OK here are my issues with the game take it or leave it (or make a better suggestion):
Technical aspects:
1) Why multiplatform? This severely limits the PC version of the game - no DX11, antique 3D engine, no high graphics details (they may have looked good 2-3 years back, but not today). Yes obviously Bethesda makes more money from several platforms... but this is not a compromise, this is completely trashing the PC version.
2) Another serious issue is view distance. Obviously the 3D engine puts limitations on view distance and the anisotropic filtering is horrible - nothing but blur from say "100 yards" away in the game. Yes, I do have all settings maxed out.
3) Nothing really random. All locations have specific NPCs scripted to them, some die, some respawn. No "randomness" whatsoever. No people moving in and out of the main map... at all. Except maybe the player.
4) No faction wars, except sidequests. This is really boring.
5) No more travelling caravans except the samse sense that there was in F3. The way I see it NV is a hub of trade, there should be FAR more "tourists" and traders going in and out.
6) Too few unique NPCs. Every main location has essential quest-related and other unique NPCs, but most of them are just "filling the blanks". No conversation with them to speak of, no interaction... this is also very boring and dull.
7) "ecology". Sometimes, very rarely, I`ve seen NCR\Raiders\Legion\Traders\etc fight. Some few times same thing vs Wildlife. Shouldn`t there be more interaction between groups, like random conflicts, robberies, "turf wars" etc?
8) Survival and gameplay. Other than the few times the player needs to drink and eat it`s impossible to call this "survival". A short 10 min search at any location will supply the player with water and food for DAYS. It feels like a shopping mall, not a wasteland!
9) Combat ... I think the player is way too strong, way too invincible and same goes for most NPCs. Both can take many hits from many weapons (50 cal, grenades, missiles etc) that are otherwise 100% lethal IRL. Take a look at how gameplay is in for example "Operation Flashpoint" - not run and gun, but try beating even 2 or 5 opponents at once who have just as much chance of dying as you do. This makes for a difficult and challenging...and at the same time rewarding gamplay. Shooting someone 5 times with a shotgun in the head is just to kill the guy is just BS.
10) NPC AI... not much to say there, only that it does not exist.
Geography issues.
1) I`ve been to both DC and Nevada, including Las Vegas. The game (especially NV) does not resemble Nevada at all. Is Bethesda`s idea of USA random cliffs and hills with a rare bit of flat land inbetween?
2) Distance between locations. Could you not make a bigger map? Everything is a stonethrow away from one place to the other.
3) Same as point 2 - map too small. In F3 every inch of it was at least explorable, in NV at the most 70%, everything else just "for show" on the map, inaccessible.
I know, this is a "rant", but seriously - I first downloaded, then bought the F3 and I later bought NV with all DLCs. I am a fan of fallout and similar games, just that the way Bethesda is doing it is far from right.
I would gladly pay twice, or even 5x as much for a game with a bigger map and more realism.