But if you look at it, a boatload of the things you see on the white board have been implemented and confirmed. If you study it carefully a few things that are not confirmed can be also be seen:
At 1:49 you see the crafting stations. It shows an animated guy in the background working (recently confirmed at the Euro show)
At 2:04 you can see some potion effects. I can make out restore health (confirmed) damage health (confirmed) possibly (DOUBLE DAMAGE) cool as hell potion effect IMO, probably shock resistance, and that last one is who knows... E Weak. Any ideas what that is?
It also shows mushrooms. Not sure what we will make with them but it shows something to do with damage.
At 2:55 you can see THE OFFICIAL MAP
At 3:00 there is various concept art. That thing in the middle wearing a loin cloth with claws up in the air and wolf looking head looks a LOT like a werewolf to me. Loin cloth would be consistent with player transforming. To the upper right we see the same creature in a modeling sheet (left side, front and back). Looks like a werewolf again and has the loin cloth.
At 3:06 it shows the horker meat which is confirmed, and also a mammoth nose, and who knows what the other stuff is. Venison and I'm not sure.
At 3:10 I think that is the frost troll we saw in the video demo.
At 3:45 we see the eye of Nagnus. Could this guy be a grey beard?
Anyhow, maybe this was talked to death in January, but after learning a great deal about Skyrim this year we can revisit this to get a few more possible ideas. I though it was interesting. When I first saw it early this year it was hard to take in because we didn't know much about Skyrim but now that we know more it's easier to put the pieces into perspective.