Firstly here are the specs of my Laptop:
Intel? Core i7 620M Dual Core 3.06GHz
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1GB GDDR5
4GB DDR3 1333Mhz RAM
128GB OCZ Vertex 2 SSD
Windows 7
The first problem seems to be with the lag, I've scanned around a little bit and saw that a few people are having trouble with ATI cards... I am running the game on medium, with shadow quality set to medium, and a few things turned off. And it runs ok, not great but fine, I dont have the FPS being read out as I play but I guess it's around 30-50. At high it was lower, as expected

The other problem I'm getting is that the game tends to freak out from time to time, I've fired up Brink a total of 3 times since purchasing it. The first time it closed to desktop after a game without any notice, and I don't know if this has anything to do with the game itself, but around 5 minutes after this happened my laptop started to make a loud screeching sound, it sounded like it may have been coming out of the speakers but I was busy trying to switch it off to really investigate as to where the sound was coming from!
The second time I launched Brink, after a few games the text in the menus (sub heading for the abilities) was completly distorted, with tons of small black pixels over the text.
A quick note before I end this big post

Thanks for reading!