After seeing 30+ dungeons, I've seen enough to say that skyrim dungeons are designed quite well.
+There's a great variety of big and small dungeons.
+There are alot of notable ones have unique atmospheres and design.
+Scale in some dungeons is very very impressive.
+Good incoporation of lore into most dungeons
+Interesting trap placement
+Fitting environment + enemies for the types of dungeon.
- some dungeons only had 1 enemy type
- some puzzles are stupid.
- dungeons with dragon walls/main quest/guild quest were much better designed.
overall, dungeon design in skyrim made dungeon crawling much more enjoyable to me.
Game says I have visited over 100 dungeons so far. It did not feel like that many which is further proof for me that dungeons are much improved. I hated dungeons in Oblivion to the point that I avoided them. I love going in Skyrim dungeons.
1. So far each one except 2 for me have appeared to be unique.
2. Found some dungeons where two different enemies are fighting each other. I feel that the variety of mobs is improved and fresh.
3. Many have the creepy feeling like some baddie will jump out at any moment.
4. Find the dragon ones the most fun. Dragon priest and lords battles are interesting. Feel like the loot and dragon word at the end are good payoffs.
5. Many have good books in them that add to the Lore.
6. Have not experienced any glitches or frame rate drops in them. (note: I am having bugs and lag outside of dungeons). This tells me that they took time in their code unit testing and additional testing to make these stable.
Overall, the Skyrim dungeons demonstrate that Bethesda put a lot of thought and care into the design and coding.