctuated above and below the threshold. If it spent half the time above and half the time below then that'd be half the number of particles spawned, right? Well it turned out, no. Comparing two systems where one had the float set to 0.6666 permanently and one where the float spent about 1/3rd of the time at 0.6666 and 2/3rds of the time at 0, I discovered that the second system spawned quite a lot more particles than the first.
So I've wasted a
lot of time trying to find a sensible solution and at this point I've pretty much given up: shrubs are either going to have quite a lot of leaves or none at all and while I'm sure it's quite possible to find values for the float data that will give lower spawn rates, I simply don't have the time or desire to continue working on that right now: far too much time necessary. Progress on new boxes is once again being made though, and is continuing much apace.